France might tax cheap Chinese fashion items

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020

France’s lower house of parliament has backed a string of measures to make low-cost fast fashion, especially items from Chinese mass producers, less attractive to buyers.

Thursday’s vote makes France the first country in the world “legislating to limit the excesses of ultra fast fashion”, said Christophe Bechu, minister for the ecological transition. The measures still require a vote in the Senate.

Key measures include a ban on advertising for the cheapest textiles, and an environmental charge on low-cost items.

I remember when Marks & Spencer had to ditch all the good quality UK clothing manufacturers to compete with the crap from Primark. Unfortunately people buy the cheap crap these days, thinking it's a bargain. Buy cheap, buy twice

So it fuels a throw-away society, and pollution wise, fashion is high on the list. So France is the first country in looking to tax the cheap imported crap.

I secretly nd this, the UK should have done this over a decade ago. When you went into an M&S store, you felt the quality of the place, when they ditched UK manufacturers and displayed the cheap crap, you honestly can feel the crapness when you enter the store. You just get the feeling of thin cheap material lightweight clothes.

Good on France, I hope the idea catches on. Would the USA do the same? Obviously for environmental reasons.

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