When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Arabs did not begin it! For over 100 years, Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews got along in relative peace it wasn't until the Zionist migration did things get violent.
Precisely. Zionists forced Minority Rule upon the inhabitants. If the Jews simply assimilated into Palestine there wouldn’t have been any problem at all. But they didn't do that and now Israel is pure NAZISM.
You're talking about Zion. I didn't even mention it. ➡️It's not only your grammar but English comprehension in general that has you stymied.
Why didn't you say Robert, "I do not know where Zion is"?
Map of Palestine please!!!
Go and check out this thread - the one you continuously keep commenting on with your bull. Others and me have posted several maps depicting PALESTINE.

Israeli maps also depict the West-bank as well as Gaza.

Since you are not aware (you state so yourself) as to where Palestine is - and that you don't even have a map that shows Palestine, then WTF are you posting about in the first place??
Was Palestine a country before Israel?

While the State of Israel was established on 15 May 1948 and admitted to the United Nations, a Palestinian State was not established. The remaining territories of pre-1948 Palestine, the West Bank - including East Jerusalem- and Gaza Strip, were administered from 1948 till 1967 by Jordan and Egypt, respectively.
Again intentionally presented wrong and faulty by folks like you.

Israel was established on the territory of British Mandated Palestine - since there was no Israel
Jordan as well (before Israel) was established on the territory of British Mandated Palestine
Both occupation periods - those by Egypt and Jordan and since 1967 by Israel - HAVE NEVER been recognized by the UN.
Whilst Egypt and Jordan have withdrawn their claims - Israel is in breach of having accepted the former green line to be the international recognized boundary of Israel - that EXCLUDES the West-bank and Gaza.

How stupid must you be, to constantly reiterate your false and idiotic claims??
Where is Zion?
It is the Hebrew designation of a Canaanite city - later termed Jerusalem.
Thus Zionists declaring that the entire former Kingdom of David (destroyed and conquered by the Assyrians at around 550 B.C.) represents the Zionist claim of a new Israel. - acknowledged internationally by absolutely NO ONE.

Again you only proof that you got no clue as to what you and your pals talk about.
RE: When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free
SUBTOPIC:Hostile Arab Palestinian Position (
that which is hard to make out, to. define or is vague)
⁜→ Billo-Really, GLASNOST, et al,


✦ The Zionist Migration • Is it the cause?

✦ The assumption not held in evidence: Was Jewish Assimilation possible?

✦ Is this ad hominem attack making the fallacious assumption that Israel is a totalitarian and socio-political government a reasonable assessment?

Arabs did not begin it! For over 100 years, Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews got along in relative peace it wasn't until the Zionist migration did things get violent.
Precisely. Zionists forced Minority Rule upon the inhabitants. If the Jews simply assimilated into Palestine there wouldn’t have been any problem at all. But they didn't do that and now Israel is pure NAZISM.

Of the twenty-two states making the Arab League confederation, which of these states is considered a government with the greater human development than that of Israel? Answer: "NONE"

Of the twenty-two states making the Arab League confederation, which of these states is considered racially or religiously more diverse that Israel?

Of those determined by the European Union, is subject to Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism:

✦ Which of these organizations are Israeli?

✦ Which of theses organizations connected with one or more member nations of the Arab League?

✦ Which are Hostile Arab Palestinian organizations?

1.ABDOLLAHI Hamed (a.k.a. Mustafa Abdullahi), born 11.8.1960 in Iran. Passport number: D9004878.
2.AL-NASSER Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed, born in Al Ihsa (Saudi Arabia), citizen of Saudi Arabia.
3.AL-YACOUB Ibrahim Salih Mohammed, born 16.10.1966 in Tarut (Saudi Arabia), citizen of Saudi Arabia.
4.ARBABSIAR Manssor (a.k.a. Mansour Arbabsiar), born 6.3.1955 or 15.3.1955 in Iran. Iranian and US national, passport number: C2002515 (Iran); passport number: 477845448 (USA). National ID number: 07442833, expiry date 15.3.2016 (USA driving licence).
5.ASSADI Assadollah (a.k.a. Assadollah Asadi), born 22.12.1971 in Tehran (Iran), Iranian national. Iranian diplomatic passport number: D9016657.
6.BOUYERI Mohammed (a.k.a. Abu Zubair, a.k.a. Sobiar, a.k.a. Abu Zoubair), born 8.3.1978 in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
7.EL HAJJ Hassan Hassan, born 22.3.1988 in Zaghdraiya, Sidon, Lebanon, Canadian citizen. Passport number: JX446643 (Canada).
8.HASHEMI MOGHADAM Saeid, born 6.8.1962 in Tehran (Iran), Iranian national. Passport number: D9016290, valid until 4.2.2019.
9.IZZ-AL-DIN Hasan (a.k.a. Garbaya, Ahmed, a.k.a. Sa’id, a.k.a. Salwwan, Samir), Lebanon, born 1963 in Lebanon, citizen of Lebanon.
10.MELIAD Farah, born 5.11.1980 in Sydney (Australia), Australian citizen. Passport number: M2719127 (Australia).
11.MOHAMMED Khalid Sheikh (a.k.a. Ali, Salem, a.k.a. Bin Khalid, Fahd Bin Adballah, a.k.a. Henin, Ashraf Refaat Nabith, a.k.a. Wadood, Khalid Adbul), born 14.4.1965 or 1.3.1964 in Pakistan, passport number 488555.
12.SHAHLAI Abdul Reza (a.k.a. Abdol Reza Shala’i, a.k.a. Abd-al Reza Shalai, a.k.a. Abdorreza Shahlai, a.k.a. Abdolreza Shahla’i, a.k.a. Abdul-Reza Shahlaee, a.k.a. Hajj Yusef, a.k.a. Haji Yusif, a.k.a. Hajji Yasir, a.k.a. Hajji Yusif, a.k.a. Yusuf Abu-al-Karkh), born circa 1957 in Iran. Addresses: (1) Kermanshah, Iran, (2) Mehran Military Base, Ilam Province, Iran.
13.SHAKURI Ali Gholam, born circa 1965 in Tehran, Iran.
1.‘Abu Nidal Organisation’ – ‘ANO’ (a.k.a. ‘Fatah Revolutionary Council’, a.k.a. ‘Arab Revolutionary Brigades’, a.k.a. ‘Black September’, a.k.a. ‘Revolutionary Organisation of Socialist Muslims’).
2.‘Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade’.
3.‘Al-Aqsa e.V’.
4.‘Babbar Khalsa’.
5.‘Communist Party of the Philippines’, including ‘New People’s Army’ – ‘NPA’, Philippines.
6.Directorate for Internal Security of the Iranian Ministry for Intelligence and Security.
7.‘Gama’a al-Islamiyya’ (a.k.a. ‘Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya’) (‘Islamic Group’ – ‘IG’).
8.‘İslami Büyük Doğu Akıncılar Cephesi’ – ‘IBDA-C’ (‘Great Islamic Eastern Warriors Front’).
9.‘Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’.
10.‘Hizballah Military Wing’ (a.k.a. ‘Hezbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbullah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hezballah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hisbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbu’llah Military Wing’ a.k.a. ‘Hizb Allah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Jihad Council’ (and all units reporting to it, including the External Security Organisation)).
11.‘Hizbul Mujahideen’ – ‘HM’.
12.‘Khalistan Zindabad Force’ – ‘KZF’.
13.‘Kurdistan Workers’ Party’ – ‘PKK’ (a.k.a. ‘KADEK’, a.k.a. ‘KONGRA-GEL’).
14.‘Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam’ – ‘LTTE’.
15.‘Ejército de Liberación Nacional’ (‘National Liberation Army’).
16.‘Palestinian Islamic Jihad’ – ‘PIJ’.
17.‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’ – ‘PFLP’.
18.‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command’ (a.k.a. ‘PFLP – General Command’).
19.‘Devrimci Halk Kurtuluș Partisi-Cephesi’ – ‘DHKP/C’ (a.k.a. ‘Devrimci Sol’ (‘Revolutionary Left’), a.k.a. ‘Dev Sol’) (‘Revolutionary People’s Liberation Army/Front/Party’).
20.‘Sendero Luminoso’ – ‘SL’ (‘Shining Path’).
21.‘Teyrbazen Azadiya Kurdistan’ – ‘TAK’ (a.k.a. ‘Kurdistan Freedom Falcons’, a.k.a. ‘Kurdistan Freedom Hawks’).

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,
Precisely. Zionists forced Minority Rule upon the inhabitants. If the Jews simply assimilated into Palestine there wouldn’t have been any problem at all. But they didn't do that and now Israel is pure NAZISM

Arabs did not begin it! For over 100 years, Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews got along in relative peace it wasn't until the Zionist migration did things get violent.
Yeah right. Heh Heh.

Precisely. Zionists forced Minority Rule upon the inhabitants. If the Jews simply assimilated into Palestine there wouldn’t have been any problem at all. But they didn't do that and now Israel is pure NAZISM.
There you spoke again of Zionists. I asked you and you said you did not bring up Zion. I ask again, where is Zion? I believe you actually mean the Ottoman Empire. It was governing over all of what is now Israel.
I am sure you've come to the same conclusion as I. We (1) write for the benefit of those (2) who are observing, and allow the nutcases (3) to make fools of themselves unrestrained.
What do they say? "It's better not to say anything and let people think you're a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt!"

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