France passes law imposing up to two years prison for running pro-life websites

The Constitution says "all persons."

That's about as INCLUSIVE as it gets.... and it would include "persons" who are in any and EVERY stage of life, growth and development.

Well. . .

At least, to an intellectually honest person, it would.

When a blastocyst is legally defined as a "person" then let me know.

Until then, what a woman does with her own body is no one's business but her own.

Sad that a child has to live long enough and develop past the point where an idiot like you can't deny them anymore - before you will accept the fact that they are a child.

I don't think it's sad.

This is a problem of competing rights: the rights of a woman to her own body, and the rights of the developing POTENTIAL life inside her.

Who's rights are greater? At no time should the woman's rights be less than. But at some point the developing life inside her begins to have it's own rights. Most likely we disagree on when those rights begin.

You are being so dense and simplistic, i have to believe it is intentionally so.

Let me educate you on something.

Potential human beings do not "physically" exist. If they do exist, they are no longer just a "potential."

A child in the womb in ANY stage of development DOES exist. I can share pictures if you need them.

So your pap about them only being a "potential" human being is so easily disproven, it's a waste of time to consider it. As, AGAIN, we already have fetal HOMICIDE laws that recognize and DEFINE "children in the womb" in "any stage of development" as such.

You are more than welcome to TRY to overturn those laws and definitions... but until you are able to do so, we are going to continue to build on those laws to overturn Roe v Wade.

Until it's born, it's a potential life.


Ok.... with that,

I'm done with your trolling.

Thankfully, our laws have already progressed far beyond you denials. We just need to keep building on them.
When a blastocyst is legally defined as a "person" then let me know.

Until then, what a woman does with her own body is no one's business but her own.

Sad that a child has to live long enough and develop past the point where an idiot like you can't deny them anymore - before you will accept the fact that they are a child.

I don't think it's sad.

This is a problem of competing rights: the rights of a woman to her own body, and the rights of the developing POTENTIAL life inside her.

Who's rights are greater? At no time should the woman's rights be less than. But at some point the developing life inside her begins to have it's own rights. Most likely we disagree on when those rights begin.

You are being so dense and simplistic, i have to believe it is intentionally so.

Let me educate you on something.

Potential human beings do not "physically" exist. If they do exist, they are no longer just a "potential."

A child in the womb in ANY stage of development DOES exist. I can share pictures if you need them.

So your pap about them only being a "potential" human being is so easily disproven, it's a waste of time to consider it. As, AGAIN, we already have fetal HOMICIDE laws that recognize and DEFINE "children in the womb" in "any stage of development" as such.

You are more than welcome to TRY to overturn those laws and definitions... but until you are able to do so, we are going to continue to build on those laws to overturn Roe v Wade.

Until it's born, it's a potential life.


Ok.... with that,

I'm done with your trolling.

Thankfully, our laws have already progressed far beyond you denials. We just need to keep building on them.
And with the courts soon to be back in our hands....
They aren't imprisoning people for running pro-life websites.

They are making it illegal to LIE about abortion risks.

Hey stupid. It amounts to the same thing. If you have a pro-life website, the state will now accuse you of lying no matter what you say. If you say something innocuous like "adoption is better than abortion" , the state will say "that's a lie and we're gonna lock you up". THINK
Sad that a child has to live long enough and develop past the point where an idiot like you can't deny them anymore - before you will accept the fact that they are a child.

I don't think it's sad.

This is a problem of competing rights: the rights of a woman to her own body, and the rights of the developing POTENTIAL life inside her.

Who's rights are greater? At no time should the woman's rights be less than. But at some point the developing life inside her begins to have it's own rights. Most likely we disagree on when those rights begin.

You are being so dense and simplistic, i have to believe it is intentionally so.

Let me educate you on something.

Potential human beings do not "physically" exist. If they do exist, they are no longer just a "potential."

A child in the womb in ANY stage of development DOES exist. I can share pictures if you need them.

So your pap about them only being a "potential" human being is so easily disproven, it's a waste of time to consider it. As, AGAIN, we already have fetal HOMICIDE laws that recognize and DEFINE "children in the womb" in "any stage of development" as such.

You are more than welcome to TRY to overturn those laws and definitions... but until you are able to do so, we are going to continue to build on those laws to overturn Roe v Wade.

Until it's born, it's a potential life.


Ok.... with that,

I'm done with your trolling.

Thankfully, our laws have already progressed far beyond you denials. We just need to keep building on them.
And with the courts soon to be back in our hands....

Ah...back to the good old days...and coat hangers :)
I don't think it's sad.

This is a problem of competing rights: the rights of a woman to her own body, and the rights of the developing POTENTIAL life inside her.

Who's rights are greater? At no time should the woman's rights be less than. But at some point the developing life inside her begins to have it's own rights. Most likely we disagree on when those rights begin.

You are being so dense and simplistic, i have to believe it is intentionally so.

Let me educate you on something.

Potential human beings do not "physically" exist. If they do exist, they are no longer just a "potential."

A child in the womb in ANY stage of development DOES exist. I can share pictures if you need them.

So your pap about them only being a "potential" human being is so easily disproven, it's a waste of time to consider it. As, AGAIN, we already have fetal HOMICIDE laws that recognize and DEFINE "children in the womb" in "any stage of development" as such.

You are more than welcome to TRY to overturn those laws and definitions... but until you are able to do so, we are going to continue to build on those laws to overturn Roe v Wade.

Until it's born, it's a potential life.


Ok.... with that,

I'm done with your trolling.

Thankfully, our laws have already progressed far beyond you denials. We just need to keep building on them.
And with the courts soon to be back in our hands....

Ah...back to the good old days...and coat hangers :)
I'd still charge you if you got caught... If you died as a result of the attempt, I'd pity only the loss of the child. And if you suffered grievous injury in the attempt... I'd call it a draw, and walk away....
Making abortion legal is one of the worst mistakes this country has ever known
If it's a matter of it being her body to do as she pleases, why is prostitution illegal?
Making abortion legal is one of the worst mistakes this country has ever known
If it's a matter of it being her body to do as she pleases, why is prostitution illegal?

It isn't everywhere.
You are being so dense and simplistic, i have to believe it is intentionally so.

Let me educate you on something.

Potential human beings do not "physically" exist. If they do exist, they are no longer just a "potential."

A child in the womb in ANY stage of development DOES exist. I can share pictures if you need them.

So your pap about them only being a "potential" human being is so easily disproven, it's a waste of time to consider it. As, AGAIN, we already have fetal HOMICIDE laws that recognize and DEFINE "children in the womb" in "any stage of development" as such.

You are more than welcome to TRY to overturn those laws and definitions... but until you are able to do so, we are going to continue to build on those laws to overturn Roe v Wade.

Until it's born, it's a potential life.


Ok.... with that,

I'm done with your trolling.

Thankfully, our laws have already progressed far beyond you denials. We just need to keep building on them.
And with the courts soon to be back in our hands....

Ah...back to the good old days...and coat hangers :)
I'd still charge you if you got caught... If you died as a result of the attempt, I'd pity only the loss of the child. And if you suffered grievous injury in the attempt... I'd call it a draw, and walk away....

Of course you would.
The left is constantly battling free speech and no doubt they want such a law in america too.

France passes law imposing up to two years prison for running pro-life websites

feb 17 2017 PARIS, France, February 17, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — The French National Assembly has adopted legislation to make what it calls “spreading misleading information” about abortion punishable with up to a two-year prison sentence and a fine.

The law specifically targets “electronic” and “online” means of spreading information with the intention of dissuading women from ending their pregnancy, but its wording is not restrictive. By and large, any person or group aiming to call public attention to the dangers and risks of abortion will be potentially at risk of prosecution.

It is the latest in a series of pro-abortion laws that have made “voluntary interruption of pregnancy,” as the French euphemism goes, a purely elective and 100 percent publicly-funded “fundamental right” since socialist François Hollande came into power five years ago.

Spreading lies about abortion. We all know which lies those are.
Making abortion legal is one of the worst mistakes this country has ever known
If it's a matter of it being her body to do as she pleases, why is prostitution illegal?

I think abortion should be legal but i feel very strongly that the constitution says it is a state matter, not a federal one.
Adopt an embryo then. Until then, it's not your business.
When President Trump replaces Ginsberg , Breyer, Thomas with a younger black conservative jusitice, and even Kennedy with someone who can always be relied on, it will become OUR business when we make Right to Life a national priority.

You death demons days are numbered.tice, and
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You are being so dense and simplistic, i have to believe it is intentionally so.

Let me educate you on something.

Potential human beings do not "physically" exist. If they do exist, they are no longer just a "potential."

A child in the womb in ANY stage of development DOES exist. I can share pictures if you need them.

So your pap about them only being a "potential" human being is so easily disproven, it's a waste of time to consider it. As, AGAIN, we already have fetal HOMICIDE laws that recognize and DEFINE "children in the womb" in "any stage of development" as such.

You are more than welcome to TRY to overturn those laws and definitions... but until you are able to do so, we are going to continue to build on those laws to overturn Roe v Wade.

Until it's born, it's a potential life.


Ok.... with that,

I'm done with your trolling.

Thankfully, our laws have already progressed far beyond you denials. We just need to keep building on them.
And with the courts soon to be back in our hands....

Ah...back to the good old days...and coat hangers :)
I'd still charge you if you got caught... If you died as a result of the attempt, I'd pity only the loss of the child. And if you suffered grievous injury in the attempt... I'd call it a draw, and walk away....

I love women and I care about women very much. especially my own family members and friends who are women. However, with that said I have to ask EVEN them.... why society should care about a child killer who manages to injure or even kill them self while in the act of killing a child?

Yes, I understand the many MANY reasons why women seek abortions. The ones who are ignorant about the fact that an abortion kills a child because they have bought into the left's denials about the facts? That's one thing. But the ones who KNOW fully well that they are seeking someone to kill their child?

I don't feel any remorse or pity for them at all, when they manage to harm them self in the act. No more than I would a rapist who get's offed in the act of his crime, anyway.
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Making abortion legal is one of the worst mistakes this country has ever known
If it's a matter of it being her body to do as she pleases, why is prostitution illegal?

I think abortion should be legal but i feel very strongly that the constitution says it is a state matter, not a federal one.

Once the Child in the womb is recognized by the Supreme Court as a "person" - those children Automatically become entitled to the Constitutional protections of our laws.

No State can just take that away.
Until it's born, it's a potential life.


Ok.... with that,

I'm done with your trolling.

Thankfully, our laws have already progressed far beyond you denials. We just need to keep building on them.
And with the courts soon to be back in our hands....

Ah...back to the good old days...and coat hangers :)
I'd still charge you if you got caught... If you died as a result of the attempt, I'd pity only the loss of the child. And if you suffered grievous injury in the attempt... I'd call it a draw, and walk away....

I love women and I care about women very much. especially my own family members and friends who are women. However, with that said I have to ask EVEN them.... why society should care about a child killer who manages to injure or even kill them self while in the act of killing a child?

Yes, I understand the many MANY reasons why women seek abortions. The ones who are ignorant about the fact that an abortion kills a child because they have bought into the left's denials about the facts? that's one thing. But the ones who KNOW fully well that they are seeking someone to kill their child?

I don't feel any remorse or pity for them at all - when they manage to harm them self in the act. No more than I would a rapist who get's offed in the act of his crime, anyway.
I'd offer her blood thinners...
Making abortion legal is one of the worst mistakes this country has ever known
If it's a matter of it being her body to do as she pleases, why is prostitution illegal?

I think abortion should be legal but i feel very strongly that the constitution says it is a state matter, not a federal one.
If I believed abortion should be legal, I'd be with you...state matter' not fed. But I'll be damned if I can wrap my head around a woman being legally able to kill her (and the mans) child

Ok.... with that,

I'm done with your trolling.

Thankfully, our laws have already progressed far beyond you denials. We just need to keep building on them.
And with the courts soon to be back in our hands....

Ah...back to the good old days...and coat hangers :)
I'd still charge you if you got caught... If you died as a result of the attempt, I'd pity only the loss of the child. And if you suffered grievous injury in the attempt... I'd call it a draw, and walk away....

I love women and I care about women very much. especially my own family members and friends who are women. However, with that said I have to ask EVEN them.... why society should care about a child killer who manages to injure or even kill them self while in the act of killing a child?

Yes, I understand the many MANY reasons why women seek abortions. The ones who are ignorant about the fact that an abortion kills a child because they have bought into the left's denials about the facts? that's one thing. But the ones who KNOW fully well that they are seeking someone to kill their child?

I don't feel any remorse or pity for them at all - when they manage to harm them self in the act. No more than I would a rapist who get's offed in the act of his crime, anyway.
I'd offer her blood thinners...

Oh wow.

I don't think I could do that. Though I do see where you are coming from.
The left is constantly battling free speech and no doubt they want such a law in america too.

France passes law imposing up to two years prison for running pro-life websites

feb 17 2017 PARIS, France, February 17, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — The French National Assembly has adopted legislation to make what it calls “spreading misleading information” about abortion punishable with up to a two-year prison sentence and a fine.

The law specifically targets “electronic” and “online” means of spreading information with the intention of dissuading women from ending their pregnancy, but its wording is not restrictive. By and large, any person or group aiming to call public attention to the dangers and risks of abortion will be potentially at risk of prosecution.

It is the latest in a series of pro-abortion laws that have made “voluntary interruption of pregnancy,” as the French euphemism goes, a purely elective and 100 percent publicly-funded “fundamental right” since socialist François Hollande came into power five years ago.


OP is a lie.

They aren't imprisoning people for running pro-life websites.

They are making it illegal to LIE about abortion risks.

And what "lies" have occurred that make this law expedient or even good?
Making abortion legal is one of the worst mistakes this country has ever known
If it's a matter of it being her body to do as she pleases, why is prostitution illegal?

I think abortion should be legal but i feel very strongly that the constitution says it is a state matter, not a federal one.
If I believed abortion should be legal, I'd be with you...state matter' not fed. But I'll be damned if I can wrap my head around a woman being legally able to kill her (and the mans) child
Then rich republican women can go to a state where abortion is legal

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