'Bout damned time that fucking drug addled, lying, stupid fucking hooker and all round c*nt sits her ass in jail for a LONG, LONG, LONG time.
She should have been there after destroying the lives of the Duke young men and their families for well more than a year.
The blog I have linked to below is a COMPREHENSIVE compendium of her racist exploitatation of these young men. The man who wrote this blog is a CUNY professor and Fulbright scholar who covered this case extensively and published a book about it.
Here are his comments on Mangum's arrest:
Durham-in-Wonderland: Mangum Arrested (Updated)
In my ever not so humble opinion, Crystal Gail Mangum deserves to be tortured mentally, physically and in every other way. Just the same way she tortured the Duke Men....simply because they were white.
Hey....52nd Street,
here's one of your FINE, "SUPERIOR" black women. You stupid racist motherfucker.
What an ugly 'ho (completely). There is absolutely NOTHING redeeming about her. Not ONE redeeming quality. But, hell, I bet you, and Casper and Charlie Basshoile DEFENDED this ugly, worthless piece of shit when she was PERSECUTING the Duke men. Fucktard.