Fraudulent Duke accuser & darling of the left and MSM charged with attempted murder

'Bout damned time that fucking drug addled, lying, stupid fucking hooker and all round c*nt sits her ass in jail for a LONG, LONG, LONG time.

She should have been there after destroying the lives of the Duke young men and their families for well more than a year.

The blog I have linked to below is a COMPREHENSIVE compendium of her racist exploitatation of these young men. The man who wrote this blog is a CUNY professor and Fulbright scholar who covered this case extensively and published a book about it.


Here are his comments on Mangum's arrest: Durham-in-Wonderland: Mangum Arrested (Updated)

In my ever not so humble opinion, Crystal Gail Mangum deserves to be tortured mentally, physically and in every other way. Just the same way she tortured the Duke Men....simply because they were white.

Hey....52nd Street, here's one of your FINE, "SUPERIOR" black women. You stupid racist motherfucker.

What an ugly 'ho (completely). There is absolutely NOTHING redeeming about her. Not ONE redeeming quality. But, hell, I bet you, and Casper and Charlie Basshoile DEFENDED this ugly, worthless piece of shit when she was PERSECUTING the Duke men. Fucktard.


Lord Yahshua. Here we go.:cuckoo:

So when are you and 52ndstreet going to "jump the broom" so to speak?

One thing I will say is those are very nice contacts she has on.:lol:

Contacts and BLONDE weave. Yeah, she's SO proud to be black and superior. :lol: :rofl:

Oh, and......I don't jump brooms. And certainly not with an asshole like 52nd. Mmmmmkay?

That's a shame. Marriage is such a beautiful thing. That is if your broke and have nothing to loose anyway.

And girl you know you love him...stop trippin'.:lol::lol:
long post

Such hatred.

Why the intense hatred? I mean, I don't think anyone is claiming that she's a good person. But this level of hatred is a little ridiculous.

I followed this case closely. I saw the raw horrific pain this bitch inflicted on the young men, on their mothers, their fathers and siblings.

One mother saw her son marched to jail in handcuffs on NATIONAL TV---the day was her birthday. Happy fucking birthday, Mom.

I cannot forgive the unforgiveable.

I have a son who will be college age in 3 years. I would NEVER want to go through what the Duke young men and their families went through.

All because this horrible fucking c*nt lied and used race to "get paid by the white boys".

Go read that blog in its entirety. Watch the videos of the Moms. See their pain.

You will understand how I could hate this creepy little bitch. I am a Mom too, and I felt the Moms' pain every step of the way.
Lord Yahshua. Here we go.:cuckoo:

So when are you and 52ndstreet going to "jump the broom" so to speak?

One thing I will say is those are very nice contacts she has on.:lol:

Contacts and BLONDE weave. Yeah, she's SO proud to be black and superior. :lol: :rofl:

Oh, and......I don't jump brooms. And certainly not with an asshole like 52nd. Mmmmmkay?

That's a shame. Marriage is such a beautiful thing. That is if your broke and have nothing to loose anyway.

And girl you know you love him...stop trippin'.:lol::lol:
Was perfectly aware when I wrote that that she probably thought "jumping the broom" was some sort of negro slang meaning something distrubing.:lol::lol:
Contacts and BLONDE weave. Yeah, she's SO proud to be black and superior. :lol: :rofl:

Oh, and......I don't jump brooms. And certainly not with an asshole like 52nd. Mmmmmkay?

That's a shame. Marriage is such a beautiful thing. That is if your broke and have nothing to loose anyway.

And girl you know you love him...stop trippin'.:lol::lol:
Was perfectly aware when I wrote that that she probably thought "jumping the broom" was some sort of negro slang meaning something distrubing.:lol::lol:

You're a fucking racist dipshit.

I am perfectly aware that "jumping a broom" is part of AA wedding ceremonies.

Dumbass. Fuck off.
long post

Such hatred.

Why the intense hatred? I mean, I don't think anyone is claiming that she's a good person. But this level of hatred is a little ridiculous.

I followed this case closely. I saw the raw horrific pain this bitch inflicted on the young men, on their mothers, their fathers and siblings.

One mother saw her son marched to jail in handcuffs on NATIONAL TV---the day was her birthday. Happy fucking birthday, Mom.

I cannot forgive the unforgiveable.

I have a son who will be college age in 3 years. I would NEVER want to go through what the Duke young men and their families went through.

All because this horrible fucking c*nt lied and used race to "get paid by the white boys".

Go read that blog in its entirety. Watch the videos of the Moms. See their pain.

You will understand how I could hate this creepy little bitch. I am a Mom too, and I felt the Moms' pain every step of the way.

Your are right
she is a horrible person who happens to black

The left and the MSM could never see past the black part
That's a shame. Marriage is such a beautiful thing. That is if your broke and have nothing to loose anyway.

And girl you know you love him...stop trippin'.:lol::lol:
Was perfectly aware when I wrote that that she probably thought "jumping the broom" was some sort of negro slang meaning something distrubing.:lol::lol:

You're a fucking racist dipshit.

I am perfectly aware that "jumping a broom" is part of AA wedding ceremonies.

Dumbass. Fuck off.

Jesus Jeny you throw that word around more than Al Sharpton at a NRA rally in Birmingham.:lol:

Guess we gotta start calling you a liberal now.:eusa_angel:

You and your Muslim lover go so well together. Still never told me how I'm racist... or hate anybody because of their race. If you haven't noticed I don't go after white people in general, just you.:lol:

And that's just because... pissing you off is amusing and easy to do. You really need to chill and take a smoke break or something...
Such hatred.

Why the intense hatred? I mean, I don't think anyone is claiming that she's a good person. But this level of hatred is a little ridiculous.

I followed this case closely. I saw the raw horrific pain this bitch inflicted on the young men, on their mothers, their fathers and siblings.

One mother saw her son marched to jail in handcuffs on NATIONAL TV---the day was her birthday. Happy fucking birthday, Mom.

I cannot forgive the unforgiveable.

I have a son who will be college age in 3 years. I would NEVER want to go through what the Duke young men and their families went through.

All because this horrible fucking c*nt lied and used race to "get paid by the white boys".

Go read that blog in its entirety. Watch the videos of the Moms. See their pain.

You will understand how I could hate this creepy little bitch. I am a Mom too, and I felt the Moms' pain every step of the way.

Your are right
she is a horrible person who happens to black

The left and the MSM could never see past the black part

Yeah any woman that cries rape falsely is a pretty messed up chick. Black, white, blue, purple, or green it's just wrong and can mess a young man's life up. I know of a few cases personally with girls who've claimed raped and then we later found out that it wasn't rape they just didn't want their parents to know they were having sex when they came in their daughter's bedrooms and found a man in there. Rape is already a really hard crime to prove and cases like these make rape convictions even harder to come by when rape actually does happen. Outrageous really. This and paternity fraud. They're both really messed up.
Is there an honest conserative out there that can make a point without falsely mudslinging liberals? Really? How was she a fucking "left darling". She's a stupid bitch that frankly I didn't believe from the get go
She's black. The Duke boys were white.
She must be a victim.
Or just someone in the early stages of becoming a career criminal.
She's black. The Duke boys were white.
She must be a victim.
Or just someone in the early stages of becoming a career criminal.

Neotrotsky, can I have your permission to add to your statement that the left and MSM couldn't see past the "black" and say that this idiot clearly can't as well?

It just seems like the racial aspect of this won't go away. She was black they were white, she's a bad person. End of story.
Such hatred.

Why the intense hatred? I mean, I don't think anyone is claiming that she's a good person. But this level of hatred is a little ridiculous.

I followed this case closely. I saw the raw horrific pain this bitch inflicted on the young men, on their mothers, their fathers and siblings.

One mother saw her son marched to jail in handcuffs on NATIONAL TV---the day was her birthday. Happy fucking birthday, Mom.

I cannot forgive the unforgiveable.

I have a son who will be college age in 3 years. I would NEVER want to go through what the Duke young men and their families went through.

All because this horrible fucking c*nt lied and used race to "get paid by the white boys".

Go read that blog in its entirety. Watch the videos of the Moms. See their pain.

You will understand how I could hate this creepy little bitch. I am a Mom too, and I felt the Moms' pain every step of the way.

Your are right
she is a horrible person who happens to black

The left and the MSM could never see past the black part

The same is true of some on the right. Her race is immaterial to the issue, yet there's plenty of racist comments from right leaning posters on here. I am always disappointed with that kind of thing. It plays into the hands of the left who would tar us all as racists.
Darling of the left? You got proof of that?

You know they don't care what they lie about.

I never saw anyone call her a "darling" or support her in any way once it became clear she was a lying psycho.

In fairness, the media did seem to accept her word for the events in the early days. As did many others. It is a lesson to us all to wait until we have facts instead of one side of a story.
I never saw anyone call her a "darling" or support her in any way once it became clear she was a lying psycho.

Which took the Duke men and their families well more than a YEAR and SIX MILLION DOLLARS in legal defense fees to convince a Judge, the media, the DA and the public that Crystal Gail Mangum was a lying whore.

You wanna foot that kind of bill (emotional and financial), and spend that kind of time DEFENDING YOUR KID who has been falsely accused of RAPE?

I don't.

The whore was portrayed as a "hard working single Mom, Honor Roll College Student" in the media, by the DA, by several different black organizations, including the NAACP in NC.

When in fact, she was lying on her back, legs spread wide open for any dick that would pay her. She was a fucking walking sperm bank, matter of fact. When the results of her "rape kit" came back, they found the sperm of a half dozen to a dozen different men in her anus, vagina, public hair, underpants, bra and clothing.

Charming girl, huh?

She didn't go to school either. She did drugs and whored around. She thought she'd hit "pay dirt", by gettting the gig with "the RICH white boys at Duke".

Do the research.

I dare you.

Read this comprehensive account of hwat happened from start to finish:

I dare you.

You don't have the guts to do it.

You don't have the guts to be honest and admit the REAL way this filthy sack of shit was portrayed for more than a YEAR, meanwhile the Duke men and their families were demonized, terrorized (a NBPP member openly threatened their lives in court, in full earshot of a judge), and ostracized by society.

You, jillian, are a fucking clueless "attorney". protecting one of your own.....Mike Nifong?

Why the hell wouldn't that surprise me?

Last edited:
She's black. The Duke boys were white.
She must be a victim.
Or just someone in the early stages of becoming a career criminal.

Neotrotsky, can I have your permission to add to your statement that the left and MSM couldn't see past the "black" and say that this idiot clearly can't as well?

It just seems like the racial aspect of this won't go away. She was black they were white, she's a bad person. End of story.

The lying WHORE brought race into it from the get-go.

The NAACP-NC continued to perpetuate the race issues.

They terrorized the Duke men IN THEIR HOME after her malicious and false claims.

Do the research.

I dare you. You don't have the intellectual honesty or guts to do it.

Read up, Mr. NAACP, NBPP:
Oh, and jillian, you can Neg-Rep me into oblivion. You somehow think your points make you special.

Hint: They don't.

They make you a neg-rep bully. And stupid.

Fine by me.

Gunnyfuck doesn't think much of that kind of bullying behavior. You obviously don't get that. ;)
In fairness, the media did seem to accept her word for the events in the early days. As did many others. It is a lesson to us all to wait until we have facts instead of one side of a story.

i never saw anyone in media use words other than "alleged".

were they sympathetic to her? i'd hope so. they're generally sympathetic to victims... until those people turn out not to be victims.

sexual assault is a sensitive thing because for far too long, rape victims were treated as if they were the criminals.

this woman and the woman at hofstra should be beaten with their own arms for turning back the clock two decades.
Oh, and jillian, you can Neg-Rep me into oblivion. You somehow think your points mae you special.

Hint: They don't.

They make you a neg-rep bully.

Fine by me.

Gunnyfuck doesn't think much of that kind of behavior. ;)

just for the record... the above insane, lying, psychotic troll negged me first.

not that i care. i'm just responding to the pathetic little twit.

end of convo, you whining freak.
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She's black. The Duke boys were white.
She must be a victim.
Or just someone in the early stages of becoming a career criminal.

Neotrotsky, can I have your permission to add to your statement that the left and MSM couldn't see past the "black" and say that this idiot clearly can't as well?

It just seems like the racial aspect of this won't go away. She was black they were white, she's a bad person. End of story.

The lying WHORE brought race into it from the get-go.

The NAACP-NC continued to perpetuate the race issues.

They terrorized the Duke men IN THEIR HOME after her malicious and false claims.

Do the research.

I dare you. You don't have the intellectual honesty or guts to do it.

Read up, Mr. NAACP, NBPP:

She's a fuckin' niggerwhore, right Jeny?
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