Free Palestine protesters block Philly Pride Parade

I guess Queers for Palestine didn't curry a lot of favor with the anti-Semitic pro-terrorist crowd. The term "useful idiot" couldn't have a better application.

When the Marxists/Demofascists pander to both sides of EVIL, eventually when those EVIL meet, something really bad is going to happen....

This video of the pride parade in Philadelphia shows protestors illegally trying to block the legal parade while shouting "Free free Palestine!"

I'm on the side that has the permit from the government, which gives them legal permission to march in the street.

Which side are you on?

Skip to 1:59

Day by day the insane element of the pariah state of Israel writes its own Obituary .

The world, less American and British influenced Jews, finds them disgusting and the worst example of species excesses .

The new axis of Evil .
Reminiscent of when the son of the Muslim father supporting Hillary Clinton went on a shooting spree at a gay nightclub in Orlando. The Left took the side of blaming the NRA.

Here, the Left is going to have to pick sides. I bet they go with the pro-Hamas side because it is heavily funded more than the gay side is funded.
It's a big dilemma for the Democrats when two of their major constituencies, queers and terrorists, face off. Naturally, conservatives are rooting for irreconcilable differences and chaos. MAGA
This video of the pride parade in Philadelphia shows protestors illegally trying to block the legal parade while shouting "Free free Palestine!"

I'm on the side that has the permit from the government, which gives them legal permission to march in the street.

Which side are you on?

Skip to 1:59

The Pride people have the right to parade as they see fit. They got the permits, they did the work for their celebration.

The Palestinian idiots should have been arrested in minutes.
Reminiscent of when the son of the Muslim father supporting Hillary Clinton went on a shooting spree at a gay nightclub in Orlando. The Left took the side of blaming the NRA.

Here, the Left is going to have to pick sides. I bet they go with the pro-Hamas side because it is heavily funded more than the gay side is funded.
And usually gays, dont chop your head off either.
This video of the pride parade in Philadelphia shows protestors illegally trying to block the legal parade while shouting "Free free Palestine!"

I'm on the side that has the permit from the government, which gives them legal permission to march in the street.

Which side are you on?

Skip to 1:59

I laughing to hard to respond. Give me some time to compose myself.

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