French Parliament Votes to Recognize Palestinian State

Oh how I yearn for a Palestinian State with self determination so the Palestinians won't be able to suck off of Israel anymore to provide for them. The problem is where to put it as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to the indigenous homelands.
Maybe if the other Arab countries can be convinced that these so-called Palestinian Arabs don't have roots in Israel, they might be willing to take them back. Perhaps Mr. S, can convince them.

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or 8220 Palestinians 8221 Palestine-Israel Conflict

Why would you want to convince them of a lie?

Your evidence that it is a LIE, and from a non partisan source as well

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Genetic analysis suggests that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of Arab citizens of Israel, are descendants of Christians, Jews and other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core may reach back to prehistoric times. A study of high-resolution haplotypes demonstrated that a substantial portion of Y chromosomes of Israeli Jews (70%) and of Palestinian Muslim Arabs (82%) belonged to the same chromosome pool.[31] Since the time of the Muslim conquests in the 7th century, religious conversions have resulted in Palestinians being predominantly Sunni Muslim by religious affiliation, though there is a significant Palestinian Christian minority of various Christian denominations, as well as Druze and a small Samaritan community. Though Palestinian Jews made up part of the population of Palestine prior to the creation of the State of Israel, few identify as "Palestinian" today. Acculturation, independent from conversion to Islam, resulted in Palestinians being linguistically and culturally Arab.[16] The vernacular of Palestinians, irrespective of religion, is the Palestinian dialect of Arabic. Many Arab citizens of Israel, including Palestinians, are bilingual and fluent in Hebrew.

Sourced from:
  1. Dowty, Alan (2008). Israel/Palestine. London, UK: Polity. p. 221. ISBN 978-0-7456-4243-7. Palestinians are the descendants of all the indigenous peoples who lived in Palestine over the centuries; since the seventh century, they have been predominantly Muslim in religion and almost completely Arab in language and culture.
  2. 'Palestinians are an indigenous people who either live in, or originate from, historical Palestine... Although the Muslims guaranteed security and allowed religious freedom to all inhabitants of the region, the majority converted to Islam and adopted Arab culture.' Bassam Abu-Libdeh, Peter D. Turnpenny, and Ahmed Teebi, ‘Genetic Disease in Palestine and Palestinians,’ in Dhavendra Kuma (ed.) Genomics and Health in the Developing World, OUP 2012 pp.700-711, p.700.

And genetic studies show that humans share 85% OF THEIR HAPLOTYPE DNA WITH A BANANA. So a 70% match is to be expected with say Australian Aborigines or lost Amazon tribes. Try looking for another source that looks at the mitochondrial DNA, which can pinpoint a persons origins. You use this same source even when it is shown that it is from a pro Palestinian source Joseph E Saad
Oh how I yearn for a Palestinian State with self determination so the Palestinians won't be able to suck off of Israel anymore to provide for them. The problem is where to put it as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to the indigenous homelands.
Maybe if the other Arab countries can be convinced that these so-called Palestinian Arabs don't have roots in Israel, they might be willing to take them back. Perhaps Mr. S, can convince them.

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or 8220 Palestinians 8221 Palestine-Israel Conflict

Why would you want to convince them of a lie?
No lie.
Oh how I yearn for a Palestinian State with self determination so the Palestinians won't be able to suck off of Israel anymore to provide for them. The problem is where to put it as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to the indigenous homelands.
Maybe if the other Arab countries can be convinced that these so-called Palestinian Arabs don't have roots in Israel, they might be willing to take them back. Perhaps Mr. S, can convince them.

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or 8220 Palestinians 8221 Palestine-Israel Conflict

Why would you want to convince them of a lie?
No lie.

Sure it is. The Palestinians are from that area, just like the Jews are.
Oh how I yearn for a Palestinian State with self determination so the Palestinians won't be able to suck off of Israel anymore to provide for them. The problem is where to put it as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to the indigenous homelands.
Maybe if the other Arab countries can be convinced that these so-called Palestinian Arabs don't have roots in Israel, they might be willing to take them back. Perhaps Mr. S, can convince them.

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or 8220 Palestinians 8221 Palestine-Israel Conflict

Why would you want to convince them of a lie?

Your evidence that it is a LIE, and from a non partisan source as well

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Genetic analysis suggests that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of Arab citizens of Israel, are descendants of Christians, Jews and other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core may reach back to prehistoric times. A study of high-resolution haplotypes demonstrated that a substantial portion of Y chromosomes of Israeli Jews (70%) and of Palestinian Muslim Arabs (82%) belonged to the same chromosome pool.[31] Since the time of the Muslim conquests in the 7th century, religious conversions have resulted in Palestinians being predominantly Sunni Muslim by religious affiliation, though there is a significant Palestinian Christian minority of various Christian denominations, as well as Druze and a small Samaritan community. Though Palestinian Jews made up part of the population of Palestine prior to the creation of the State of Israel, few identify as "Palestinian" today. Acculturation, independent from conversion to Islam, resulted in Palestinians being linguistically and culturally Arab.[16] The vernacular of Palestinians, irrespective of religion, is the Palestinian dialect of Arabic. Many Arab citizens of Israel, including Palestinians, are bilingual and fluent in Hebrew.

Sourced from:
  1. Dowty, Alan (2008). Israel/Palestine. London, UK: Polity. p. 221. ISBN 978-0-7456-4243-7. Palestinians are the descendants of all the indigenous peoples who lived in Palestine over the centuries; since the seventh century, they have been predominantly Muslim in religion and almost completely Arab in language and culture.
  2. 'Palestinians are an indigenous people who either live in, or originate from, historical Palestine... Although the Muslims guaranteed security and allowed religious freedom to all inhabitants of the region, the majority converted to Islam and adopted Arab culture.' Bassam Abu-Libdeh, Peter D. Turnpenny, and Ahmed Teebi, ‘Genetic Disease in Palestine and Palestinians,’ in Dhavendra Kuma (ed.) Genomics and Health in the Developing World, OUP 2012 pp.700-711, p.700.

And genetic studies show that humans share 85% OF THEIR HAPLOTYPE DNA WITH A BANANA. So a 70% match is to be expected with say Australian Aborigines or lost Amazon tribes. Try looking for another source that looks at the mitochondrial DNA, which can pinpoint a persons origins. You use this same source even when it is shown that it is from a pro Palestinian source Joseph E Saad

Point out exactly where the source is wrong. Genetics are used to trace the migrations and movements of people fairly accurately. This isn't bannanas or australian aborigines.
Oh how I yearn for a Palestinian State with self determination so the Palestinians won't be able to suck off of Israel anymore to provide for them. The problem is where to put it as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to the indigenous homelands.
Maybe if the other Arab countries can be convinced that these so-called Palestinian Arabs don't have roots in Israel, they might be willing to take them back. Perhaps Mr. S, can convince them.

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or 8220 Palestinians 8221 Palestine-Israel Conflict

Why would you want to convince them of a lie?
No lie.

Sure it is. The Palestinians are from that area, just like the Jews are.
The Arabs started at the Arabian Peninsula and spread out when Big Mo started his assault on the world.
Oh how I yearn for a Palestinian State with self determination so the Palestinians won't be able to suck off of Israel anymore to provide for them. The problem is where to put it as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to the indigenous homelands.
Maybe if the other Arab countries can be convinced that these so-called Palestinian Arabs don't have roots in Israel, they might be willing to take them back. Perhaps Mr. S, can convince them.

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or 8220 Palestinians 8221 Palestine-Israel Conflict

Why would you want to convince them of a lie?
No lie.

Sure it is. The Palestinians are from that area, just like the Jews are.
The Arabs started at the Arabian Peninsula and spread out when Big Mo started his assault on the world.

Yes. But there were people in Palestine that preceded the Arabs and converted to Islam.
Maybe if the other Arab countries can be convinced that these so-called Palestinian Arabs don't have roots in Israel, they might be willing to take them back. Perhaps Mr. S, can convince them.

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or 8220 Palestinians 8221 Palestine-Israel Conflict

Why would you want to convince them of a lie?
No lie.

Sure it is. The Palestinians are from that area, just like the Jews are.
The Arabs started at the Arabian Peninsula and spread out when Big Mo started his assault on the world.

Yes. But there were people in Palestine that preceded the Arabs and converted to Islam.
Oftentimes, with a sword at their throat, or to avoid poverty after several generations of Infidel Taxes, and being accorded Second-Class Citizen status in Islamic courts.
Maybe if the other Arab countries can be convinced that these so-called Palestinian Arabs don't have roots in Israel, they might be willing to take them back. Perhaps Mr. S, can convince them.

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or 8220 Palestinians 8221 Palestine-Israel Conflict

Why would you want to convince them of a lie?
No lie.

Sure it is. The Palestinians are from that area, just like the Jews are.
The Arabs started at the Arabian Peninsula and spread out when Big Mo started his assault on the world.

Yes. But there were people in Palestine that preceded the Arabs and converted to Islam.
Now why don't you prove to it is a lie? Don't you see immigrants coming here and to Europe for jobs? Do you really think it is so much different now in many places of the world from when these Arabs came for jobs? Were the British officials lying when they reported on all the Arabs coming into the area from elsewhere?
You would think that in a country like France, where their aggressive, troublesome, Muslim population is causing tremendous internal'd think that they would therefore have some understanding of the problems within Israel!

France's gesture has no binding effect whatsoever, but merely highlights the fact it's refusing to face reality by scapegoating the usual suspect, Israel!

Peace is impossible until the Palestinians renounce their charter of destruction of Israel....and renounce terrorism!

The EU is terrified of Islam and think the best way of apeacement is by bashing Israel.

"The Islamic crocodile promises not to eat us..."


"I believe this is peace in our time..."

Why would you want to convince them of a lie?
No lie.

Sure it is. The Palestinians are from that area, just like the Jews are.
The Arabs started at the Arabian Peninsula and spread out when Big Mo started his assault on the world.

Yes. But there were people in Palestine that preceded the Arabs and converted to Islam.
Oftentimes, with a sword at their throat, or to avoid poverty after several generations of Infidel Taxes, and being accorded Second-Class Citizen status in Islamic courts.

I was reading a bit of the history on that. It was a gradual process that took several centuries before Islam became the major religion. While it included some immigration of Arabs from other regions it also involved the gradual conversion to Islam by some of the indigenous people: Christians, Jews, Samaritans and others in the area. At the same time, there occurred the acculteration of local people into Arab identity and the establishment of Arabic as the primary language. So the Palestinians are a mix of indiginous people and immigrant Arabs. In that sense they are no different than the Jews who during their diaspora intermarried among locals in the areas they resided in. I think it's also worthwhile to note that while you are particularly critical of "dhimmi status", "second class citizenship" and taxes as if it were something pecular to Islam - you ignore the fact this sort of treatment was common place among the aggressively growing religions of that time. Life for non-Christians in Christendom was not very kind but that is ignored and citizenship was distinctly second class.
Why would you want to convince them of a lie?
No lie.

Sure it is. The Palestinians are from that area, just like the Jews are.
The Arabs started at the Arabian Peninsula and spread out when Big Mo started his assault on the world.

Yes. But there were people in Palestine that preceded the Arabs and converted to Islam.
Now why don't you prove to it is a lie? Don't you see immigrants coming here and to Europe for jobs? Do you really think it is so much different now in many places of the world from when these Arabs came for jobs? Were the British officials lying when they reported on all the Arabs coming into the area from elsewhere?

See my answer to Kondor in Post #51
France’s Socialist-led parliament has passed a symbolic vote to recognize Palestinian statehood, despite staunch objections from Israel. MPs in Britain and Spain have already passed similar motions.

The proposal was passed with 339 votes in favor and 151 against, meaning that it was supported by more than two-thirds of French lawmakers.

Israel immediately responded, saying that the motion would “harm the peace process,” AFP reported.'

French Parliament Votes to Recognize Palestinian State
Good for them

Good. I suppose the Palestinians deserve a "State" like Israelis, Americans, Brazilians, and the Irish do.
Good. I suppose the Palestinians deserve a "State" like Israelis, Americans, Brazilians, and the Irish do.
But not like kurds, eh? Bth., palistanians have a state, recognized by France, Sweden, Spain, England, don't they?

The Kurds probably should have their own state - they've certainly been royally screwed by the Powers. However - at least they have citizenship in a state. The Palestinians lack even that.
Good. I suppose the Palestinians deserve a "State" like Israelis, Americans, Brazilians, and the Irish do.
But not like kurds, eh? Bth., palistanians have a state, recognized by France, Sweden, Spain, England, don't they?
The Kurds probably should have their own state - they've certainly been royally screwed by the Powers. However - at least they have citizenship in a state. The Palestinians lack even that.
How so? The "Palestinian Authority" passport is available to anyone waving a palistanian birth certificate.
Good. I suppose the Palestinians deserve a "State" like Israelis, Americans, Brazilians, and the Irish do.
But not like kurds, eh? Bth., palistanians have a state, recognized by France, Sweden, Spain, England, don't they?
Don't know how "Kurds" come into the conversation but the rest of your comment confirms my point.
So, palistanians don't really have to be bitching about not having a state, do they?
And while we're at it, with the french recognition of "palestine" shouldn't Israel recognize the separatist movements of the basques in France, of Brittany, of Northern Catalonia, of Savoy, of Occitania, and Corsica? Shouldn't Israel officially recognize their right to organize their own states and arm them generously too?
Self-determination shouldn't stop with "palestine", should it?
Good. I suppose the Palestinians deserve a "State" like Israelis, Americans, Brazilians, and the Irish do.
But not like kurds, eh? Bth., palistanians have a state, recognized by France, Sweden, Spain, England, don't they?
The Kurds probably should have their own state - they've certainly been royally screwed by the Powers. However - at least they have citizenship in a state. The Palestinians lack even that.
How so? The "Palestinian Authority" passport is available to anyone waving a palistanian birth certificate.

What nation are they citizens of? What about those still stuck in refugee camps in Syria and other nations?
France’s Socialist-led parliament has passed a symbolic vote to recognize Palestinian statehood, despite staunch objections from Israel. MPs in Britain and Spain have already passed similar motions.
The proposal was passed with 339 votes in favor and 151 against, meaning that it was supported by more than two-thirds of French lawmakers.Israel immediately responded, saying that the motion would “harm the peace process,” AFP reported.'

French Parliament Votes to Recognize Palestinian State
Good for them
So, palistanians can't really claim they don't have a state, can they?
They've always had one, unfortunately most of it is occupied by Zionist invaders...for the moment.

Which does not stop the Palestinians from setting up a government, raising taxes, building homes and providing welfare for their people. It seems they prefer to engage in violence, terrorism and belligerence while mooching of the rest of the world to pay for the terroprism.

What silly comment Phoney....

Did you not read what you were responding to?

"unfortunately most of it is occupied by Zionist invaders"

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