Freudian USA: Infantile Politics


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Sigmund Freud discussed very controversial ideas in the realm of sexual development, one of which included the concept of infantile/child sexuality/sensuality. While earlier theories considered children asexual, Freud was the first psychologist to suggest that children carry innate Oedipal-instincts that drew them to a conjugal 'bond' with their mothers.

We know of a general evaluation of human sexuality/sensuality (e.g., women are sensitive about fertility and eroticism) and how individuals may pervert such thinking for antisocial behaviors (e.g., rape).

For our modern age of consumerism-culture, thinking about what kinds of toys babies and infants like helps us better guide them in their psychological development and proper growth into adulthood --- even before the onset of puberty!

The marketing of Cabbage Patch Kids dolls in the 1980s-1990s (when they are at the height of popularity among children) reflected a modern social interest in harvest-themed shopping for psycho-subconscious instincts latent even in children. Of course, as these kids grew up, they watched human-explicit films such as Child's Play and Children of the Corn!

It is an intriguing fact that consumerism offers us special 'windows' then into the human psyche, so how will our commerce-centric Trump Administration address new age concerns regarding 'pedestrian politics'?


TRUMP: I'm a big fan of Toys 'R Us.
CARTER: Americans make the best toys, no?
TRUMP: Commerce is the hallmark of modern etiquette.
CARTER: I suppose that's what drew you to politics.
TRUMP: Yes, I was otherwise thrilled with my life as a venture-capitalist!
CARTER: Commercial ties with South Korea is the key to stabilizing North Korea.
TRUMP: Mercantilism may be the new diplomacy.
CARTER: That's the motto of the European Union, at least.
TRUMP: Americans love horror-films and fast-cars.
CARTER: Yes, Americans are very 'expressive' about psychology!
TRUMP: It's why Americans are the most 'involved' shoppers --- i.e., Black Friday.
CARTER: It's why (arguably) the Taliban attacked the World Trade Center in 2001.
TRUMP: Modern media makes all kinds of etiquette dialogue open...
CARTER: Yes, just look at Al Jazeera and the Playboy Channel.
TRUMP: Censorship is the new controversy --- welcome to the age of media.
CARTER: Perhaps Sigmund Freud is the true 'diplomat' of ethics for our new age.
TRUMP: That's why I appreciated etiquette-dialogue shows like Dallas and Dynasty!
CARTER: Maybe there should be a 'psychology chairperson' in Congress...


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