From a guy who has seen this all before


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2020
Peter Grant is an author and blogger who lives in North Texas, but he is originally from South Africa. He has seen what happens when things go all commie. Here are some of his thoughts;
From the link;

"The same single-minded fanaticism has been visible in many institutions and locations over the past year. We see it in Seattle, Portland, and many other cities where progressive left-wingers control city government, and have "weaponized" that government in favor of their political beliefs and those who share them, and against those who disagree with them. That problem will only get worse. It will not get better. If any of my readers live in a city or town controlled by progressive left-wing individuals or groups, this is a wake-up call: get out now, or be oppressed. There are no other options open to you, except to fight back - and almost every peaceful avenue of resistance has already been closed to you, up to and including elections. I need only point out the electoral fraud that was so clearly on display last month.

So, what's the path from here on out? Here's what I've seen in other countries, and read about in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ukraine, the countries of the Arab Spring, and others.

  • Expect the forces of law and order to be a primary target. Law-abiding officers and agencies will be politicized, and those who resist will be demoted, harassed, and driven out. The families of officers may become targets for rioters and mobs, and may even be killed. Once law enforcement has been polarized, it will become an arm of oppressive government, its powers turned against citizens who resist in any way, shape or form. Officers who object won't be there long enough to make a difference.
  • Expect business rules and regulations to be warped and twisted in favor of politically correct causes, rather than basic economics. Crimes against businesses will be justified on the grounds of social deprivation or need, and those committing them will not be prosecuted by the authorities. (This is already widespread in America, as we've seen in these pages several times - most recently in Los Angeles.)
  • The right of citizens to security, self-defense, etc. will be eroded to the point of non-existence. Anyone acting to defend himself and/or his loved ones will face criminal investigation, and if an attacker was killed or injured in the process, no matter how legitimately, the defender will likely face prosecution. The facts of the matter won't matter at all. Instead prosecution will become a weapon with which to cow, intimidate and threaten the people into compliance.
  • The powers that be will arrogate to themselves the right to decide about your children's education, where and how you may spend your money, and all sorts of aspects of your everyday life that you're used to deciding for yourself. Your life will no longer be under your control, because they can't trust you to live it in a politically correct way. Therefore, you'll be forced to do that, and your children will be propagandized and brainwashed until they don't know any different. Efforts to safeguard them from that by (for example) homeschooling, even though technically legal, will be met by the imposition of politically correct study syllabi, complete with examinations that demand politically correct answers. If the student fails them, he'll be forced into public education to "correct" the "imbalance" in his or her understanding. (Dennis Prager refers to the "Sovietization of California". That's not a bad description of what's happening there in all these areas.)
  • Anyone seeking to fight back against this, in the courts, or through mobilizing public opinion, will be demonized by the powers that be. This may include harassment by city inspectors for "code violations" or "unsafe structures" or any one of a host of regulatory transgressions that they "discover" at the drop of a hat. Resisters can expect to be portrayed as extremists, right-wingers, racists (of course) and anything else that comes to mind.
  • Attempts at physical opposition will be categorized as insurrection or armed resistance or vigilantism. Expect weapons to be more and more tightly controlled, except for those on the "right side", who won't have any trouble getting hold of them. Expect courts to be merciless to everyone else. (For example, Kyle Rittenhouse has been charged with murder, despite substantial evidence that he acted in self-defense; but Gaige Grosskreutz, the third man he shot, who was threatening him with a handgun, was a convicted felon, and therefore illegally in possession of a firearm. He has not been charged with anything.)

When enough pressure has built up in society, I expect there to be acts of armed resistance against progressive, left-wing tyranny. These are likely to involve attacks against electrical infrastructure (for example, the Metcalf attack in 2014); sabotage of transport infrastructure (for example, derailing trains, or causing blockages of vital roads, etc.); disruption of delivery systems (e.g. distribution centers for vital supplies, commercial warehouses, etc.); and so on. In many cases, these attacks will seek to stop supplies being given to politically favored groups and divert them to those who are not in favor, and may therefore be deprived of what they need. It's likely to develop into an urban-rural conflict, too, with cities trying to ensure they get the supplies they need by forcing rural areas to either provide them, or allow supplies to transit through them to the cities - without, of course, delivering any of those supplies to the areas through which they pass.

The powers that be will not take resistance lying down. They'll try to crack down on resistance, weaponize law enforcement into the armed wing of their politically correct administrations, and generally terrorize people into compliance. This will almost certainly include whipping up mob violence against groups and areas that are judged to be resistant to their policies (for example, richer suburbs that can afford their own private security guards, private schools, etc.). "Lynch law" may apply, too, with resisters (peaceful or not) beaten up or killed as an example to others. There will be more and more aggressive attempts to disarm the general public, so that they can't resist the authorities.

Meanwhile, the central government will blithely continue on its way, ignoring political opposition. In fact, the "opposition" will probably support the overall trend, because they've been bought off. Many people speak of the "Uniparty" in the USA, where the distinctions between Republicans and Democrats are only skin deep. I can't help but agree with that observation. I think that all our Congressional representatives and Senators, with a very few honorable exceptions, are corrupt and feckless. I'd as soon throw out the lot of them, impose strict term limits so that their offices can no longer corrupt those who fill them, and then elect a clean slate of politicians with no ties to the political machines that control city and regional politics. A plague on all their houses!

I'm not suggesting that anyone foment violent revolution. I'm simply saying that in three violent national uprisings, this is the pattern I've seen in every case. The same pattern is evident in Venezuela right now. That country is likely to be a living example to many leftists in the USA as well, because they thoroughly approve of all Chavez and Maduro have done to entrench themselves in power and destroy any effective opposition. They regard Venezuela as a textbook rather than a tragedy. They feel the same way about Cuba under Castro.

Folks, this is what I believe is coming to the USA before long. I hope and pray I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. All it will take is one more major upheaval to plunge us into the morass of permanent societal conflict, including armed conflict. I think that upheaval will be economic, when the inevitable results of our politicians spending money like there's no tomorrow will take effect. I'm expecting severe inflation, if not hyperinflation, within the next year or two, no matter what "official" statistics may claim or predict. (As we've seen in these pages, the real rate of consumer inflation has been hovering at about 10% per year for the last decade or more, despite the pablum figures dispensed by the authorities.). I think inflation may be accompanied by an asset price collapse (including housing), because people without jobs and incomes won't have money to buy those assets. Those who are cushioned from the blow by having lots of money will either leave with it, or be co-opted into the ruling circle to defend what they've got against the "have-nots". Again, that's been the classic pattern, and I've seen it before."
All this talk about civil war


I doubt you'll get any reasoned responses- this crap has been in the early stages a long time- TPTB may be getting a bit antsy wanting to get on with the program- things always get worse before they get better, but, along those lines, there is a silver lining to every cloud- prepare for the worse and hope for the best- the times they are-a-changing
Peter Grant is an author and blogger who lives in North Texas, but he is originally from South Africa. He has seen what happens when things go all commie. Here are some of his thoughts;
From the link;

"The same single-minded fanaticism has been visible in many institutions and locations over the past year. We see it in Seattle, Portland, and many other cities where progressive left-wingers control city government, and have "weaponized" that government in favor of their political beliefs and those who share them, and against those who disagree with them. That problem will only get worse. It will not get better. If any of my readers live in a city or town controlled by progressive left-wing individuals or groups, this is a wake-up call: get out now, or be oppressed. There are no other options open to you, except to fight back - and almost every peaceful avenue of resistance has already been closed to you, up to and including elections. I need only point out the electoral fraud that was so clearly on display last month.

So, what's the path from here on out? Here's what I've seen in other countries, and read about in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ukraine, the countries of the Arab Spring, and others.

  • Expect the forces of law and order to be a primary target. Law-abiding officers and agencies will be politicized, and those who resist will be demoted, harassed, and driven out. The families of officers may become targets for rioters and mobs, and may even be killed. Once law enforcement has been polarized, it will become an arm of oppressive government, its powers turned against citizens who resist in any way, shape or form. Officers who object won't be there long enough to make a difference.
  • Expect business rules and regulations to be warped and twisted in favor of politically correct causes, rather than basic economics. Crimes against businesses will be justified on the grounds of social deprivation or need, and those committing them will not be prosecuted by the authorities. (This is already widespread in America, as we've seen in these pages several times - most recently in Los Angeles.)
  • The right of citizens to security, self-defense, etc. will be eroded to the point of non-existence. Anyone acting to defend himself and/or his loved ones will face criminal investigation, and if an attacker was killed or injured in the process, no matter how legitimately, the defender will likely face prosecution. The facts of the matter won't matter at all. Instead prosecution will become a weapon with which to cow, intimidate and threaten the people into compliance.
  • The powers that be will arrogate to themselves the right to decide about your children's education, where and how you may spend your money, and all sorts of aspects of your everyday life that you're used to deciding for yourself. Your life will no longer be under your control, because they can't trust you to live it in a politically correct way. Therefore, you'll be forced to do that, and your children will be propagandized and brainwashed until they don't know any different. Efforts to safeguard them from that by (for example) homeschooling, even though technically legal, will be met by the imposition of politically correct study syllabi, complete with examinations that demand politically correct answers. If the student fails them, he'll be forced into public education to "correct" the "imbalance" in his or her understanding. (Dennis Prager refers to the "Sovietization of California". That's not a bad description of what's happening there in all these areas.)
  • Anyone seeking to fight back against this, in the courts, or through mobilizing public opinion, will be demonized by the powers that be. This may include harassment by city inspectors for "code violations" or "unsafe structures" or any one of a host of regulatory transgressions that they "discover" at the drop of a hat. Resisters can expect to be portrayed as extremists, right-wingers, racists (of course) and anything else that comes to mind.
  • Attempts at physical opposition will be categorized as insurrection or armed resistance or vigilantism. Expect weapons to be more and more tightly controlled, except for those on the "right side", who won't have any trouble getting hold of them. Expect courts to be merciless to everyone else. (For example, Kyle Rittenhouse has been charged with murder, despite substantial evidence that he acted in self-defense; but Gaige Grosskreutz, the third man he shot, who was threatening him with a handgun, was a convicted felon, and therefore illegally in possession of a firearm. He has not been charged with anything.)

When enough pressure has built up in society, I expect there to be acts of armed resistance against progressive, left-wing tyranny. These are likely to involve attacks against electrical infrastructure (for example, the Metcalf attack in 2014); sabotage of transport infrastructure (for example, derailing trains, or causing blockages of vital roads, etc.); disruption of delivery systems (e.g. distribution centers for vital supplies, commercial warehouses, etc.); and so on. In many cases, these attacks will seek to stop supplies being given to politically favored groups and divert them to those who are not in favor, and may therefore be deprived of what they need. It's likely to develop into an urban-rural conflict, too, with cities trying to ensure they get the supplies they need by forcing rural areas to either provide them, or allow supplies to transit through them to the cities - without, of course, delivering any of those supplies to the areas through which they pass.

The powers that be will not take resistance lying down. They'll try to crack down on resistance, weaponize law enforcement into the armed wing of their politically correct administrations, and generally terrorize people into compliance. This will almost certainly include whipping up mob violence against groups and areas that are judged to be resistant to their policies (for example, richer suburbs that can afford their own private security guards, private schools, etc.). "Lynch law" may apply, too, with resisters (peaceful or not) beaten up or killed as an example to others. There will be more and more aggressive attempts to disarm the general public, so that they can't resist the authorities.

Meanwhile, the central government will blithely continue on its way, ignoring political opposition. In fact, the "opposition" will probably support the overall trend, because they've been bought off. Many people speak of the "Uniparty" in the USA, where the distinctions between Republicans and Democrats are only skin deep. I can't help but agree with that observation. I think that all our Congressional representatives and Senators, with a very few honorable exceptions, are corrupt and feckless. I'd as soon throw out the lot of them, impose strict term limits so that their offices can no longer corrupt those who fill them, and then elect a clean slate of politicians with no ties to the political machines that control city and regional politics. A plague on all their houses!

I'm not suggesting that anyone foment violent revolution. I'm simply saying that in three violent national uprisings, this is the pattern I've seen in every case. The same pattern is evident in Venezuela right now. That country is likely to be a living example to many leftists in the USA as well, because they thoroughly approve of all Chavez and Maduro have done to entrench themselves in power and destroy any effective opposition. They regard Venezuela as a textbook rather than a tragedy. They feel the same way about Cuba under Castro.

Folks, this is what I believe is coming to the USA before long. I hope and pray I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. All it will take is one more major upheaval to plunge us into the morass of permanent societal conflict, including armed conflict. I think that upheaval will be economic, when the inevitable results of our politicians spending money like there's no tomorrow will take effect. I'm expecting severe inflation, if not hyperinflation, within the next year or two, no matter what "official" statistics may claim or predict. (As we've seen in these pages, the real rate of consumer inflation has been hovering at about 10% per year for the last decade or more, despite the pablum figures dispensed by the authorities.). I think inflation may be accompanied by an asset price collapse (including housing), because people without jobs and incomes won't have money to buy those assets. Those who are cushioned from the blow by having lots of money will either leave with it, or be co-opted into the ruling circle to defend what they've got against the "have-nots". Again, that's been the classic pattern, and I've seen it before."
The thread premise is a lie; nothing but baseless rightwing demagoguery.

No one advocates for ‘communism,’ nothing is going to ‘go commie.’
Peter Grant is an author and blogger who lives in North Texas, but he is originally from South Africa. He has seen what happens when things go all commie. Here are some of his thoughts;
From the link;

"The same single-minded fanaticism has been visible in many institutions and locations over the past year. We see it in Seattle, Portland, and many other cities where progressive left-wingers control city government, and have "weaponized" that government in favor of their political beliefs and those who share them, and against those who disagree with them. That problem will only get worse. It will not get better. If any of my readers live in a city or town controlled by progressive left-wing individuals or groups, this is a wake-up call: get out now, or be oppressed. There are no other options open to you, except to fight back - and almost every peaceful avenue of resistance has already been closed to you, up to and including elections. I need only point out the electoral fraud that was so clearly on display last month.

So, what's the path from here on out? Here's what I've seen in other countries, and read about in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ukraine, the countries of the Arab Spring, and others.

  • Expect the forces of law and order to be a primary target. Law-abiding officers and agencies will be politicized, and those who resist will be demoted, harassed, and driven out. The families of officers may become targets for rioters and mobs, and may even be killed. Once law enforcement has been polarized, it will become an arm of oppressive government, its powers turned against citizens who resist in any way, shape or form. Officers who object won't be there long enough to make a difference.
  • Expect business rules and regulations to be warped and twisted in favor of politically correct causes, rather than basic economics. Crimes against businesses will be justified on the grounds of social deprivation or need, and those committing them will not be prosecuted by the authorities. (This is already widespread in America, as we've seen in these pages several times - most recently in Los Angeles.)
  • The right of citizens to security, self-defense, etc. will be eroded to the point of non-existence. Anyone acting to defend himself and/or his loved ones will face criminal investigation, and if an attacker was killed or injured in the process, no matter how legitimately, the defender will likely face prosecution. The facts of the matter won't matter at all. Instead prosecution will become a weapon with which to cow, intimidate and threaten the people into compliance.
  • The powers that be will arrogate to themselves the right to decide about your children's education, where and how you may spend your money, and all sorts of aspects of your everyday life that you're used to deciding for yourself. Your life will no longer be under your control, because they can't trust you to live it in a politically correct way. Therefore, you'll be forced to do that, and your children will be propagandized and brainwashed until they don't know any different. Efforts to safeguard them from that by (for example) homeschooling, even though technically legal, will be met by the imposition of politically correct study syllabi, complete with examinations that demand politically correct answers. If the student fails them, he'll be forced into public education to "correct" the "imbalance" in his or her understanding. (Dennis Prager refers to the "Sovietization of California". That's not a bad description of what's happening there in all these areas.)
  • Anyone seeking to fight back against this, in the courts, or through mobilizing public opinion, will be demonized by the powers that be. This may include harassment by city inspectors for "code violations" or "unsafe structures" or any one of a host of regulatory transgressions that they "discover" at the drop of a hat. Resisters can expect to be portrayed as extremists, right-wingers, racists (of course) and anything else that comes to mind.
  • Attempts at physical opposition will be categorized as insurrection or armed resistance or vigilantism. Expect weapons to be more and more tightly controlled, except for those on the "right side", who won't have any trouble getting hold of them. Expect courts to be merciless to everyone else. (For example, Kyle Rittenhouse has been charged with murder, despite substantial evidence that he acted in self-defense; but Gaige Grosskreutz, the third man he shot, who was threatening him with a handgun, was a convicted felon, and therefore illegally in possession of a firearm. He has not been charged with anything.)

When enough pressure has built up in society, I expect there to be acts of armed resistance against progressive, left-wing tyranny. These are likely to involve attacks against electrical infrastructure (for example, the Metcalf attack in 2014); sabotage of transport infrastructure (for example, derailing trains, or causing blockages of vital roads, etc.); disruption of delivery systems (e.g. distribution centers for vital supplies, commercial warehouses, etc.); and so on. In many cases, these attacks will seek to stop supplies being given to politically favored groups and divert them to those who are not in favor, and may therefore be deprived of what they need. It's likely to develop into an urban-rural conflict, too, with cities trying to ensure they get the supplies they need by forcing rural areas to either provide them, or allow supplies to transit through them to the cities - without, of course, delivering any of those supplies to the areas through which they pass.

The powers that be will not take resistance lying down. They'll try to crack down on resistance, weaponize law enforcement into the armed wing of their politically correct administrations, and generally terrorize people into compliance. This will almost certainly include whipping up mob violence against groups and areas that are judged to be resistant to their policies (for example, richer suburbs that can afford their own private security guards, private schools, etc.). "Lynch law" may apply, too, with resisters (peaceful or not) beaten up or killed as an example to others. There will be more and more aggressive attempts to disarm the general public, so that they can't resist the authorities.

Meanwhile, the central government will blithely continue on its way, ignoring political opposition. In fact, the "opposition" will probably support the overall trend, because they've been bought off. Many people speak of the "Uniparty" in the USA, where the distinctions between Republicans and Democrats are only skin deep. I can't help but agree with that observation. I think that all our Congressional representatives and Senators, with a very few honorable exceptions, are corrupt and feckless. I'd as soon throw out the lot of them, impose strict term limits so that their offices can no longer corrupt those who fill them, and then elect a clean slate of politicians with no ties to the political machines that control city and regional politics. A plague on all their houses!

I'm not suggesting that anyone foment violent revolution. I'm simply saying that in three violent national uprisings, this is the pattern I've seen in every case. The same pattern is evident in Venezuela right now. That country is likely to be a living example to many leftists in the USA as well, because they thoroughly approve of all Chavez and Maduro have done to entrench themselves in power and destroy any effective opposition. They regard Venezuela as a textbook rather than a tragedy. They feel the same way about Cuba under Castro.

Folks, this is what I believe is coming to the USA before long. I hope and pray I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. All it will take is one more major upheaval to plunge us into the morass of permanent societal conflict, including armed conflict. I think that upheaval will be economic, when the inevitable results of our politicians spending money like there's no tomorrow will take effect. I'm expecting severe inflation, if not hyperinflation, within the next year or two, no matter what "official" statistics may claim or predict. (As we've seen in these pages, the real rate of consumer inflation has been hovering at about 10% per year for the last decade or more, despite the pablum figures dispensed by the authorities.). I think inflation may be accompanied by an asset price collapse (including housing), because people without jobs and incomes won't have money to buy those assets. Those who are cushioned from the blow by having lots of money will either leave with it, or be co-opted into the ruling circle to defend what they've got against the "have-nots". Again, that's been the classic pattern, and I've seen it before."

Many people agree that the United States of America's future is grim.

A country, like a family or company, is only as good as the caliber of its members.

This horrible year has clearly shown the lack of decency on the part of more and more Americans.

It will only worsen in the coming decades.
The thread premise is a lie; nothing but baseless rightwing demagoguery.
Can you be specific? I can. The degree of oppression is irrelavent to the our founding principles and life philosophy-

The man (blogger) claims to have lived in it- and so are we-
Peter Grant is an author and blogger who lives in North Texas, but he is originally from South Africa. He has seen what happens when things go all commie. Here are some of his thoughts;
From the link;

"The same single-minded fanaticism has been visible in many institutions and locations over the past year. We see it in Seattle, Portland, and many other cities where progressive left-wingers control city government, and have "weaponized" that government in favor of their political beliefs and those who share them, and against those who disagree with them. That problem will only get worse. It will not get better. If any of my readers live in a city or town controlled by progressive left-wing individuals or groups, this is a wake-up call: get out now, or be oppressed. There are no other options open to you, except to fight back - and almost every peaceful avenue of resistance has already been closed to you, up to and including elections. I need only point out the electoral fraud that was so clearly on display last month.

So, what's the path from here on out? Here's what I've seen in other countries, and read about in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ukraine, the countries of the Arab Spring, and others.

  • Expect the forces of law and order to be a primary target. Law-abiding officers and agencies will be politicized, and those who resist will be demoted, harassed, and driven out. The families of officers may become targets for rioters and mobs, and may even be killed. Once law enforcement has been polarized, it will become an arm of oppressive government, its powers turned against citizens who resist in any way, shape or form. Officers who object won't be there long enough to make a difference.
  • Expect business rules and regulations to be warped and twisted in favor of politically correct causes, rather than basic economics. Crimes against businesses will be justified on the grounds of social deprivation or need, and those committing them will not be prosecuted by the authorities. (This is already widespread in America, as we've seen in these pages several times - most recently in Los Angeles.)
  • The right of citizens to security, self-defense, etc. will be eroded to the point of non-existence. Anyone acting to defend himself and/or his loved ones will face criminal investigation, and if an attacker was killed or injured in the process, no matter how legitimately, the defender will likely face prosecution. The facts of the matter won't matter at all. Instead prosecution will become a weapon with which to cow, intimidate and threaten the people into compliance.
  • The powers that be will arrogate to themselves the right to decide about your children's education, where and how you may spend your money, and all sorts of aspects of your everyday life that you're used to deciding for yourself. Your life will no longer be under your control, because they can't trust you to live it in a politically correct way. Therefore, you'll be forced to do that, and your children will be propagandized and brainwashed until they don't know any different. Efforts to safeguard them from that by (for example) homeschooling, even though technically legal, will be met by the imposition of politically correct study syllabi, complete with examinations that demand politically correct answers. If the student fails them, he'll be forced into public education to "correct" the "imbalance" in his or her understanding. (Dennis Prager refers to the "Sovietization of California". That's not a bad description of what's happening there in all these areas.)
  • Anyone seeking to fight back against this, in the courts, or through mobilizing public opinion, will be demonized by the powers that be. This may include harassment by city inspectors for "code violations" or "unsafe structures" or any one of a host of regulatory transgressions that they "discover" at the drop of a hat. Resisters can expect to be portrayed as extremists, right-wingers, racists (of course) and anything else that comes to mind.
  • Attempts at physical opposition will be categorized as insurrection or armed resistance or vigilantism. Expect weapons to be more and more tightly controlled, except for those on the "right side", who won't have any trouble getting hold of them. Expect courts to be merciless to everyone else. (For example, Kyle Rittenhouse has been charged with murder, despite substantial evidence that he acted in self-defense; but Gaige Grosskreutz, the third man he shot, who was threatening him with a handgun, was a convicted felon, and therefore illegally in possession of a firearm. He has not been charged with anything.)

When enough pressure has built up in society, I expect there to be acts of armed resistance against progressive, left-wing tyranny. These are likely to involve attacks against electrical infrastructure (for example, the Metcalf attack in 2014); sabotage of transport infrastructure (for example, derailing trains, or causing blockages of vital roads, etc.); disruption of delivery systems (e.g. distribution centers for vital supplies, commercial warehouses, etc.); and so on. In many cases, these attacks will seek to stop supplies being given to politically favored groups and divert them to those who are not in favor, and may therefore be deprived of what they need. It's likely to develop into an urban-rural conflict, too, with cities trying to ensure they get the supplies they need by forcing rural areas to either provide them, or allow supplies to transit through them to the cities - without, of course, delivering any of those supplies to the areas through which they pass.

The powers that be will not take resistance lying down. They'll try to crack down on resistance, weaponize law enforcement into the armed wing of their politically correct administrations, and generally terrorize people into compliance. This will almost certainly include whipping up mob violence against groups and areas that are judged to be resistant to their policies (for example, richer suburbs that can afford their own private security guards, private schools, etc.). "Lynch law" may apply, too, with resisters (peaceful or not) beaten up or killed as an example to others. There will be more and more aggressive attempts to disarm the general public, so that they can't resist the authorities.

Meanwhile, the central government will blithely continue on its way, ignoring political opposition. In fact, the "opposition" will probably support the overall trend, because they've been bought off. Many people speak of the "Uniparty" in the USA, where the distinctions between Republicans and Democrats are only skin deep. I can't help but agree with that observation. I think that all our Congressional representatives and Senators, with a very few honorable exceptions, are corrupt and feckless. I'd as soon throw out the lot of them, impose strict term limits so that their offices can no longer corrupt those who fill them, and then elect a clean slate of politicians with no ties to the political machines that control city and regional politics. A plague on all their houses!

I'm not suggesting that anyone foment violent revolution. I'm simply saying that in three violent national uprisings, this is the pattern I've seen in every case. The same pattern is evident in Venezuela right now. That country is likely to be a living example to many leftists in the USA as well, because they thoroughly approve of all Chavez and Maduro have done to entrench themselves in power and destroy any effective opposition. They regard Venezuela as a textbook rather than a tragedy. They feel the same way about Cuba under Castro.

Folks, this is what I believe is coming to the USA before long. I hope and pray I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. All it will take is one more major upheaval to plunge us into the morass of permanent societal conflict, including armed conflict. I think that upheaval will be economic, when the inevitable results of our politicians spending money like there's no tomorrow will take effect. I'm expecting severe inflation, if not hyperinflation, within the next year or two, no matter what "official" statistics may claim or predict. (As we've seen in these pages, the real rate of consumer inflation has been hovering at about 10% per year for the last decade or more, despite the pablum figures dispensed by the authorities.). I think inflation may be accompanied by an asset price collapse (including housing), because people without jobs and incomes won't have money to buy those assets. Those who are cushioned from the blow by having lots of money will either leave with it, or be co-opted into the ruling circle to defend what they've got against the "have-nots". Again, that's been the classic pattern, and I've seen it before."
The thread premise is a lie; nothing but baseless rightwing demagoguery.

No one advocates for ‘communism,’ nothing is going to ‘go commie.’
Of course you are.

Why do you guys always believe that your lying words will erase your actions? What sort of simpleton thinks we can't see what you all are actually doing?


The OP is channeling Joe McCarthy.

Too funny.
From the link;

"In 1961 editors Albert D. Biderman and Herbert Zimmer published a book titled "The Manipulation of Human Behavior".

It examined Communist attempts to brainwash and manipulate US prisoners of war in Korea. It's become a seminal work in its field, still used and regarded as authoritative to this day.

Numerous Web sites have drawn attention to parallels between what the book describes as manipulation techniques, and measures taken to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. One has to admit, the parallels are ominous. Here's an example of the infographic that's been widely circulated."

Peter Grant is an author and blogger who lives in North Texas, but he is originally from South Africa. He has seen what happens when things go all commie. Here are some of his thoughts;
From the link;

"The same single-minded fanaticism has been visible in many institutions and locations over the past year. We see it in Seattle, Portland, and many other cities where progressive left-wingers control city government, and have "weaponized" that government in favor of their political beliefs and those who share them, and against those who disagree with them. That problem will only get worse. It will not get better. If any of my readers live in a city or town controlled by progressive left-wing individuals or groups, this is a wake-up call: get out now, or be oppressed. There are no other options open to you, except to fight back - and almost every peaceful avenue of resistance has already been closed to you, up to and including elections. I need only point out the electoral fraud that was so clearly on display last month.

So, what's the path from here on out? Here's what I've seen in other countries, and read about in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ukraine, the countries of the Arab Spring, and others.

  • Expect the forces of law and order to be a primary target. Law-abiding officers and agencies will be politicized, and those who resist will be demoted, harassed, and driven out. The families of officers may become targets for rioters and mobs, and may even be killed. Once law enforcement has been polarized, it will become an arm of oppressive government, its powers turned against citizens who resist in any way, shape or form. Officers who object won't be there long enough to make a difference.
  • Expect business rules and regulations to be warped and twisted in favor of politically correct causes, rather than basic economics. Crimes against businesses will be justified on the grounds of social deprivation or need, and those committing them will not be prosecuted by the authorities. (This is already widespread in America, as we've seen in these pages several times - most recently in Los Angeles.)
  • The right of citizens to security, self-defense, etc. will be eroded to the point of non-existence. Anyone acting to defend himself and/or his loved ones will face criminal investigation, and if an attacker was killed or injured in the process, no matter how legitimately, the defender will likely face prosecution. The facts of the matter won't matter at all. Instead prosecution will become a weapon with which to cow, intimidate and threaten the people into compliance.
  • The powers that be will arrogate to themselves the right to decide about your children's education, where and how you may spend your money, and all sorts of aspects of your everyday life that you're used to deciding for yourself. Your life will no longer be under your control, because they can't trust you to live it in a politically correct way. Therefore, you'll be forced to do that, and your children will be propagandized and brainwashed until they don't know any different. Efforts to safeguard them from that by (for example) homeschooling, even though technically legal, will be met by the imposition of politically correct study syllabi, complete with examinations that demand politically correct answers. If the student fails them, he'll be forced into public education to "correct" the "imbalance" in his or her understanding. (Dennis Prager refers to the "Sovietization of California". That's not a bad description of what's happening there in all these areas.)
  • Anyone seeking to fight back against this, in the courts, or through mobilizing public opinion, will be demonized by the powers that be. This may include harassment by city inspectors for "code violations" or "unsafe structures" or any one of a host of regulatory transgressions that they "discover" at the drop of a hat. Resisters can expect to be portrayed as extremists, right-wingers, racists (of course) and anything else that comes to mind.
  • Attempts at physical opposition will be categorized as insurrection or armed resistance or vigilantism. Expect weapons to be more and more tightly controlled, except for those on the "right side", who won't have any trouble getting hold of them. Expect courts to be merciless to everyone else. (For example, Kyle Rittenhouse has been charged with murder, despite substantial evidence that he acted in self-defense; but Gaige Grosskreutz, the third man he shot, who was threatening him with a handgun, was a convicted felon, and therefore illegally in possession of a firearm. He has not been charged with anything.)

When enough pressure has built up in society, I expect there to be acts of armed resistance against progressive, left-wing tyranny. These are likely to involve attacks against electrical infrastructure (for example, the Metcalf attack in 2014); sabotage of transport infrastructure (for example, derailing trains, or causing blockages of vital roads, etc.); disruption of delivery systems (e.g. distribution centers for vital supplies, commercial warehouses, etc.); and so on. In many cases, these attacks will seek to stop supplies being given to politically favored groups and divert them to those who are not in favor, and may therefore be deprived of what they need. It's likely to develop into an urban-rural conflict, too, with cities trying to ensure they get the supplies they need by forcing rural areas to either provide them, or allow supplies to transit through them to the cities - without, of course, delivering any of those supplies to the areas through which they pass.

The powers that be will not take resistance lying down. They'll try to crack down on resistance, weaponize law enforcement into the armed wing of their politically correct administrations, and generally terrorize people into compliance. This will almost certainly include whipping up mob violence against groups and areas that are judged to be resistant to their policies (for example, richer suburbs that can afford their own private security guards, private schools, etc.). "Lynch law" may apply, too, with resisters (peaceful or not) beaten up or killed as an example to others. There will be more and more aggressive attempts to disarm the general public, so that they can't resist the authorities.

Meanwhile, the central government will blithely continue on its way, ignoring political opposition. In fact, the "opposition" will probably support the overall trend, because they've been bought off. Many people speak of the "Uniparty" in the USA, where the distinctions between Republicans and Democrats are only skin deep. I can't help but agree with that observation. I think that all our Congressional representatives and Senators, with a very few honorable exceptions, are corrupt and feckless. I'd as soon throw out the lot of them, impose strict term limits so that their offices can no longer corrupt those who fill them, and then elect a clean slate of politicians with no ties to the political machines that control city and regional politics. A plague on all their houses!

I'm not suggesting that anyone foment violent revolution. I'm simply saying that in three violent national uprisings, this is the pattern I've seen in every case. The same pattern is evident in Venezuela right now. That country is likely to be a living example to many leftists in the USA as well, because they thoroughly approve of all Chavez and Maduro have done to entrench themselves in power and destroy any effective opposition. They regard Venezuela as a textbook rather than a tragedy. They feel the same way about Cuba under Castro.

Folks, this is what I believe is coming to the USA before long. I hope and pray I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. All it will take is one more major upheaval to plunge us into the morass of permanent societal conflict, including armed conflict. I think that upheaval will be economic, when the inevitable results of our politicians spending money like there's no tomorrow will take effect. I'm expecting severe inflation, if not hyperinflation, within the next year or two, no matter what "official" statistics may claim or predict. (As we've seen in these pages, the real rate of consumer inflation has been hovering at about 10% per year for the last decade or more, despite the pablum figures dispensed by the authorities.). I think inflation may be accompanied by an asset price collapse (including housing), because people without jobs and incomes won't have money to buy those assets. Those who are cushioned from the blow by having lots of money will either leave with it, or be co-opted into the ruling circle to defend what they've got against the "have-nots". Again, that's been the classic pattern, and I've seen it before."

And it isn't like this is the first country to face this....but left wingers never change....they never learn, they never step back and think about what has happened in the past when their policies were implemented...

They are built to follow the rule...."It is better to rule in Hell than live in Heaven."

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