Logic vs American Leftism in American Politics

Regulations? How about flowers and peoples bodies?
Socialism? How about trillions being doled out under the trump administration for simply existing? all added to the debt.
Yall arent for higher taxes, thats for sure. Yall hate to pay for your big govt bullshit yall try to shove down everyones throats.
You people can’t even understand the difference of the need for printing money because of a pandemic and socialism.
The Republicans are flawed human beings as ALL human beings are. But they will promote positive and helpful and worthy legislation 100% more often than will the Democrats. And they will work a lot harder at doing no harm. There really is no other choice in this election than between totalitarianism/destruction of what America was intended to be and an imperfect Congress in which the majority loves what American was intended to be and will do a whole lot more to protect that.

Not sure what you are arguing here.

I have said I will be voting for Trump and the GOP.

I still think they suck and the federal GOP is worthless (the democratic federal group is dangerous).
Not sure what you are arguing here.

I have said I will be voting for Trump and the GOP.

I still think they suck and the federal GOP is worthless (the democratic federal group is dangerous).
I am arguing that the GOP is not worthless. Just flawed and, because they are human beings, we can't get around that. The GOP is the only protection we have against an intended totalitarian government that the woke extremist Democrats now in government are pushing. A vote for anybody other than Trump and the GOP is a vote to promote that totalitarian government that even the woke leftists will hate should it be achieved.
You people can’t even understand the difference of the need for printing money because of a pandemic and socialism.
The Democrat controlled MSM has been as dishonest, maybe more dishonest re the events of 2020 and 2021 than their blatant dishonesty about so many other things.

They blame Trump for the huge deficit and job loss in 2020 when the Democrats were fully agreeable to both. And the Democrats exacerbated it by refusing Trump necessary humanitarian aid for COVID in order to keep people from starving unless he agreed to billions extra for their pet projects such as climate change etc. He was given no choice.

Then too many governors kept the lockdowns going long after Trump said it was time to start opening things back up. Thousands of small businesses were forced to close permanently to the glee of big business who always supports policies and regulation they can handle but that hurt their smaller competitors.

By keeping children out of school for a year they did incalculable and unnecessary damage to many. And they dishonestly credited Biden with job creation when people were finally allowed to return to jobs they already had before the lockdown.

And they blamed and continue to blame Trump for 'mismanaging' COVID when he didn't mismanage it at all and the gullible dutifully repeat that blame over and over and over..

2020 was an unprecedented anomaly in world history with almost nothing remaining the same during the pandemic crisis. It should be separated out as an anomaly by honest reporters and historians. To lump it in with the overall record as ordinary is not honest.

The logical know that. The leftists will never agree unless it somehow advantages them.
The Democrat controlled MSM has been as dishonest, maybe more dishonest re the events of 2020 and 2021 than their blatant dishonesty about so many other things.

They blame Trump for the huge deficit and job loss in 2020 when the Democrats were fully agreeable to both. And the Democrats exacerbated it by refusing Trump necessary humanitarian aid for COVID in order to keep people from starving unless he agreed to billions extra for their pet projects such as climate change etc. He was given no choice.

Then too many governors kept the lockdowns going long after Trump said it was time to start opening things back up. Thousands of small businesses were forced to close permanently to the glee of big business who always supports policies and regulation they can handle but that hurt their smaller competitors.

By keeping children out of school for a year they did incalculable and unnecessary damage to many. And they dishonestly credited Biden with job creation when people were finally allowed to return to jobs they already had before the lockdown.

And they blamed and continue to blame Trump for 'mismanaging' COVID when he didn't mismanage it at all and the gullible dutifully repeat that blame over and over and over..

2020 was an unprecedented anomaly in world history with almost nothing remaining the same during the pandemic crisis. It should be separated out as an anomaly by honest reporters and historians. To lump it in with the overall record as ordinary is not honest.

The logical know that. The leftists will never agree unless it somehow advantages them.
It’s amazing how Democrats get away with twisting the truth. They saw as we did everyday Trump and the Covid team appeared in news conferences headed by Adolf Fauci and his Nazi henchmen. Trump was there every day as well thinking they were there to help him manage the disease. But, they were there to take down Trump and killing millions was just a necessity for their evil plans. Trump did what the experts asked for.
It’s amazing how Democrats get away with twisting the truth. They saw as we did everyday Trump and the Covid team appeared in news conferences headed by Adolf Fauci and his Nazi henchmen. Trump was there every day as well thinking they were there to help him manage the disease. But, they were there to take down Trump and killing millions was just a necessity for their evil plans. Trump did what the experts asked for.
I cut everybody some slack as this was a virus like no other and it did take a LOT of trial and error to learn how to best manage it. Not even Fauci knew how to do that.

I am not excusing Fauci's lies and disinformation just to cover his butt at all though. The honorable thing to do would be to say okay, we tried that and we were wrong. He didn't seem to have the character to do that. And there is no excuse for perpetuating useless or even harmful policies once we know they are ineffective or harmful.

One of President Trump's policies early on, and that applied to COVID as well, is the 'right to try' something different and unconventional when the conventional isn't working. He was a trial and error leader willing to risk failure in order to find the best solution for a problem. That is one of many things that set him apart from politicians who are terrified of failing at something and won't even try as a result.
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The logical know that. The leftists will never agree unless it somehow advantages them.

This is where we are not aligned.

I agree with your statement. But implied in it is that the GOP does not do the same thing. They most certainly do (at least, in part).

The federal GOP feel corrupt to me. They do not espouse principles of Federalism and seem all to willing to sign up for things that are clearly not in our favor.
Federal GOP is what I argued.

In my state, they are not much better....thanks, in part, to John McCain.

If you think the federal GOP is worth something, I disagree.
Then we will disagree. I watch what policy Republicans and Democrats are pushing. The GOP sometimes gets it wrong but most often gets it right. The Democrats are pushing almost nothing that is right.
Then we will disagree. I watch what policy Republicans and Democrats are pushing. The GOP sometimes gets it wrong but most often gets it right. The Democrats are pushing almost nothing that is right.

When have you seen a GOP policy maker call out Joe Biden or Donald Trump on our deficit.

A huge issue for us right now that no one is talking about.

To wit: The border bill crafted by a conservative GOP senator that was always DOA (even though those who voted against it...asked him to participate). No bill. The GOP didn't produce anything and played into a PR nightmare.

Linsey Grahm screwed up big time.
When have you seen a GOP policy maker call out Joe Biden or Donald Trump on our deficit.

A huge issue for us right now that no one is talking about.

To wit: The border bill crafted by a conservative GOP senator that was always DOA (even though those who voted against it...asked him to participate). No bill. The GOP didn't produce anything and played into a PR nightmare.

Linsey Grahm screwed up big time.
Everybody can point to something they think the GOP is doing wrong. But they still are doing a hell of a lot more right than the Democrats are. You can vote against them because you are disgruntled or because of ideology or partisanship or any other reason, but when you do, you are voting for totalitarianism and the loss of America as it was intended to be. There are only those two choices open to us in this 2024 election.
You can vote against them because you are disgruntled or because of ideology or partisanship or any other reason, but when you do, you are voting for totalitarianism and the loss of America as it was intended to be.

Did you NOT READ where I said I would be voting for them ?

What part of that don't you get ?

What I am saying is that they still suck. The democrats (especially Joe Biden and his affirmative action VP) suck much worse.

But the GOP is still not very good (and I am not holding exceedingly high expectations). They suck. They need to get much much better.

If they would, the democrats would no longer be relevant.

Your loyalty blinds you to the fact they do not hold up conservative principles.

The only thing saving us right now is the justices appointed by Trump. The ONLY thing.

Krysten Sinema was a Godsend when she did what the GOP could not do (like win a senate race in a red state like Georgia). She stood up to her own leadership and shut down a lot of Biden antics. IME; The GOP should give her a frigging medal.
Everybody can point to something they think the GOP is doing wrong.

We are way beyond that, so you can drop it as an argument.

I voted for GWB....twice and threw up afterwards on both occasions.

Bush lit the fire in our deficit race and I loathe him to no end.
Did you NOT READ where I said I would be voting for them ?

What part of that don't you get ?

What I am saying is that they still suck. The democrats (especially Joe Biden and his affirmative action VP) suck much worse.

But the GOP is still not very good (and I am not holding exceedingly high expectations). They suck. They need to get much much better.

If they would, the democrats would no longer be relevant.

Your loyalty blinds you to the fact they do not hold up conservative principles.

The only thing saving us right now is the justices appointed by Trump. The ONLY thing.

Krysten Sinema was a Godsend when she did what the GOP could not do (like win a senate race in a red state like Georgia). She stood up to her own leadership and shut down a lot of Biden antics. IME; The GOP should give her a frigging medal.
I give up. You either do not understand what I'm arguing or just disagree with it. But have a great day.
I give up. You either do not understand what I'm arguing or just disagree with it. But have a great day.

Yeah, you seem to be arguing against something you've made up.

You have a great day too.

Maybe someday you'll take the rose colored glasses off and realize just what a pathetic mess the federal GOP is.
Yeah, you seem to be arguing against something you've made up.

You have a great day too.

Maybe someday you'll take the rose colored glasses off and realize just what a pathetic mess the federal GOP is.
Just as a parting shot, I believe it is people like you who will be far more likely to elect Democrats than anything the Democrats are doing. Just because you see only the bad and are unwilling to acknowledge any good that is being done. And that's sad.
I cut everybody some slack as this was a virus like no other and it did take a LOT of trial and error to learn how to best manage it. Not even Fauci knew how to do that.

I am not excusing Fauci's lies and disinformation just to cover his butt at all though. The honorable thing to do would be to say okay, we tried that and we were wrong. He didn't seem to have the character to do that. And there is no excuse for perpetuating useless or even harmful policies once we know they are ineffective or harmful.

One of President Trump's policies early on, and that applied to COVID as well, is the 'right to try' something different and unconventional when the conventional isn't working. He was a trial and error leader willing to risk failure in order to find the best solution for a problem. That is one of many things that set him apart from politicians who are terrified of failing at something and won't even try as a result.
You are spot on with your last paragraph. Because Fauci and the rest of the Covid team stopped the trial of other drugs that did work for many give me the impression they knew more about this virus than they were letting people know about. Fauci's company was connected to the lab in China where they do gain of function because it's illegal in the U.S. Then, his lies really hurt a lot of people in so many ways. The children especially.
Just as a parting shot, I believe it is people like you who will be far more likely to elect Democrats than anything the Democrats are doing. Just because you see only the bad and are unwilling to acknowledge any good that is being done. And that's sad.

I have never voted for a democrat at any level.

The RNC isn't doing much of anything good.

THAT is what is SAD.

Your comment says you don't comprehend what is being written. I am not saying it anymore. You want to live in the land of Grimm, be my guest.

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