Fucking Gay Love


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
Good Lord..

That was fucking gay

yes but wheres the love part ??

I ♥ loved ♥ it. I could have lived without the little kids dropping f-bombs, but otherwise, I thought it was.....

I admit it, there have been times I wish I was gay.

And not the man gay, the femgay.

Then I would not have to do all the heavy poking, my quest would be to just lay back and think of ABBA.

But I could still be a man, piss upright and true.
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I know, this is not my destiny.

I was born out of a vagina and I will die trying to get back into every last one of them.
Little kids saying "FUCK." Yeah... that's great. Anyway... I guess if you're going to teach them that two men slamming cock up each other's butts is OK, might as well teach 'em to say FUCK too. No big deal... get the FUCK over it.
Little kids saying "FUCK." Yeah... that's great. Anyway... I guess if you're going to teach them that two men slamming cock up each other's butts is OK, might as well teach 'em to say FUCK too. No big deal... get the FUCK over it.

Little kids with GLBT parents, aunts, uncles, godparents etc. suffer when the ignorant slam GLBT people just as anyone else does, Pale. The video CLEARLY says it is not to be played near children. I'm not offended two or three middle schoolers who act in it dropped the F-bomb and I doubt they had to be taught that word.

The message of the video is in-your-face pissed off -- are GLBT people and their loved ones only supposed to get things done by tatting lace doilies?
Are homosexuals commiting suicide because people are bulling them, or because their gay?
its like the gay version of the westboro church
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its like the gay version of the westboro church

I think that's unfair, eots. Under the anger, the video's message is loving IMO. But I concede, it is not to everyone's taste.

I guess I am fond of in-your-face style protest tactics. I got all nostalgic there for a moment, LOL.





Good times.....
Little kids saying "FUCK." Yeah... that's great. Anyway... I guess if you're going to teach them that two men slamming cock up each other's butts is OK, might as well teach 'em to say FUCK too. No big deal... get the FUCK over it.

Little kids with GLBT parents, aunts, uncles, godparents etc. suffer when the ignorant slam GLBT people just as anyone else does, Pale. The video CLEARLY says it is not to be played near children. I'm not offended two or three middle schoolers who act in it dropped the F-bomb and I doubt they had to be taught that word.

The message of the video is in-your-face pissed off -- are GLBT people and their loved ones only supposed to get things done by tatting lace doilies?

Maddie, the video is trailer trash, ghetto, no class bull shit. Who in the hell do they think they're going to WIN OVER with a jacked off piece of shit like that? Just makes me want to beat the shit otta one of them, not bring me over to their way of thinking. You throw shitty attitude like that in my face like you're a trash talking, low life, POS, and all you're going to get is a harsh, I'll kick your ass attitude back, and I'll bet I'm not alone feeling that way. Aside from the fact that kids shouldn't be saying FUCK when they're that age, let alone ON CAMERA for the whole world to see, the video is just plain STUPID!
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Are homosexuals commiting suicide because people are bulling them, or because their gay?

They are killing themselves because Homosexuality is a form of mental illness that manifest itself with other mentally deranged thoughts that culminate in the act of suicide.

So if a homosexual is outed, and every knows about their perverted lifstyle, they just can not live with the realization that everyone knows that they are a sexually deviant individual.

As far as I am concerned , American needs to criminalize homosexuality, as it is a crime in
many countries outside the United States.

There is nothing "alternative" or "lifestyle" about sodomy. Which is what homosexuality is,
Sodomy!!, I wish the media would stop the sugar coating campaign, and let people see
homosexaulity for what it is , a sick backwards and perverted act.!! They should not be allowed to adoopt impressionalble children. Has America lost its mind??!!:razz:
Little kids saying "FUCK." Yeah... that's great. Anyway... I guess if you're going to teach them that two men slamming cock up each other's butts is OK, might as well teach 'em to say FUCK too. No big deal... get the FUCK over it.

Little kids with GLBT parents, aunts, uncles, godparents etc. suffer when the ignorant slam GLBT people just as anyone else does, Pale. The video CLEARLY says it is not to be played near children. I'm not offended two or three middle schoolers who act in it dropped the F-bomb and I doubt they had to be taught that word.

The message of the video is in-your-face pissed off -- are GLBT people and their loved ones only supposed to get things done by tatting lace doilies?

Maddie, the video is trailer trash, ghetto, no class bull shit. Who in the hell do they think they're going to WIN OVER with a jacked off piece of shit like that? Just makes me want to beat the shit otta one of them, not bring me over to their way of thinking. You throw shitty attitude like that in my face like you're a trash talking, low life, POS, and all you're going to get is a harsh, I'll kick your ass attitude back, and I'll bet I'm not alone feeling that way. Aside from the fact that kids shouldn't be saying FUCK when they're that age, let alone ON CAMERA for the whole world to see, the video is just plain STUPID!

"Winning people over" ain't really the goal of most protesting this raw, Pale. It's about raising sand, raising cane, being LOUD and OBNOXIOUS and DEMANDING, feeling the power of belonging to a big angry group. In all likelihood, the video has little value in gaining new PFLAG members but it sure cheered me all the way up. I bet it would any GLBT teem getting bullied IRL, too.

As for "in your face" no one made you play it, it was Very Plainly Marked 100% Offensive. You cannot be resentful about convos you have asked to be invited into, Pale. Even obscenity -- if you think this was -- has its value in the right place.
In your face is not about winning over people to your ideas. In your face is just in your face.

All this is about is being annoying for its own sake.
In your face is not about winning over people to your ideas. In your face is just in your face.

All this is about is being annoying for its own sake.

I am a fan of annoying, in the right time and place. I ♥ calling a fuckwhit a fuckwhit.
its like the gay version of the westboro church

I think that's unfair, eots. Under the anger, the video's message is loving IMO. But I concede, it is not to everyone's taste.

I guess I am fond of in-your-face style protest tactics. I got all nostalgic there for a moment, LOL.

Then you'll love the gang at Vanguard News Network:


Making the Stormfront boys look like wimps!
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Lining up a group of gay stereotypes to curse at the camera is counter-productive. They are pouring fuel onto the fire.

That's how you start a barfight, not change the values of a civilization.
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