Gabby Giffords....we got universal background checks and the loophole, now we need more gun control.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is the problem.....there will never be enough gun control targeted against normal gun owners to satisfy anti gun whack jobs like gabby giffords and the other nut jobs. They passed Universal background checks which we are told will close the gun show loophole...

It won't....

And of course she now says they need more gun control........

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough in Oregon
While Giffords deserves sympathy because half her brain was shot off, it doesn't mean the halfwit should be taken seriously.
She should just go heal and leave the rest of us ALONE. I can't someone who uses their injuries to shove their views off on the rest of us.
Outlawing guns outright will never pass, so they do it in baby steps. Still waiting for hillary and obama to tell their secret service body guards to disarm and lead by example. What's good for the goose and the beast is good for the gander.
Giffords had a traumatic brain injury. But, she wants to have her gun.


Gabby returns to shooting range

As mention earlier...should she be disqualified from gun ownership?
Giffords had a traumatic brain injury. But, she wants to have her gun.


Gabby returns to shooting range

As mention earlier...should she be disqualified from gun ownership?

of one ever said that gun grabbers want to give up their guns....they just think everyone else can't handle the responsibility........

and he was caught trying to straw purchase an AR-15.....
Marxists are well aware of this. And we're all on the verge of Marxism now. DWS couldn't explain the difference between Marxism and the Democratic party's policy and principles.
Capitalism and Socialism are two competing economic systems. Capitalism depends on a system of positive rewards. You work hard, diligently, are industrious and modestly creative, you are rewarded. Handsomely.
Socialism requires a litany of negative rewards. If you don't produce at your maximum output, you get shot.
The Marxists can't grant the people the right or the ability to shoot back.

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