Gallup: Obama’s Approval Rating Tumbles To 41%


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
oh dear, all them threads on how the people AREN'T blaming that saintly, Dear leader and it's all those Republicans FAULT....this could burst some bubbles...tsk tsk

No doubt partially due to his refusal to negotiate with Republicans about reopening the government.

Via Gallup:




all of it here
Gallup: Obama?s Approval Rating Tumbles To 41% | Weasel Zippers
On a positive note for Obama, that's still leaps and bounds above the last congressional approval ratings I've seen. :lol:

I don't know if it's sad how poorly the government runs, or wonderful that so many people don't approve of the way things are run currently. :confused:
Americans aren't happy with the way their government is handling the latest budget standoff in Washington, but they're especially displeased with how Republicans in Congress have approached the impasse.

A Washington Post/ABC News poll released on Monday showed that just 26 percent of respondents approved and 63 percent disapproved of the way congressional Republicans were dealing with the clash that appears likely to result in a government shutdown at midnight Monday.

The numbers were only marginally better for congressional Democrats, to whom 34 percent of respondents gave positive remarks (56 percent of respondents had a negative view of their conduct during the stalemate).

While President Obama’s marks for handling the budget battle were also underwater, he fared slightly better than the members of either party in Congress, with 41 percent approving his management of the issue and 50 percent disapproving.

Read more: Poll: GOP Faces Harsher Shutdown Backlash | RealClearPolitics
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41%, huh.

Somewhere between 50 to 75% better than our Republican Party in Congress, and much better than the Americans' opinion of the TPM.
oh dear, all them threads on how the people AREN'T blaming that saintly, Dear leader and it's all those Republicans FAULT....this could burst some bubbles...tsk tsk

No doubt partially due to his refusal to negotiate with Republicans about reopening the government.

Via Gallup:




all of it here
Gallup: Obama?s Approval Rating Tumbles To 41% | Weasel Zippers

Hey Staph, backed off your claim of only 30%? The Gallup seems to be the lowest of the polls, isn't suprising that ol' Staph would pick those numbers.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

I guess it would be equally valid to state that the Congress has a 7% approval rating;

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval
His approval rate poll is the only one I haven't seen with different results :lol:

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