Gateway Pundit Declares Bankruptcy

The Gateway Pundit, a rightwing website known for spreading election conspiracies, will declare bankruptcy as it faces lawsuits for defamation.

The site’s parent company, TGP Communications, will file for bankruptcy in Florida “as a result of the progressive liberal lawfare attacks against our media outlet”, founder Jim Hoft wrote on the website.

Those lawsuits include one from the Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, who sued the organization in Missouri, where it is based, after the website perpetuated false claims that the two had been involved in election fraud in Georgia.

In a separate case, Freeman and Moss secured a $148m judgment against Rudy Giuliani for spreading election lies about them and defaming them. After the verdict, the former New York City mayor and Trump attorney filed for bankruptcy, complicating whether or how Freeman and Moss can get paid.

Gateway Pundit also faces a suit in Colorado from a former Dominion Voting Systems employee, Eric Coomer, who alleges the outlet defamed him by claiming he rigged the election against Trump.

Election offices have faced waves of harassing messages after Gateway Pundit stories have been published, often targeting staff members with threatening and abusive language.

File this under "Karma is a bitch". You spread lies and you will get sued. And instead of facing the music, they declare bankruptcy. So much for taking responsibility.

Couldn't happen to more deserving lying asshole.
The Gateway Pundit, a rightwing website known for spreading election conspiracies, will declare bankruptcy as it faces lawsuits for defamation.

The site’s parent company, TGP Communications, will file for bankruptcy in Florida “as a result of the progressive liberal lawfare attacks against our media outlet”, founder Jim Hoft wrote on the website.

Those lawsuits include one from the Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, who sued the organization in Missouri, where it is based, after the website perpetuated false claims that the two had been involved in election fraud in Georgia.

In a separate case, Freeman and Moss secured a $148m judgment against Rudy Giuliani for spreading election lies about them and defaming them. After the verdict, the former New York City mayor and Trump attorney filed for bankruptcy, complicating whether or how Freeman and Moss can get paid.

Gateway Pundit also faces a suit in Colorado from a former Dominion Voting Systems employee, Eric Coomer, who alleges the outlet defamed him by claiming he rigged the election against Trump.

Election offices have faced waves of harassing messages after Gateway Pundit stories have been published, often targeting staff members with threatening and abusive language.

File this under "Karma is a bitch". You spread lies and you will get sued. And instead of facing the music, they declare bankruptcy. So much for taking responsibility.
These girls are making America great. There should be statues of them.
What’s strange is the MSM lies all the time, but they never face any consequences. They lie for the benefit of the establishment and state, so I guess they’re protected.

What a great country!
My ecperience with the UK press is that they are terrified of being sued and always get lawyers in when a story is toxic.
I suspect that Gateway did not do that. They were basically a dishonest outlet.
My ecperience with the UK press is that they are terrified of being sued and always get lawyers in when a story is toxic.
I suspect that Gateway did not do that. They were basically a dishonest outlet.
There are plenty of dishonest outlets. How long did the MSM run the clearly bogus Russiagate story, and I’m no fan of Dumb Don. How about the Syrian gas attacks? All lies. How about The NY Times running stories of Hamas raping and killing babies? All fabricated, yet no consequences.

If you think the msm is telling you the truth, you’re deceiving yourself. They are spokes-mouths for the oligarchy globalist establishment.
There are plenty of dishonest outlets. How long did the MSM run the clearly bogus Russiagate story, and I’m no fan of Dumb Don. How about the Syrian gas attacks? All lies. How about The NY Times running stories of Hamas raping and killing babies? All fabricated, yet no consequences.

If you think the msm is telling you the truth, you’re deceiving yourself. They are spokes-mouths for the oligarchy globalist establishment.

Maybe. I have low expectations of the media. The BBC is the only one I really trusted but I didnt like some of the shit they ran. I felt they were too keen to run "both sides" of the story.

But Gateway is not in that league. It has no standards of ethics and honesty at all.
If they had not told lies about those ladies they would not be in court and Ruby would still live at home.
Maybe. I have low expectations of the media. The BBC is the only one I really trusted but I didnt like some of the shit they ran. I felt they were too keen to run "both sides" of the story.

But Gateway is not in that league. It has no standards of ethics and honesty at all.
If they had not told lies about those ladies they would not be in court and Ruby would still live at home.
Gateway is no different from say CNN or MSNBC, but from a right wing perspective. They are being attacked because of their perspective. The liberal/progressive msm outlets lie daily, but face no consequences. Why? Because they lie at the behest of the establishment.
Gateway is no different from say CNN or MSNBC, but from a right wing perspective. They are being attacked because of their perspective. The liberal/progressive msm outlets lie daily, but face no consequences. Why? Because they lie at the behest of the establishment.
I think they are being sued for lying, They cant make accusations without proof. Most news outlets know this. If I am accusing someone of stealing an election then I want proof to back that up.
That is not political persecution that is just lies.
I think they are being sued for lying, They cant make accusations without proof. Most news outlets know this. If I am accusing someone of stealing an election then I want proof to back that up.
That is not political persecution that is just lies.
Come on. I just gave you a list of outrageous lies, but no one got sued. It’s political bias. If they were lying at the behest of the state, they’d face no legal consequences.
The Gateway Pundit, an influential website that regularly peddles falsehoods and conspiracy theories, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as it faces multiple defamation suits.

And still sadly one of the most popular sources here to post from.

From the piece...

The Gateway Pundit's parent company's bankruptcy filing shows that the company has between $100,001 and $500,000 in liabilities and between $500,001 and $1 million in assets.

To put that in perspective, Taylor Swift makes that before she wakes up in the morning. LOL.

Schadenfreude doesn’t begin to describe how I feel. Good riddance to bad garbage.
Spoken like a true leftist one party state hack.

From the piece...

The Gateway Pundit's parent company's bankruptcy filing shows that the company has between $100,001 and $500,000 in liabilities and between $500,001 and $1 million in assets.

To put that in perspective, Taylor Swift makes that before she wakes up in the morning. LOL.

Schadenfreude doesn’t begin to describe how I feel. Good riddance to bad garbage.

To put that in perspective, Taylor Swift makes that before she wakes up in the morning. LOL.

We know, and you love that. So the whole “rich evil people” thing isn’t really about the rich people, it’s about WHICH rich people, right?

From the piece...

The Gateway Pundit's parent company's bankruptcy filing shows that the company has between $100,001 and $500,000 in liabilities and between $500,001 and $1 million in assets.

To put that in perspective, Taylor Swift makes that before she wakes up in the morning. LOL.

Schadenfreude doesn’t begin to describe how I feel. Good riddance to bad garbage.

I guess folks will have to get their news about Democrat election fraud somewhere else.

It's not like there aren't plenty of other sources reporting on it.
Well, they don’t have to worry about firing their fact checkers...they never had any...they never printed any facts either.

There are some days when you really have to love life. Today is one of them. Unlike a lot of organizations that I disagree with on the surface because of their political leanings (NRA for example), I feel sorry when they go belly up because the guy in the mail room is probably just a guy doing a job; the gal who answers the phones could care less about the pablum that emanates from the executive suite, etc.... Gateway Pundshit is garbage top to bottom. It’s good to see them get taken to the woodshed. My only hope is that they are followed by every other right wing kook website.

I hear OANN is starting to shed staff due to their recent lie-fest in regards to the 2020 election.

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