Gay Channel?

Originally posted by OCA
Matts that was an example of a crime that is victimless, that has no effect on the common citizen yet will reap considerable condemnation and scorn from others. Same with homosexuality and sure as hell the same with drugs. Can't wait to have my brakes worked on by a guy high on heroin after drugs are legalized so he can cause me to be involved in a 23 car pileup on the belyway. Legalization of any rec drug besides pot has to be the most ridiculous cause to take up going. It is not a victimless crime, not in the farthest of stretches.

If you refuse to pay your taxes you are breaking the law AND creating victims. You are shifting the burden of financing the government to other people. By not obeying the tax law you are DIRECTLY affecting others. Now, we can debate what a fair share you should pay in taxes, but that is a different issue.

On the other hand, homosexuality and homosexual sex has no direct victim other than those that engage in such behavior. People develop reputations.

Before I allow anyone to work on my car, I get references and only take my car to shops that have good reputations. Provided that there is no force or fraud, you are ultimately responsible for the decisions you make. Businesses and individuals commit crimes and do faulty work regardless of government oversight. The issue with Firestone tires was originally discovered by a private insurance firm. The Firestone employees could have been making bad tires because they were trying to "cut corners" or because they were high on drugs. It does not matter. A private business should be free to set its own standards in regard too drug consumption by its employees and drug testing. It can set strict rules and random testing for its employees and declare itself "Drug Free" or it may choose not to apply such strict standards. At any rate, drug consumption, in and of itself, is a victimless crime.
Originally posted by mattskramer
If you refuse to pay your taxes you are breaking the law AND creating victims. You are shifting the burden of financing the government to other people. By not obeying the tax law you are DIRECTLY affecting others. Now, we can debate what a fair share you should pay in taxes, but that is a different issue.

On the other hand, homosexuality and homosexual sex has no direct victim other than those that engage in such behavior. People develop reputations.

Before I allow anyone to work on my car, I get references and only take my car to shops that have good reputations. Provided that there is no force or fraud, you are ultimately responsible for the decisions you make. Businesses and individuals commit crimes and do faulty work regardless of government oversight. The issue with Firestone tires was originally discovered by a private insurance firm. The Firestone employees could have been making bad tires because they were trying to "cut corners" or because they were high on drugs. It does not matter. A private business should be free to set its own standards in regard too drug consumption by its employees and drug testing. It can set strict rules and random testing for its employees and declare itself "Drug Free" or it may choose not to apply such strict standards. At any rate, drug consumption, in and of itself, is a victimless crime.

How do you propose we pay for the healthcare of all the new addicts we will create and we will create millions more addicts because as we can see from cigarettes and alcohol we are basically an addiction society.
Originally posted by OCA
How do you propose we pay for the healthcare of all the new addicts we will create and we will create millions more addicts because as we can see from cigarettes and alcohol we are basically an addiction society.

Fair enough question. Here is the answer:

Alcohol prohibition tore America apart once. Now it is the war on drugs. Harsh laws and the threat of jail and fines will not stop drug use. All they do is make it harder to help people. And just as Prohibition created organized crime, today's drug laws keep organized crime alive -- with all the violence and corruption that goes along with it.

Before drugs were illegal, Americans handled them with few problems. Let's respect the right of people to control their own bodies.

Decriminalize drugs, help those who need it, and let the police spend their time protecting us from real crime.

I, too, want to live in a society where people are healthy and productive, not destroying their lives with addictive drugs. All of the hard drugs were legal before 1914, and there were few addicts. Studies show that even addicts can be productive, and also that they do not engage in crime when they can get their drugs inexpensively.

We have addicts today despite drug criminalization. We also have the violence that is caused by drugs being illegal. Let's decriminalize drugs so we stop the violence and get help to those who need it.

At the very least, I advocate the redistribution of government resources away from tracking down and jailing the many druggies who are not even endangering themselves to rehabilitation for those few who really do need help.
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