Gays Have Realized They'll Be The First Victims Of The Barbarians


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The left has to be worried too, islam will be lopping off libtart heads. Why, because you represent the worst of western civilization...

May 3, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If you're gay and don't want to be thrown off a building, apparently you're a "homonationalist".

That's according to the awkward AP write-up, which like all left-wing coverage of European Jews and gays working for right-wing parties, fails to meaningfully address why they're doing it. Because when you bring an ideology into Europe that believes in killing Jews, gays and a whole range of other people, eventually its victims will react by supporting anyone willing to stop the Jihadimmigration train.


Or well... any solutions. Holding vigils and condemning murder is not a solution. Stopping it is.


Is not wanting to be murdered by Muslim terrorists Islamophobic?

"Gays Have Realized They'll Be the First Victims of These Barbarians"
Well the gays survived the abuse at the hands of white christian America, I am sure there will still be gays even when Islam takes over the world..
No question about it, AJ. Homos will be the first ones to die at the hands of the same people they want to flood our country with. Idiots.
Well the gays survived the abuse at the hands of white christian America, I am sure there will still be gays even when Islam takes over the world..

Your one ssob...
I witnessed many times in the 1970's and 1980's attacks on people for being gay in Okiehoma, some died, some were left as veggies...

So that's an excuse to support pro-Muslim immigration and their wish to kill all gays?

Killing gays is illegal in our country, and always has been. You're comparing law breakers to a culture that wants to make it law to execute gays.
Well the gays survived the abuse at the hands of white christian America, I am sure there will still be gays even when Islam takes over the world..

Your one ssob...
I witnessed many times in the 1970's and 1980's attacks on people for being gay in Okiehoma, some died, some were left as veggies...

So that's an excuse to support pro-Muslim immigration and their wish to kill all gays?

Killing gays is illegal in our country, and always has been. You're comparing law breakers to a culture that wants to make it law to execute gays.
Like christians in the history of christianity have never set out to eradicate gays...Sure buddy...I don't support any religion, group or govt. which seeks to destroy humans based on sexual simply is wrong..
Well the gays survived the abuse at the hands of white christian America, I am sure there will still be gays even when Islam takes over the world..

Your one ssob...
I witnessed many times in the 1970's and 1980's attacks on people for being gay in Okiehoma, some died, some were left as veggies...
And we still have no links, but you might be one of those veggies...:lmao:
Depends what day of the week it is....
Well the gays survived the abuse at the hands of white christian America, I am sure there will still be gays even when Islam takes over the world..

Your one ssob...
I witnessed many times in the 1970's and 1980's attacks on people for being gay in Okiehoma, some died, some were left as veggies...

So that's an excuse to support pro-Muslim immigration and their wish to kill all gays?

Killing gays is illegal in our country, and always has been. You're comparing law breakers to a culture that wants to make it law to execute gays.
Like christians in the history of christianity have never set out to eradicate gays...Sure buddy...I don't support any religion, group or govt. which seeks to destroy humans based on sexual simply is wrong..

If they did, then why are there so many gays in Christian society and why are they tolerated?
Well the gays survived the abuse at the hands of white christian America, I am sure there will still be gays even when Islam takes over the world..

Your one ssob...
I witnessed many times in the 1970's and 1980's attacks on people for being gay in Okiehoma, some died, some were left as veggies...

So that's an excuse to support pro-Muslim immigration and their wish to kill all gays?

Killing gays is illegal in our country, and always has been. You're comparing law breakers to a culture that wants to make it law to execute gays.
Like christians in the history of christianity have never set out to eradicate gays...Sure buddy...I don't support any religion, group or govt. which seeks to destroy humans based on sexual simply is wrong..

If they did, then why are there so many gays in Christian society and why are they tolerated?
because of the separation of religion in govt..
Your one ssob...
I witnessed many times in the 1970's and 1980's attacks on people for being gay in Okiehoma, some died, some were left as veggies...

So that's an excuse to support pro-Muslim immigration and their wish to kill all gays?

Killing gays is illegal in our country, and always has been. You're comparing law breakers to a culture that wants to make it law to execute gays.
Like christians in the history of christianity have never set out to eradicate gays...Sure buddy...I don't support any religion, group or govt. which seeks to destroy humans based on sexual simply is wrong..

If they did, then why are there so many gays in Christian society and why are they tolerated?
because of the separation of religion in govt..

Are churches calling for the execution of gays? Nope.
I witnessed many times in the 1970's and 1980's attacks on people for being gay in Okiehoma, some died, some were left as veggies...

So that's an excuse to support pro-Muslim immigration and their wish to kill all gays?

Killing gays is illegal in our country, and always has been. You're comparing law breakers to a culture that wants to make it law to execute gays.
Like christians in the history of christianity have never set out to eradicate gays...Sure buddy...I don't support any religion, group or govt. which seeks to destroy humans based on sexual simply is wrong..

If they did, then why are there so many gays in Christian society and why are they tolerated?
because of the separation of religion in govt..

Are churches calling for the execution of gays? Nope.
Not now, there was a evolution of western society through basic human rights after the age of revolution..But that didn't mean on the social level it wasn't abated for many years..Islam is having a moral crisis, the radicals want to hold it back in time, the moderates want to advance their societies by throwing off the dogma which alienates Islam from other societies..
Islam is having a moral crisis, the radicals want to hold it back in time, the moderates want to advance their societies by throwing off the dogma which alienates Islam from other societies..
As long as they don't throw it off a building.
Islam is having a moral crisis, the radicals want to hold it back in time, the moderates want to advance their societies by throwing off the dogma which alienates Islam from other societies..
As long as they don't throw it off a building.
I am sure they will, being so shortsighted,, they are the ones that have to play catch up with most of the nations on the earth...
Well the gays survived the abuse at the hands of white christian America, I am sure there will still be gays even when Islam takes over the world..

Like being pushed off buildings? When? Where? I'd like to see proof.
So that's an excuse to support pro-Muslim immigration and their wish to kill all gays?

Killing gays is illegal in our country, and always has been. You're comparing law breakers to a culture that wants to make it law to execute gays.
Like christians in the history of christianity have never set out to eradicate gays...Sure buddy...I don't support any religion, group or govt. which seeks to destroy humans based on sexual simply is wrong..

If they did, then why are there so many gays in Christian society and why are they tolerated?
because of the separation of religion in govt..

Are churches calling for the execution of gays? Nope.
Not now, there was a evolution of western society through basic human rights after the age of revolution..But that didn't mean on the social level it wasn't abated for many years..Islam is having a moral crisis, the radicals want to hold it back in time, the moderates want to advance their societies by throwing off the dogma which alienates Islam from other societies..

They're having a "moral crisis" right now? That's the understatement of the year. They're acting in the same manner they have been for 1400 years: kill all infidels. There is no reason to believe Muslims will ever go "moderate". Can you name one Muslim country that doesn't persecute Jews and gays and non-Muslims? Just look at Turkey, they were considered "moderate", yet when given the chance to vote, they always vote more radical. The only semblance of secularism in the middle east came at the hands of military dictatorships (Saddam, the Ataturks, Assad, ect). When they have democracy, the Muslim people always support and vote radical, which is why ISIS is so strong.
Like christians in the history of christianity have never set out to eradicate gays...Sure buddy...I don't support any religion, group or govt. which seeks to destroy humans based on sexual simply is wrong..

If they did, then why are there so many gays in Christian society and why are they tolerated?
because of the separation of religion in govt..

Are churches calling for the execution of gays? Nope.
Not now, there was a evolution of western society through basic human rights after the age of revolution..But that didn't mean on the social level it wasn't abated for many years..Islam is having a moral crisis, the radicals want to hold it back in time, the moderates want to advance their societies by throwing off the dogma which alienates Islam from other societies..

They're having a "moral crisis" right now? That's the understatement of the year. They're acting in the same manner they have been for 1400 years: kill all infidels. There is no reason to believe Muslims will ever go "moderate". Can you name one Muslim country that doesn't persecute Jews and gays and non-Muslims? Just look at Turkey, they were considered "moderate", yet when given the chance to vote, they always vote more radical. The only semblance of secularism in the middle east came at the hands of military dictatorships (Saddam, the Ataturks, Assad, ect). When they have democracy, the Muslim people always support and vote radical, which is why ISIS is so strong.
When did ISIS become a democracy?
If they did, then why are there so many gays in Christian society and why are they tolerated?
because of the separation of religion in govt..

Are churches calling for the execution of gays? Nope.
Not now, there was a evolution of western society through basic human rights after the age of revolution..But that didn't mean on the social level it wasn't abated for many years..Islam is having a moral crisis, the radicals want to hold it back in time, the moderates want to advance their societies by throwing off the dogma which alienates Islam from other societies..

They're having a "moral crisis" right now? That's the understatement of the year. They're acting in the same manner they have been for 1400 years: kill all infidels. There is no reason to believe Muslims will ever go "moderate". Can you name one Muslim country that doesn't persecute Jews and gays and non-Muslims? Just look at Turkey, they were considered "moderate", yet when given the chance to vote, they always vote more radical. The only semblance of secularism in the middle east came at the hands of military dictatorships (Saddam, the Ataturks, Assad, ect). When they have democracy, the Muslim people always support and vote radical, which is why ISIS is so strong.
When did ISIS become a democracy?

When it overthrew moderate governments. Democracy usually starts off as a revolution.

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