Biden stumbles in fiery debate as Trump spreads falsehoods

The reality of this debate is that Biden told the truth,
America's # 1 LIAR JOE BIDEN, never stops lying. Here's a list of his latest lies told just during the recent debate >>

1. Border Patrol Endorsement​

Biden claimed he was endorsed by America’s Border Patrol union. That is not true. In fact, the Border Patrol Union issued a real-time fact-check Thursday night June 27, stating: “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”

2. Trump Bleach "Lie"
Biden claimed Trump told people infected with Covid to inject themselves with “bleach.” Trump did not tell people to do that.

3. Illegal Border Crossings​

Biden claimed “there [are] 40 percent fewer people coming across the border illegally” under his presidency than Trump’s. That isn’t true, as illegal border crossings have skyrocketed to record highs under Biden’s presidency. 3.2 Million in 2023.

4. Military Deaths​

Biden claimed he’s the “only president this … decade” who “doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world” under his presidency. That is false. Thirteen service members were killed during Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

5. Inflation​

Biden claimed inflation was at 9 percent when he came into office. That statistic is false. The inflation rate when Trump left office was 1.4 percent.

6. Late Term Abortion​

Biden claimed that Democrats “are not for late-term abortion.” As The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd noted, Biden “has repeatedly promised to legalize unlimited, on-demand abortion through all nine months of pregnancy via a sweeping bill and routinely promoted taxpayer-funded abortion policies.

7. Cages at the Border​

Biden claimed Trump was “separating babies from their mothers [and] putting them in cages” when he was president. That statement is misleading. As admitted by the left-wing Associated Press, these were “chain-link enclosures” inside alien-holding border facilities that were created by the Obama-Biden administration. Also, the kids wer only in these cages for a day or two, before they were sent to high-quality detention centers run by Southwest Key Programs, where the kids had it better than they ever had in their lives (and better than many American kids)


8. No New Taxes​

Biden claimed he “didn’t” raise taxes for “anybody making less than $400,000 a year.” That is false.

9. Hitler​

Biden claimed Trump once said, “Hitler has done some good things.” As admitted by left-wing Snopes, there is no proof that Trump ever said this. The allegation has also been denied by Trump’s staff.
Actually, Hitler DID do some good things. As a younger man (and a very different person), he painted many fine paintings.

10. Biden Repeats Debunked ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’ Hoax​

Biden repeated the lie that Trump called deceased American soldiers “suckers” and “losers.” Numerous former Trump administration officials have publicly refuted the phony story. Even left-wing Snopes admitted, “there appeared to be no evidence of an audio or video recording of the remarks in question, nor was there any documentation, such as transcripts or presidential notes, to independently confirm or deny the alleged quotes’ authenticity.”

11. Trump’s Iran Policy​

Biden claimed Trump “did nothing” to stifle Iranian aggression. That is false. For example, Trump ordered the assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in 2020.

12. Trump’s NATO Remarks​

Biden claimed Trump told Vladimir Putin, “Do whatever you want,” regarding Russia’s invasion of Eastern Europe. But that’s not accurate.

Trump’s remarks came during a South Carolina rally, during which he recounted a story from when he was president and speaking with a NATO member. Trump purportedly told this state that he would withhold U.S. support if they didn’t pay their minimum defense spending obligations. (and Trump succeeded in getting the Europeans to pay their NATO obligations).

13. Climate Alarmism​

Biden falsely contended that the “only existential threat to humanity is climate change.”

14. Efforts to Stop J6 Riot​

Biden insinuated Trump made no effort to ensure demonstrators wouldn’t breach the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. That isn’t true. Trump sought to deploy 10,000 National Guard troops to the Capitol ahead of Congress’s certification of the 2020 election results.
He also exhorted his supporters to go to the capitol and PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY make their VOICES heard.

15. Roe v. Wade

Biden claimed the “vast majority of constitutional scholars supported [Roe v. Wade] when it was decided” by the Supreme Court in 1973. There is no evidence that’s true.

16. Beau’s Death​

Biden claimed his son Beau died in Iraq. Beau was not killed in action in Iraq, but died from brain cancer in 2015, in Bethesda, Maryland.

17. ‘Very Fine People’ Lie​

Biden repeated the lie that Trump called white supremacists who participated in a 2017 Charlottesville march “very fine people.” Even left-wing “fact-checker” Snopes recently admitted that claim is untrue.

18. Unemployment Under Trump​

Biden claimed the unemployment rate was at 15 percent when he came into office. That isn’t true. The unemployment rate was 6.4 percent when Biden was inaugurated in January. (and most of that was caused by the Democrat initiated & maintained pandemic economic ramifications.

19. Trillionaires​

Biden claimed there are “1,000 trillionaires in America.” There are not, in fact, any trillionaires in America or the world. Biden did correct himself on this one.

20. NATO​

Biden claimed Trump “wants to get [the United States] out of NATO.” There is no evidence to suggest that’s true. In fact, Trump regularly pressed NATO countries during his presidency to meet their defense spending commitments.

The Definitive List Of Biden's Lies As President: 379 And Counting

Here is part four of The Federalist’s rigorous coverage designed to hold Biden and his administration accountable.
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Your candidate came across as an unhinged lunatic. The Republicans in the focus group were asked afterwards who they would vote for Trump? "HELL NO!"

No matter how BAD Joe's performance last night, none of these people were going to vote for Trump. One of the women said she'd write in her own name and vote down ballot races. Another said both her and her husband were staying home.

NOBODY was going to vote for Trump.


Trump sure wouldn't have to cheat if Biden took him up on his golf game challenge.

Of course Joe would never do that. He's no challenge to the real leaders of this world, which is why there's a war in Ukraine these days.

Trump's vow to only be a dictator on his first day back in office

View attachment 968597
AP News › article › trump-hannity-dictator-a...
Dec 7, 2023 — Trump campaign aides said Thursday that the former president was simply trying to trigger the left and the media with his dictator comment, ...
I wouldnt mind one bit if Trump became King of America, for life. When he was president, gas at the pump was $ Now it's $3.50 (in Florida) $4.78 in California.

When Trump was president, I was paying $600/month for a 1 bdrm apartment. That apartment is now $1600/month (167% inflation)

When Trump was president, Central American gangs didn't rule the streets of New York City. Now they do.

When Trump was president there were no wars in Ukraine and Israel. Now there are.
I wouldnt mind one bit if Trump became King of America, for life. When he was president, gas at the pump was $ Now it's $3.50 (in Florida) $4.78 in California.

When Trump was president, I was paying $600/month for a 1 bdrm apartment. That apartment is now $1600/month (167% inflation)

When Trump was president, Central American gangs didn't rule the streets of New York City. Now they do.

When Trump was president there were no wars in Ukraine and Israel. Now there are.

All those things you loved, Trump had nothing to do with. And all the things you hate Biden had nothing to do with.

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