Gaza Won't Be 'Liveable' By 2020, U.N. Report Finds


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Gaza Won't Be 'Liveable' By 2020, U.N. Report Finds


GAZA, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Gaza will no longer be "liveable" by 2020 unless urgent action is taken to improve water supply, power, health, and schooling, the United Nations' most comprehensive report on the Palestinian enclave said on Monday.

"Action needs to be taken now if Gaza is to be a liveable place in 2020 and it is already difficult now," U.N. humanitarian coordinator Maxwell Gaylard told journalists when the report was released on Monday.

Five years into an Israeli blockade supported by Egypt, and living under one-party rule, Gaza's population of 1.6 million is set to rise by 500,000 over the next eight years, say the authors of the U.N.'s most wide-ranging report on the territory.

Gaza has one the youngest populations in the world, with 51 percent of people under the age of 18.

"Action needs to be taken right now on fundamental aspects of life: water sanitation, electricity, education, health and other aspects," Gaylard said.

Since 2007, Gaza has been under the control of the Islamist Hamas organisation, an armed political movement which rejects permanent peace with Israel. They fought a three-week war in January 2009, and Israel is resisting international pressure to lift its blockade, which it says prevents arms reaching Hamas.

Gaza has no airport and no sea port. The border is tense, with frequent clashes over rocket or mortar fire from Gaza and air strikes by Israel. Gaza rockets hit Israeli land on Sunday, damaging a factory in the town of Sderot, east of the enclave.

Israel partly eased restrictions in mid-2010, and Gaza's crippled economy began to revive from rock bottom. Real GDP is estimated to have risen by 28 percent in the first half of 2011 as unemployment fell to 28 percent in 2011 from 37 percent.

But the report, involving expertise from more U.N. agencies and making projections further into the future than before, said growth over the next eight years would be slow, since Gaza's current isolation renders its economy essentially non-viable.

Gaza Won't Be 'Liveable' By 2020, U.N. Report Finds
Finally the Palestinians have to be responsible for their own self determination without sucking off of Israel to provide for them. It's about time.
for those who do not know----when Israel decided to stop allowing Gazans (that is gazans who have resided in Gaza since 1948 ) to work in Israel-----Gazan women objected vehemently My sister in law was happy----her husband no longer had to carry his gun to work----but the gazan women were HYSTERICAL People who imagine that the Gazans want to be entirely "divorced" from Israel----are----ok I will say "naive"
for the record------PREDICTIONS SELDOM -----come true-----I recall ---back in the 60s when population growth experts were telling us that by the year 2000 each human would have only three square inches on the face of the earth upon which to stand.

AIDS was ---"discovered" in 1981 by 1986 ----based on the reports of epidemiologists there were predictions that by the year 2001 ----New York City would be hit like some of the cities of europe were hit by the BUBONIC PLAGUE in which 3/4 of populations died. There were projected images of the streets lined with dead bodies somehow it did not happen
Instead of fightin' with the Israelis all the time...

... mebbe dey oughta start a few Operation Brightside programs...

... an' clean up the place...

... before dey tear it all up again.
Finally the Palestinians have to be responsible for their own self determination without sucking off of Israel to provide for them. It's about time.

Dude, you must inhabit some kind of odd parallel universe...dare we mention the degree to which the filthy, wanton Israeli trash "suck" liberally from the U.S. taxpayer nipple...???? Instead of attacking the victims of the Jews, ask yourself where the Jews draw such lavish lifestyles from....six trillion and counting...
Finally the Palestinians have to be responsible for their own self determination without sucking off of Israel to provide for them. It's about time.

Dude, you must inhabit some kind of odd parallel universe...dare we mention the degree to which the filthy, wanton Israeli trash "suck" liberally from the U.S. taxpayer nipple...???? Instead of attacking the victims of the Jews, ask yourself where the Jews draw such lavish lifestyles from....six trillion and counting...
A Bugatti in every driveway.
Suppose you explain to the board exactly how Ariux's post equates to BS...I myself am also curious....each mthrfkg Israeli is lavishly subsidized by U.S. tax dollars, and the animals maintain one of the highest standards of living in the world....every advantage these filthy pirates receive is translated to a disadvantage for the Palestinians....
Suppose you explain to the board exactly how Ariux's post equates to BS...I myself am also curious....each mthrfkg Israeli is lavishly subsidized by U.S. tax dollars, and the animals maintain one of the highest standards of living in the world....every advantage these filthy pirates receive is translated to a disadvantage for the Palestinians....

The Palestinians are surviving on charity and aid retard, if the US did cut the aid to Israel how the fuck would that mean the Palestinians don't need money? are you retarded?
Gaza Won't Be 'Liveable' By 2020, U.N. Report Finds


GAZA, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Gaza will no longer be "liveable" by 2020 unless urgent action is taken to improve water supply, power, health, and schooling, the United Nations' most comprehensive report on the Palestinian enclave said on Monday.

"Action needs to be taken now if Gaza is to be a liveable place in 2020 and it is already difficult now," U.N. humanitarian coordinator Maxwell Gaylard told journalists when the report was released on Monday.

Five years into an Israeli blockade supported by Egypt, and living under one-party rule, Gaza's population of 1.6 million is set to rise by 500,000 over the next eight years, say the authors of the U.N.'s most wide-ranging report on the territory.

Gaza has one the youngest populations in the world, with 51 percent of people under the age of 18.

"Action needs to be taken right now on fundamental aspects of life: water sanitation, electricity, education, health and other aspects," Gaylard said.

Since 2007, Gaza has been under the control of the Islamist Hamas organisation, an armed political movement which rejects permanent peace with Israel. They fought a three-week war in January 2009, and Israel is resisting international pressure to lift its blockade, which it says prevents arms reaching Hamas.

Gaza has no airport and no sea port. The border is tense, with frequent clashes over rocket or mortar fire from Gaza and air strikes by Israel. Gaza rockets hit Israeli land on Sunday, damaging a factory in the town of Sderot, east of the enclave.

Israel partly eased restrictions in mid-2010, and Gaza's crippled economy began to revive from rock bottom. Real GDP is estimated to have risen by 28 percent in the first half of 2011 as unemployment fell to 28 percent in 2011 from 37 percent.

But the report, involving expertise from more U.N. agencies and making projections further into the future than before, said growth over the next eight years would be slow, since Gaza's current isolation renders its economy essentially non-viable.

Gaza Won't Be 'Liveable' By 2020, U.N. Report Finds might want to explain that Israel financed and sponsored Islamic Hamas over the secular why on earth would the Israelis back a political group that is opposed to any peace with Israel??? please offer us your you think that maybe this is exactly what the Israelis want as an excuse to avoid negotiations or settlement...."peace" is the real threat to these bloodsuckers---not Islamic terrorism!!!
Gaza Won't Be 'Liveable' By 2020, U.N. Report Finds


GAZA, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Gaza will no longer be "liveable" by 2020 unless urgent action is taken to improve water supply, power, health, and schooling, the United Nations' most comprehensive report on the Palestinian enclave said on Monday.

"Action needs to be taken now if Gaza is to be a liveable place in 2020 and it is already difficult now," U.N. humanitarian coordinator Maxwell Gaylard told journalists when the report was released on Monday.

Five years into an Israeli blockade supported by Egypt, and living under one-party rule, Gaza's population of 1.6 million is set to rise by 500,000 over the next eight years, say the authors of the U.N.'s most wide-ranging report on the territory.

Gaza has one the youngest populations in the world, with 51 percent of people under the age of 18.

"Action needs to be taken right now on fundamental aspects of life: water sanitation, electricity, education, health and other aspects," Gaylard said.

Since 2007, Gaza has been under the control of the Islamist Hamas organisation, an armed political movement which rejects permanent peace with Israel. They fought a three-week war in January 2009, and Israel is resisting international pressure to lift its blockade, which it says prevents arms reaching Hamas.

Gaza has no airport and no sea port. The border is tense, with frequent clashes over rocket or mortar fire from Gaza and air strikes by Israel. Gaza rockets hit Israeli land on Sunday, damaging a factory in the town of Sderot, east of the enclave.

Israel partly eased restrictions in mid-2010, and Gaza's crippled economy began to revive from rock bottom. Real GDP is estimated to have risen by 28 percent in the first half of 2011 as unemployment fell to 28 percent in 2011 from 37 percent.

But the report, involving expertise from more U.N. agencies and making projections further into the future than before, said growth over the next eight years would be slow, since Gaza's current isolation renders its economy essentially non-viable.

Gaza Won't Be 'Liveable' By 2020, U.N. Report Finds might want to explain that Israel financed and sponsored Islamic Hamas over the secular why on earth would the Israelis back a political group that is opposed to any peace with Israel??? please offer us your you think that maybe this is exactly what the Israelis want as an excuse to avoid negotiations or settlement...."peace" is the real threat to these bloodsuckers---not Islamic terrorism!!!

Suppose you explain to the board exactly how Ariux's post equates to BS...I myself am also curious....each mthrfkg Israeli is lavishly subsidized by U.S. tax dollars, and the animals maintain one of the highest standards of living in the world....every advantage these filthy pirates receive is translated to a disadvantage for the Palestinians....

The Palestinians are surviving on charity and aid retard, if the US did cut the aid to Israel how the fuck would that mean the Palestinians don't need money? are you retarded?

You typically ignorant pose-parrot, do you actually assume that the Israelis are the only source of sustenance for the Palestinians??? Can you possibly be this uneducated and still possess the chutzpah to offer up your mindless prescriptions on an issue whose interior dimensions you scarcely begin to essentially paraphrase the Zionist filth who dare to claim the the Palestinians are dependent upon the Israelis for their very lives.....basically you are advocating the status quo that dictates that Jews should be allowed to rob U.S. taxpayers blind to finance their crimes against Palestinians....sell your ill-informed pretensions elsewhere you fkg propaganda junkie
Suppose you explain to the board exactly how Ariux's post equates to BS...I myself am also curious....each mthrfkg Israeli is lavishly subsidized by U.S. tax dollars, and the animals maintain one of the highest standards of living in the world....every advantage these filthy pirates receive is translated to a disadvantage for the Palestinians....
I don't know wny Skitt is moaning about taxes when I doubt the people in the psych ward pay anything. No doubt he doesn't think the Pakistanis are filthy pirates even though they take tons of money from us and then their military turns around and abets the Taliban who kill American soldiers. I still am wondering, with all the blabbering that Skitt has been doing, that he isn't over there helping them like John Lindh Walker did.

Gaza Won't Be 'Liveable' By 2020, U.N. Report Finds


GAZA, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Gaza will no longer be "liveable" by 2020 unless urgent action is taken to improve water supply, power, health, and schooling, the United Nations' most comprehensive report on the Palestinian enclave said on Monday.

"Action needs to be taken now if Gaza is to be a liveable place in 2020 and it is already difficult now," U.N. humanitarian coordinator Maxwell Gaylard told journalists when the report was released on Monday.

Five years into an Israeli blockade supported by Egypt, and living under one-party rule, Gaza's population of 1.6 million is set to rise by 500,000 over the next eight years, say the authors of the U.N.'s most wide-ranging report on the territory.

Gaza has one the youngest populations in the world, with 51 percent of people under the age of 18.

"Action needs to be taken right now on fundamental aspects of life: water sanitation, electricity, education, health and other aspects," Gaylard said.

Since 2007, Gaza has been under the control of the Islamist Hamas organisation, an armed political movement which rejects permanent peace with Israel. They fought a three-week war in January 2009, and Israel is resisting international pressure to lift its blockade, which it says prevents arms reaching Hamas.

Gaza has no airport and no sea port. The border is tense, with frequent clashes over rocket or mortar fire from Gaza and air strikes by Israel. Gaza rockets hit Israeli land on Sunday, damaging a factory in the town of Sderot, east of the enclave.

Israel partly eased restrictions in mid-2010, and Gaza's crippled economy began to revive from rock bottom. Real GDP is estimated to have risen by 28 percent in the first half of 2011 as unemployment fell to 28 percent in 2011 from 37 percent.

But the report, involving expertise from more U.N. agencies and making projections further into the future than before, said growth over the next eight years would be slow, since Gaza's current isolation renders its economy essentially non-viable.

Gaza Won't Be 'Liveable' By 2020, U.N. Report Finds might want to explain that Israel financed and sponsored Islamic Hamas over the secular why on earth would the Israelis back a political group that is opposed to any peace with Israel??? please offer us your you think that maybe this is exactly what the Israelis want as an excuse to avoid negotiations or settlement...."peace" is the real threat to these bloodsuckers---not Islamic terrorism!!!
Of course Skitt would never consider those countries blood suckers which have had their hands out for years and years even though they hate America. Naturally Skitt has no problem with those blood suckers who are killing people in the name of their religion since there is nothing there which he can blame the Jews.

ahhh shut the fk up ya flippant old turnip-sucking medicare recipient...take your mindless blather and stick it up yer sundress ya retired Nazi

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