General Ben Hodges : "NATO should shoot down Muscovite missiles fired at civilian targets in Ukraine, "


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
He is not wrong. I've been saying this early on when rus started their first missile campaign against Ukrainian cities.We own this to them. We should actively assist them in downing these missiles. Democracies together.What Moscow 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 ulus going to do? Unleash angry Lavrov rant?

You have reached Rock Bottom , Nazi Troll .
Demand better material from your Sales Office

Otherwise you will simply cement your position as site idiot number one .

You can do better than this nonsense
He is not wrong. I've been saying this early on when rus started their first missile campaign against Ukrainian cities.We own this to them. We should actively assist them in downing these missiles. Democracies together.What Moscow 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 ulus going to do? Unleash angry Lavrov rant?

And then the Russians will bomb NATO bases in NATO countries. And NATO countries can't allow themselves to get involved in the direct conflict against a nuclear power without American nuclear umbrella.

It is naive to consider that any Administration (even so anti-American as Biden's) may be willing to risk the destruction of American cities as the cost of defending Ukrainian or Baltic Neo-Nazi regimes.
And then the Russians will bomb NATO bases in NATO countries. And NATO countries can't allow themselves to get involved in the direct conflict against a nuclear power without American nuclear umbrella.
View attachment 886572

It is naive to consider that any Administration (even so anti-American as Biden's) may be willing to risk the destruction of American cities as the cost of defending Ukrainian or Baltic Neo-Nazi regimes.
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
And then the Russians will bomb NATO bases in NATO countries. And NATO countries can't allow themselves to get involved in the direct conflict against a nuclear power without American nuclear umbrella.
View attachment 886572

It is naive to consider that any Administration (even so anti-American as Biden's) may be willing to risk the destruction of American cities as the cost of defending Ukrainian or Baltic Neo-Nazi regimes.
You simply have no idea of what America and its citizens are and will do if the Rusrats attack Sweden.
He is not wrong. I've been saying this early on when rus started their first missile campaign against Ukrainian cities.We own this to them. We should actively assist them in downing these missiles. Democracies together.What Moscow 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 ulus going to do? Unleash angry Lavrov rant?

He’s 100% wrong.
Nope, Couchpotatohead is wrong.
Why woukd we want to further invovle ourselves in this war? How has it furthered our national interests? It’s stupid shit like this that’s got us in this cycle of perpetual war. It’s stupid people like you who don’t have to fight them that keeps us in this cycle. We (NATO) have been fucking around, pushing Russia for decades and want to act surprised when they then do stupid shit in reaction to it.
Aren't old retired Generals required to sign some sort of document preventing them from interfering in U.S. foreign policy?
If Russia launches a limited attack against military targets, the USA counter launch will burn Russia to the ground.
you 199% right ,

ps the best post for today

The fact that the “hard worker” type, that is, that same worker or plumber who monitors the condition of utility pipes, is especially vulnerable to mobilization. He works in absolutely transparent for the authorities and organizations subordinate to them places, he usually served in the military, and usually, such people are submitted to the military registration and enlistment office much more often than office employees or chauffeurs for the management. They don't feel sorry for them.The fact is that these “hard workers” themselves, getting hard work for little money, when they have to be ready at any time of the day or night, in any weather, to dive into a pit filled with steaming sewage or boiling water flock themselves to the military registration and enlistment offices, and sign contracts. They say life is not easy now, so it won’t get any worse, especially since they all served, they are “men,” and Solovyov said to go defend their homeland, plus it wouldn’t hurt to get some money.The fact that, after the fall of the ruble and the emergence of very real risks of going to the Ukrainian steppes instead of sweeping the yard, migrants began to come less often and leave more often. The dream of the poets, who have been demanding the expulsion of strangers from our Eden for so many years, has come true. True, like all dreams that come true with the realization of the dream being what was not expected.The system, as it seemed to itself, sacrificed only low-value ballast; almost none of the really important and respected people - like bosses, their associates, relatives or in-laws were affected by the situation. It was possible to negotiate and bargain for them, putting forward and offering in exchange “hard workers,” who, it seemed, were a dime a dozen.However, they were only ballast in our today's distorted, irrational optics. In fact, they turned out to be precisely the very nail on which the decayed and rotten communal pipe system, as well as the bosses, contractors, inspectors, distribution and other structures feeding on it, were held together. And now they all, together, unfortunately, and with the cities, are slowly falling into that same huge, steaming and smoking January pit with feces bubbling in boiling water. But “Ivanovich,” who was usually sent there with a set of keys and a parting swear word, is not at hand. “Ivanych” has left and will not return. And it’s unclear what to do. And it’s unclear how to continue to live. The bosses won’t get their hands dirty, and they don’t know how to…”


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