Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021

Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill​

Source: Study Finds

A ground-breaking contraceptive pill for men could be just around the corner after a major genetic breakthrough. Scientists at Washington State University have identified a gene which temporarily renders sperm infertile after they remove it.

The research team discovered a protein encoded by this gene, found solely in the testicular tissue of most mammals, which reduced sperm counts and deformed remaining sperm to make them incapable of fertilizing an egg when altered. The potentially historic breakthrough contraceptive pill would also have no hormonal side-effects and could be additionally help control animal overpopulation — replacing castration.

Crucially, the destabilization of the infertility protein is not permanent, meaning sperm will recover once the person or animal stops taking the treatment. Scientists have hailed the discovery as potentially important for the future of the human race. In their study, researchers identified the expression of a gene called Arrdc5 in the testicular tissue of mice, pigs, cattle, and humans.

Read more: Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill

Good! About fucking time. You should be expected to have taken this before any play time and that is just the way it is until the day WE chose to have kids.

Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill​

Source: Study Finds

A ground-breaking contraceptive pill for men could be just around the corner after a major genetic breakthrough. Scientists at Washington State University have identified a gene which temporarily renders sperm infertile after they remove it.

The research team discovered a protein encoded by this gene, found solely in the testicular tissue of most mammals, which reduced sperm counts and deformed remaining sperm to make them incapable of fertilizing an egg when altered. The potentially historic breakthrough contraceptive pill would also have no hormonal side-effects and could be additionally help control animal overpopulation — replacing castration.

Crucially, the destabilization of the infertility protein is not permanent, meaning sperm will recover once the person or animal stops taking the treatment. Scientists have hailed the discovery as potentially important for the future of the human race. In their study, researchers identified the expression of a gene called Arrdc5 in the testicular tissue of mice, pigs, cattle, and humans.

Read more: Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill

Good! About fucking time. You should be expected to have taken this before any play time and that is just the way it is until the day WE chose to have kids.

Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill​

Source: Study Finds

A ground-breaking contraceptive pill for men could be just around the corner after a major genetic breakthrough. Scientists at Washington State University have identified a gene which temporarily renders sperm infertile after they remove it.

Good! About fucking time. You should be expected to have taken this before any play time and that is just the way it is until the day WE chose to have kids.
You are a 37-year-old biological male who sees yourself as a "girl" and now you are talking about "WE" getting pregnant?

Well, that is certainly entertaining.

Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill​

Source: Study Finds

A ground-breaking contraceptive pill for men could be just around the corner after a major genetic breakthrough. Scientists at Washington State University have identified a gene which temporarily renders sperm infertile after they remove it.

The research team discovered a protein encoded by this gene, found solely in the testicular tissue of most mammals, which reduced sperm counts and deformed remaining sperm to make them incapable of fertilizing an egg when altered. The potentially historic breakthrough contraceptive pill would also have no hormonal side-effects and could be additionally help control animal overpopulation — replacing castration.

Crucially, the destabilization of the infertility protein is not permanent, meaning sperm will recover once the person or animal stops taking the treatment. Scientists have hailed the discovery as potentially important for the future of the human race. In their study, researchers identified the expression of a gene called Arrdc5 in the testicular tissue of mice, pigs, cattle, and humans.

Read more: Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill

Good! About fucking time. You should be expected to have taken this before any play time and that is just the way it is until the day WE chose to have kids.
If it works, fine with me. I quit making babies back when I was 43 and all three of ours were planned between the both of us. Now that' really the way to go and just poking fun at it the rest of the time. I sure could never approve a woman deciding to get pregnant without including the perspective father in the decision.
I sure could never approve a woman deciding to get pregnant without including the perspective father in the decision.
No need. The shoe will mercifully shift to the other foot. Given cheap, universal access,.. men will be stuck arguing for privacy rights. Prospective rapists shall soon be held unquestionably responsible for their negligence at long last. Roe vs. Wade?.. recalled reluctantly as a needed band-aid, sadistically applied during a sad moment of our legal history.
No need. The shoe will mercifully shift to the other foot. Given cheap, universal access,.. men will be stuck arguing for privacy rights. Prospective rapists shall soon be held unquestionably responsible for their negligence at long last. Roe vs. Wade?.. recalled reluctantly as a needed band-aid, sadistically applied during a sad moment of our legal history.
I wouldn't go that far. It ain't out yet as a pill or in any other form. Who knows, they may also find out it makes your dk fall off.
If the FDA approved it, I'm definitely OUT. Fine print probably reads

side effects may include sudden uncontrollable bowl movements, flatulence, sudden and irreversible hair loss, mood swings, depression, permanant sterility, cancer including testicular and prostate, eye swelling, swelling of lymph nodes, SIDS, insomnia, cardiac imblalism, seizures, and death. If symptoms of cardiac failure or seizures last more than 12 hours, please discontinue use and contact a physician. Do not take if you are alergic.

Besides, making babies is cathartic and good...serious business, not playtime.

if it happens one time now and the woman gets preggo....well there you go
Well, then I guess you’ll have to get on the pill then if you’re that paranoid that you think dudes are pulling off rubbers mid-fuck.

You do realize we wear them because we don’t want to get stuck with an unwanted pregnancy any more than you. Like we want child support payments?

I don’t care what anyone says, sex without a condom doesn’t feel any different than sex with one. A man has no reason to “stealth” aside from some weird desire to deliberately impregnate and/or transmit a std.
Well, then I guess you’ll have to get on the pill then if you’re that paranoid that you think dudes are pulling off rubbers mid-fuck.

You do realize we wear them because we don’t want to get stuck with an unwanted pregnancy any more than you. Like we want child support payments?

I don’t care what anyone says, sex without a condom doesn’t feel any different than sex with one. A man has no reason to “stealth” aside from some weird desire to deliberately impregnate and/or transmit a std.

you realize you are taking to a 69 yr old woman?
you realize you are taking to a 69 yr old woman?
Well, my point still stands. If a child bearing age woman is so worried that men are gonna “stealth” her, I guess she better get on the pill. Or not have sex.

I’m not taking an experimental pill that very likely is based on hormones and could mess up my testosterone or libido or something. And I’m certainly not going to get the snip.

Condoms are a perfectly effective and reasonable and affordable method of birth control.

Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill​

Source: Study Finds

A ground-breaking contraceptive pill for men could be just around the corner after a major genetic breakthrough. Scientists at Washington State University have identified a gene which temporarily renders sperm infertile after they remove it.

The research team discovered a protein encoded by this gene, found solely in the testicular tissue of most mammals, which reduced sperm counts and deformed remaining sperm to make them incapable of fertilizing an egg when altered. The potentially historic breakthrough contraceptive pill would also have no hormonal side-effects and could be additionally help control animal overpopulation — replacing castration.

Crucially, the destabilization of the infertility protein is not permanent, meaning sperm will recover once the person or animal stops taking the treatment. Scientists have hailed the discovery as potentially important for the future of the human race. In their study, researchers identified the expression of a gene called Arrdc5 in the testicular tissue of mice, pigs, cattle, and humans.

Read more: Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill

Good! About fucking time. You should be expected to have taken this before any play time and that is just the way it is until the day WE chose to have kids.
Why are you so excited about this? Shouldnt you be focused on IUDs or something? :abgg2q.jpg:

Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill​

Source: Study Finds

A ground-breaking contraceptive pill for men could be just around the corner after a major genetic breakthrough. Scientists at Washington State University have identified a gene which temporarily renders sperm infertile after they remove it.

The research team discovered a protein encoded by this gene, found solely in the testicular tissue of most mammals, which reduced sperm counts and deformed remaining sperm to make them incapable of fertilizing an egg when altered. The potentially historic breakthrough contraceptive pill would also have no hormonal side-effects and could be additionally help control animal overpopulation — replacing castration.

Crucially, the destabilization of the infertility protein is not permanent, meaning sperm will recover once the person or animal stops taking the treatment. Scientists have hailed the discovery as potentially important for the future of the human race. In their study, researchers identified the expression of a gene called Arrdc5 in the testicular tissue of mice, pigs, cattle, and humans.

Read more: Genetic breakthrough paves the way for a male birth control pill

Good! About fucking time. You should be expected to have taken this before any play time and that is just the way it is until the day WE chose to have kids.
I'll still use a condom to protect against getting a STD.

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