George Clooney's Ideal Woman

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Here's Gorgeous George's description of his "ideal woman": "The ideal woman...should have Nicole Kidman's laughter, the personality of Julia Roberts and aspects of Michelle Pfeiffer. And finally, the ambition of Jennifer Lopez." (No Teri Hatcher thrown into the mix?)

Since George admires Jennifer Lopez's ambition, I don't think the "clinging vine", adoring, dependent woman has any appeal for George. Overall, I liked his composition. Attests that he appreciates fine women when he spots them. What do you think?
Frankly, anyone that admires or wants a Jennifer Lopez gets what's coming to him or her. Hollywood actors and actresses are not role models. I can't imagine a Jennifer Lopez, Michelle Pfeiffer or other Hollywood movie starlet taking care of me when I was sick, or packing my lunch for work the next day. These people are by definition, selfish, although glamorous. They definitely fall into the "high maintenance" category... to the degree that a fighter jet or other high performance machine is "high maintenance" (i.e. VERY).

In my opinion, people spend too much time admiring the "great" people who do "great" things. But, you know what? Rome, the pyramids and the Great Wall were not built by the Pharaohs or emperors, but by many common folk, toiling in the hot sun. The great people of this planet are people like my Mom and Dad who got up to go to work in the morning, raised their kids, did their jobs and in their own little way, made the world a better place to live.

The great people of this world are mostly obscure, little known people who may have not done anything notable, but did it to the best of their ability. It was they, not emperors or kings, that built civilization.

In short, ladies and gentlemen, we are the great people of this planet. And we do it every day without a press agent, without a camera recording it for posterity or for the next press release.
Uh, Karl, this was supposed to be a fun post. It's Valentine's Day, man. Nothing wrong with day dreaming about an ideal woman. (I do agree with your assessment that it's the ordinary people of this world who are the real heroes, truly worthy to be put up on pedestals and admired.)
Adam's Apple said:
Uh, Karl, this was supposed to be a fun post. It's Valentine's Day, man. Nothing wrong with day dreaming about an ideal woman. (I do agree with your assessment that it's the ordinary people of this world who are the real heroes, truly worthy to be put up on pedestals and admired.)
oh... sorry.... with George Clooney as the subject, it's hard to tell the difference...
I understand what you're saying about George Clooney and his politics. AAARRRRFFFF!

George has become the new Adonis with the ladies, replacing Brad Pitt as THE HUNK, so it's interesting to read (at least to me) about his idea of the "ideal woman".
Adam's Apple said:
I understand what you're saying about George Clooney and his politics. AAARRRRFFFF!

George has become the new Adonis with the ladies, replacing Brad Pitt as THE HUNK, so it's interesting to read (at least to me) about his idea of the "ideal woman".
I guess you're the victim of bad timing.... this week's National Review has George Clooney and the caption "Get over yourself George"...


Needless to say, National Review isn't going to be sending George Clooney any Valentine's Day cards!

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