Geraldo slams ‘GOP bloodlust’ over Benghazi

It's disgusting when the right uses American deaths for political gain and then diss Obama for getting bin Laden. Whose side are they on anyway? Their rhetoric puts Saul Alinsky and Malcolm X to shame!

I wondered who's side you assclowns were on during Bushs 2 terms. That's right...2 terms!
It's disgusting when the right uses American deaths for political gain and then diss Obama for getting bin Laden. Whose side are they on anyway? Their rhetoric puts Saul Alinsky and Malcolm X to shame!

oh right, maybe you don't mind being lied too..but MOST of people are asking for the TRUTH

The truth is Americans are more concerned about jobs and didn't like it when Mitt lied about Jeeps-to-China.
It's disgusting when the right uses American deaths for political gain and then diss Obama for getting bin Laden. Whose side are they on anyway? Their rhetoric puts Saul Alinsky and Malcolm X to shame!

oh right, maybe you don't mind being lied too..but MOST of people are asking for the TRUTH

The truth is Americans are more concerned about jobs and didn't like it when Mitt lied about Jeeps-to-China.

All this from a guy who should be lucky to have a job
barley has a career and is married to his fifth wife.

I am in no hurry to listen to much of what this guy has to say.
Good for you Geraldo... there is still hope for you as a serious news correspondent yet. :clap2:

Geraldo slams

Geraldo Rivera slammed the politicization of the attack in Benghazi, firing off a series of tweets while hunkered down at home in Edgewater, N.J., during Hurricane Sandy. Rivera, the Fox News contributor and "Geraldo at Large" host, criticized the controversy being pushed by some conservatives.

It's "clear no C130 gunships were available," Rivera tweeted. "Criticize coverup [but] saying White House watched [and] did nothing to help is a lie."

Geraldo said,"It's clear no C130 gunships were available"...

If that is true why were our men 'painting' a mortar with a laser targeting device?

Those ONLY work if there is an aircraft available to 'read' the laser and FIRE A WEAPON.

Since the laser itself is VISIBLE to anyone with night vision OR A NIGHT PICTURE CAPABLE CELL PHONE, IT WAS no problem for the mortar team to locate the SOURCE and blow it to pieces. Our men, KNOWING THAT, were EXPECTING a gunship to destroy the mortar position BEFORE the mortar could KILL THEM.

Who gave the order to 'stand down'?
Good for you Geraldo... there is still hope for you as a serious news correspondent yet. :clap2:

Geraldo slams

Geraldo Rivera slammed the politicization of the attack in Benghazi, firing off a series of tweets while hunkered down at home in Edgewater, N.J., during Hurricane Sandy. Rivera, the Fox News contributor and "Geraldo at Large" host, criticized the controversy being pushed by some conservatives.

It's "clear no C130 gunships were available," Rivera tweeted. "Criticize coverup [but] saying White House watched [and] did nothing to help is a lie."

Jerry has always been such a goon! I turn the channel anytime he comes on, I can't stand to watch his lying showboating bullshit. Talk about a guy with a shortman's complex.
Good for you Geraldo... there is still hope for you as a serious news correspondent yet. :clap2:

Geraldo slams

Geraldo Rivera slammed the politicization of the attack in Benghazi, firing off a series of tweets while hunkered down at home in Edgewater, N.J., during Hurricane Sandy. Rivera, the Fox News contributor and "Geraldo at Large" host, criticized the controversy being pushed by some conservatives.

It's "clear no C130 gunships were available," Rivera tweeted. "Criticize coverup [but] saying White House watched [and] did nothing to help is a lie."

Maybe now the families of the victims can get some closure. Perhaps this will be a turning point for the "win at all costs" conservative movement???? I know better.
Maybe now the families of the victims can get some closure. Perhaps this will be a turning point for the "win at all costs" conservative movement???? I know better.
In case you didn't get the memo...The families want the truth, which isn't going to come out of any mouth of anyone infesting the current regime, nor out of any of the sphincter lickers in the lamestream media, up to and including Gerry Rivers.

Good for you Geraldo... there is still hope for you as a serious news correspondent yet. :clap2:

Geraldo slams

Geraldo Rivera slammed the politicization of the attack in Benghazi, firing off a series of tweets while hunkered down at home in Edgewater, N.J., during Hurricane Sandy. Rivera, the Fox News contributor and "Geraldo at Large" host, criticized the controversy being pushed by some conservatives.

It's "clear no C130 gunships were available," Rivera tweeted. "Criticize coverup [but] saying White House watched [and] did nothing to help is a lie."

Maybe now the families of the victims can get some closure. Perhaps this will be a turning point for the "win at all costs" conservative movement???? I know better.

Nah, it's just Jerry lying again, as usual. The guy is and has been full of manure for many years. Lying and showboating to try and get his name out is his usual modus operandi.
If that is true why were our men 'painting' a mortar with a laser targeting device?

They expected something to be overhead? They were panicking and trying every single thing they could at the time? Maybe they were painting it for the Predators that were supposedly overhead? There's any number of other explanations.

Those ONLY work if there is an aircraft available to 'read' the laser and FIRE A WEAPON.

I'd like some actual hard facts on that, it sounds fishy as all hell. That, or you worded it wrong. I doubt the hand-held designator ONLY works when an aircraft is around, especially if what I'm reading about the same systems being able to range find, and send the data around to other systems is true.

Since the laser itself is VISIBLE to anyone with night vision OR A NIGHT PICTURE CAPABLE CELL PHONE, IT WAS no problem for the mortar team to locate the SOURCE and blow it to pieces. Our men, KNOWING THAT, were EXPECTING a gunship to destroy the mortar position BEFORE the mortar could KILL THEM.

How likely is it that they had night vision goggles man? Or how likely is it they were sweeping cellphones around as opposed to...shooting an other terrorist things? You're making like, a shit ton of illogical leaps, based not even on confirmed facts.

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