German aggression troops to be deployed near Russia

The NATO troops are there to demonstrate that Russia is nothing more than an old mangy dying bear.
GO President Trump , time for some meetings with possible new friends or at least some new workmates and associates !!
ww3 is already here in the form of 'islamic state' enemies and President Trump and maybe his new allies will start going after them in proper fashion OldSchool !!
The NATO Baltic States are particularly vulnerable as they are small and have been under the heel of Russia since 1939 until the Soviet Union imploded. There are Russian speakers there now so Putin might want to have them back, as he did with Crimea and the eastern Ukraine. The Germans gave the Russians a bloody nose in the last century and they are ready to finish the job in this century.
sounds like big talk and seriously , a war in your part of the world just means something to talk about on an American message board Eloi !!
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the good news is that President Trump has arrived with the challage to destroy the 'Islamic state' and I think that he will do that Eloi !!
sounds like big talk and seriously , a war in your part of the world just means something to talk about on an American message Eloi !!
A special badge should be worn on the sleeves of next German troops who liberate Krimea.
The question is whether the Americans will be ordered to support Putin's troops.
who knows , the Trump is in charge and we might not get involved Eloi . Seems to me though that it is merkels Germany that needs to be liberated from 'merkel' . Maybe the German people will do the liberating Eloi !!
sounds like big talk and seriously , a war in your part of the world just means something to talk about on an American message Eloi !!
A special badge should be worn on the sleeves of next German troops who liberate Krimea.
The question is whether the Americans will be ordered to support Putin's troops.
The Crimea has already been liberated. Falling into the hands of the Nato´s nazi thugs, the people of the Crimea welcomed the Russian reaction and voted for the Anschluss.
500 suicidal Nato troops, thereof 450 Germans, will be deployed near Russia to be a sign of weakness and everything but a threat to Russia. This provocation combined with weakness will provoke no Russian reaction.

German forces to amass near Russian border
Maybe it wasn't a good idea!
I hope that now with the new government things are gonna change between NATO and Russia :)
Agreed. But some of Trump´s officials have voiced an anti-Russian stance. I am really skeptical right now and hope Trump will calm the waves.

Trump team wallows in anti-Russian rhetoric and saber-rattling
I've heard about that Bleipriester :)
Maybe it's just a strategy. Who knows?
We don't know what's happening in the "control room".
sounds like big talk and seriously , a war in your part of the world just means something to talk about on an American message Eloi !!
A special badge should be worn on the sleeves of next German troops who liberate Krimea.
The question is whether the Americans will be ordered to support Putin's troops.
The Crimea has already been liberated. Falling into the hands of the Nato´s nazi thugs, the people of the Crimea welcomed the Russian reaction and voted for the Anschluss.
With the order to defend Europe, NATO together with European allies will hit Russia like never before. Europeans know what Russians are capable of doing to their neighbors. The Russians are impervious to economic sanctions and Europeans have not supported the Ukrainians sufficiently. There is only one language the Russians understand and that is to hit them hard militarily. When Ukraine is secure in the east and Krim is liberated by force if necessary, Europe can stand down.


Soldiers of the Nordic Battle Group (European Union) are in the Baltic States awaiting orders to spearhead an advance on St. Petersburg

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