German federal elections 2017


Nov 14, 2012
The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.
The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

I posted the below in another thread, I think I was posting it when you were posting your thread, so I copy and paste my post here also.

First Exit Poll, this on our friend Holgers Twitter.






TOTAL disaster result for SPD I think this their worse result since early 1950s, I will have to read to see which year.

Also nobody did not expect Angela Merkel and CDU/CSU to come first, but that 32.5% is TERRIBLE in comparing to 2013, apparent that allowing in chaotic Muslim hordes has affected both the CDU/CSU and Coalition partners SPD.

The 2013 election Merkel CDU/CSU got 41.5% so she and they have lost 9%

The 2013 election the SPD got 25.7% so they have lost 5.7%

9% + 5.7% = 14.7 and the AfD got 99% of that 14.7%

The Internal Polling is saying that CDU/CSU lost 996,565 DIRECT VOTERS who voted STRAIGHT from CDU/CSU for the AfD, I have not yet seen what the loss from SPD to AfD is yet but I expect it's worse than the AfD taking nearly a million voters away from the CDU/CSU.

The story is that AfD again have over performed what opinion polls said, 13.5% = 86 seats = political earthquake = the AfD are now fully Mainstream party and those who say "fringe" sorry they are not a "fringe" the below result is into the Mainstream, the feet are inside the door. This is EXCELLENT for Democracy.

This result is EXCELLENT for the Open Debate that we NEED to have on our Continent an Open Debate on very important situations that concern many many millions of the peoples of this Continent.

To put the AfD's Historical Success in entering the Bundestag in perspective the AfD vote is TWO THIRDS of the SPD vote and they are only 6.5% away from the SPD, considering the SPD are the oldest established party and the AfD only established four years ago this is achievement.

Also congratulations again to Harris Media of Texas who were employed by the Trump for President Campaign and were successful for him and were employed by the AfD and were successful for them.

We are very very happy that the filthy Commies Die Linke and the vermin that leads them are last at 8.9%/9.0%

AfD are now the third largest party, they might be official Opposition party depending on the new Coalition.

Merkel should stay with CDU/CSU/SPD Coalition as CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne would be difficult to negotiate and keep together. Although I just hear that the SPD have said they do not want to go into Coalition again with Merkel, so her more difficult option is the only option CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne this could take until December or even January 2018 to negotiate a satisfactory agreement because the FDP/Grüne has serious policy issues with each other.
The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

"To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition."

This everyone knew they would do, it's pathetic and psychological, but it means nothing because they cannot remove what has just happened and that is the larger psychological earthquake and political earthquake that the AfD are now fully in the Mainstream, have their feet in the door and with that a platform and a spring board.

Also if Merkel cannot get a deal with FDP/Grüne then the SPD will have to go into Coalition with CDU/CSU again.

Oh and of course the Far Left Fascist's the Antifa are already gathering in Berlin and threatening violence because the AfD got a big vote.

The AfD are a Mainstream Conservative party who support Democracy.

The Antifa are Far Left Fascists who are Anti-Democracy.
The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

I posted the below in another thread, I think I was posting it when you were posting your thread, so I copy and paste my post here also.

First Exit Poll, this on our friend Holgers Twitter.

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TOTAL disaster result for SPD I think this their worse result since early 1950s, I will have to read to see which year.

Also nobody did not expect Angela Merkel and CDU/CSU to come first, but that 32.5% is TERRIBLE in comparing to 2013, apparent that allowing in chaotic Muslim hordes has affected both the CDU/CSU and Coalition partners SPD.

The 2013 election Merkel CDU/CSU got 41.5% so she and they have lost 9%

The 2013 election the SPD got 25.7% so they have lost 5.7%

9% + 5.7% = 14.7 and the AfD got 99% of that 14.7%

The Internal Polling is saying that CDU/CSU lost 996,565 DIRECT VOTERS who voted STRAIGHT from CDU/CSU for the AfD, I have not yet seen what the loss from SPD to AfD is yet but I expect it's worse than the AfD taking nearly a million voters away from the CDU/CSU.

The story is that AfD again have over performed what opinion polls said, 13.5% = 86 seats = political earthquake = the AfD are now fully Mainstream party and those who say "fringe" sorry they are not a "fringe" the below result is into the Mainstream, the feet are inside the door. This is EXCELLENT for Democracy.

This result is EXCELLENT for the Open Debate that we NEED to have on our Continent an Open Debate on very important situations that concern many many millions of the peoples of this Continent.

To put the AfD's Historical Success in entering the Bundestag in perspective the AfD vote is TWO THIRDS of the SPD vote and they are only 6.5% away from the SPD, considering the SPD are the oldest established party and the AfD only established four years ago this is achievement.

Also congratulations again to Harris Media of Texas who were employed by the Trump for President Campaign and were successful for him and were employed by the AfD and were successful for them.

We are very very happy that the filthy Commies Die Linke and the vermin that leads them are last at 8.9%/9.0%

AfD are now the third largest party, they might be official Opposition party depending on the new Coalition.

Merkel should stay with CDU/CSU/SPD Coalition as CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne would be difficult to negotiate and keep together. Although I just hear that the SPD have said they do not want to go into Coalition again with Merkel, so her more difficult option is the only option CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne this could take until December or even January 2018 to negotiate a satisfactory agreement because the FDP/Grüne has serious policy issues with each other.

From my above post:


The loss of votes from the CDU/CSU to the AfD has increased from 996,565 to 1, 190,000.

The AfD has directly taken 471,000 voters from the SPD.

The AfD has directly taken 401,000 voters from Die Linke.

Also 39,000 people who told Opinion Polls they were going to vote for the FDP at last minute today changed their minds and instead voted for the AfD.
The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

I posted the below in another thread, I think I was posting it when you were posting your thread, so I copy and paste my post here also.

First Exit Poll, this on our friend Holgers Twitter.

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TOTAL disaster result for SPD I think this their worse result since early 1950s, I will have to read to see which year.

Also nobody did not expect Angela Merkel and CDU/CSU to come first, but that 32.5% is TERRIBLE in comparing to 2013, apparent that allowing in chaotic Muslim hordes has affected both the CDU/CSU and Coalition partners SPD.

The 2013 election Merkel CDU/CSU got 41.5% so she and they have lost 9%

The 2013 election the SPD got 25.7% so they have lost 5.7%

9% + 5.7% = 14.7 and the AfD got 99% of that 14.7%

The Internal Polling is saying that CDU/CSU lost 996,565 DIRECT VOTERS who voted STRAIGHT from CDU/CSU for the AfD, I have not yet seen what the loss from SPD to AfD is yet but I expect it's worse than the AfD taking nearly a million voters away from the CDU/CSU.

The story is that AfD again have over performed what opinion polls said, 13.5% = 86 seats = political earthquake = the AfD are now fully Mainstream party and those who say "fringe" sorry they are not a "fringe" the below result is into the Mainstream, the feet are inside the door. This is EXCELLENT for Democracy.

This result is EXCELLENT for the Open Debate that we NEED to have on our Continent an Open Debate on very important situations that concern many many millions of the peoples of this Continent.

To put the AfD's Historical Success in entering the Bundestag in perspective the AfD vote is TWO THIRDS of the SPD vote and they are only 6.5% away from the SPD, considering the SPD are the oldest established party and the AfD only established four years ago this is achievement.

Also congratulations again to Harris Media of Texas who were employed by the Trump for President Campaign and were successful for him and were employed by the AfD and were successful for them.

We are very very happy that the filthy Commies Die Linke and the vermin that leads them are last at 8.9%/9.0%

AfD are now the third largest party, they might be official Opposition party depending on the new Coalition.

Merkel should stay with CDU/CSU/SPD Coalition as CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne would be difficult to negotiate and keep together. Although I just hear that the SPD have said they do not want to go into Coalition again with Merkel, so her more difficult option is the only option CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne this could take until December or even January 2018 to negotiate a satisfactory agreement because the FDP/Grüne has serious policy issues with each other.

From my above post:

View attachment 151098

The loss of votes from the CDU/CSU to the AfD has increased from 996,565 to 1, 190,000.

The AfD has directly taken 471,000 voters from the SPD.

The AfD has directly taken 401,000 voters from Die Linke.

Also 39,000 people who told Opinion Polls they were going to vote for the FDP at last minute today changed their minds and instead voted for the AfD.


Michel Friedman is N24´s expert today. He does one rant on the AfD after the other. In fact, more than half of his statements are that rants. He won´t get over it and suicide is not off the table. Poor Michel, he won´t get over it!
Maybe the afd should get a participation medal for finishing 8th ?

Mathematics another thing you are crap at.

That would be Third:


Oh and what is this? Yes Third largest party and yes Merkel did say in her press conference that the AfD and those who voted AfD must be listened to, why wouldn't she 21% of her 2013 she lost tonight directly to the AfD, if the CDU/CSU does not listen to the AfD they are going to lose even more of their vote to them next time.

The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

I posted the below in another thread, I think I was posting it when you were posting your thread, so I copy and paste my post here also.

First Exit Poll, this on our friend Holgers Twitter.

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TOTAL disaster result for SPD I think this their worse result since early 1950s, I will have to read to see which year.

Also nobody did not expect Angela Merkel and CDU/CSU to come first, but that 32.5% is TERRIBLE in comparing to 2013, apparent that allowing in chaotic Muslim hordes has affected both the CDU/CSU and Coalition partners SPD.

The 2013 election Merkel CDU/CSU got 41.5% so she and they have lost 9%

The 2013 election the SPD got 25.7% so they have lost 5.7%

9% + 5.7% = 14.7 and the AfD got 99% of that 14.7%

The Internal Polling is saying that CDU/CSU lost 996,565 DIRECT VOTERS who voted STRAIGHT from CDU/CSU for the AfD, I have not yet seen what the loss from SPD to AfD is yet but I expect it's worse than the AfD taking nearly a million voters away from the CDU/CSU.

The story is that AfD again have over performed what opinion polls said, 13.5% = 86 seats = political earthquake = the AfD are now fully Mainstream party and those who say "fringe" sorry they are not a "fringe" the below result is into the Mainstream, the feet are inside the door. This is EXCELLENT for Democracy.

This result is EXCELLENT for the Open Debate that we NEED to have on our Continent an Open Debate on very important situations that concern many many millions of the peoples of this Continent.

To put the AfD's Historical Success in entering the Bundestag in perspective the AfD vote is TWO THIRDS of the SPD vote and they are only 6.5% away from the SPD, considering the SPD are the oldest established party and the AfD only established four years ago this is achievement.

Also congratulations again to Harris Media of Texas who were employed by the Trump for President Campaign and were successful for him and were employed by the AfD and were successful for them.

We are very very happy that the filthy Commies Die Linke and the vermin that leads them are last at 8.9%/9.0%

AfD are now the third largest party, they might be official Opposition party depending on the new Coalition.

Merkel should stay with CDU/CSU/SPD Coalition as CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne would be difficult to negotiate and keep together. Although I just hear that the SPD have said they do not want to go into Coalition again with Merkel, so her more difficult option is the only option CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne this could take until December or even January 2018 to negotiate a satisfactory agreement because the FDP/Grüne has serious policy issues with each other.

From my above post:

View attachment 151098

The loss of votes from the CDU/CSU to the AfD has increased from 996,565 to 1, 190,000.

The AfD has directly taken 471,000 voters from the SPD.

The AfD has directly taken 401,000 voters from Die Linke.

Also 39,000 people who told Opinion Polls they were going to vote for the FDP at last minute today changed their minds and instead voted for the AfD.


The below means that the AfD = Broad and Mainstream support.

The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

I posted the below in another thread, I think I was posting it when you were posting your thread, so I copy and paste my post here also.

First Exit Poll, this on our friend Holgers Twitter.

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TOTAL disaster result for SPD I think this their worse result since early 1950s, I will have to read to see which year.

Also nobody did not expect Angela Merkel and CDU/CSU to come first, but that 32.5% is TERRIBLE in comparing to 2013, apparent that allowing in chaotic Muslim hordes has affected both the CDU/CSU and Coalition partners SPD.

The 2013 election Merkel CDU/CSU got 41.5% so she and they have lost 9%

The 2013 election the SPD got 25.7% so they have lost 5.7%

9% + 5.7% = 14.7 and the AfD got 99% of that 14.7%

The Internal Polling is saying that CDU/CSU lost 996,565 DIRECT VOTERS who voted STRAIGHT from CDU/CSU for the AfD, I have not yet seen what the loss from SPD to AfD is yet but I expect it's worse than the AfD taking nearly a million voters away from the CDU/CSU.

The story is that AfD again have over performed what opinion polls said, 13.5% = 86 seats = political earthquake = the AfD are now fully Mainstream party and those who say "fringe" sorry they are not a "fringe" the below result is into the Mainstream, the feet are inside the door. This is EXCELLENT for Democracy.

This result is EXCELLENT for the Open Debate that we NEED to have on our Continent an Open Debate on very important situations that concern many many millions of the peoples of this Continent.

To put the AfD's Historical Success in entering the Bundestag in perspective the AfD vote is TWO THIRDS of the SPD vote and they are only 6.5% away from the SPD, considering the SPD are the oldest established party and the AfD only established four years ago this is achievement.

Also congratulations again to Harris Media of Texas who were employed by the Trump for President Campaign and were successful for him and were employed by the AfD and were successful for them.

We are very very happy that the filthy Commies Die Linke and the vermin that leads them are last at 8.9%/9.0%

AfD are now the third largest party, they might be official Opposition party depending on the new Coalition.

Merkel should stay with CDU/CSU/SPD Coalition as CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne would be difficult to negotiate and keep together. Although I just hear that the SPD have said they do not want to go into Coalition again with Merkel, so her more difficult option is the only option CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne this could take until December or even January 2018 to negotiate a satisfactory agreement because the FDP/Grüne has serious policy issues with each other.

From my above post:

View attachment 151098

The loss of votes from the CDU/CSU to the AfD has increased from 996,565 to 1, 190,000.

The AfD has directly taken 471,000 voters from the SPD.

The AfD has directly taken 401,000 voters from Die Linke.

Also 39,000 people who told Opinion Polls they were going to vote for the FDP at last minute today changed their minds and instead voted for the AfD.


The below means that the AfD = Broad and Mainstream support.

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CDU 26.5%, AfD 21.5%, SPD 14.5%, CDU complete disaster and a nightmare collapse of the SPD.

The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.


The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

Far Left Antifa human filth have arrived at AfD Celebration party to attempt to begin fights and also are throwing bottles at the police, huge amount of police are there protecting the AfD Celebration party and unknown number of Far Left Antifa human filth have already been arrested.

The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

Far Left Antifa human filth have arrived at AfD Celebration party to attempt to begin fights and also are throwing bottles at the police, huge amount of police are there protecting the AfD Celebration party and unknown number of Far Left Antifa human filth have already been arrested.

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It is approx 1,000 Far Left Fascist Antifa human filth, the AfD are safe and protected from the zoo animals and also the police have blocked all entrances to the building and established barricades outside. All the situation is occurring on the opposite side of the AfD Celebration building at Alexanderplatz.

Again the Far Left Fascist Antifa human filth illustrate that they HATE Democracy and are Anti-Democratic and wish to resort to violence upon police and innocent peoples.




The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

I posted the below in another thread, I think I was posting it when you were posting your thread, so I copy and paste my post here also.

First Exit Poll, this on our friend Holgers Twitter.

View attachment 151088


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View attachment 151090

TOTAL disaster result for SPD I think this their worse result since early 1950s, I will have to read to see which year.

Also nobody did not expect Angela Merkel and CDU/CSU to come first, but that 32.5% is TERRIBLE in comparing to 2013, apparent that allowing in chaotic Muslim hordes has affected both the CDU/CSU and Coalition partners SPD.

The 2013 election Merkel CDU/CSU got 41.5% so she and they have lost 9%

The 2013 election the SPD got 25.7% so they have lost 5.7%

9% + 5.7% = 14.7 and the AfD got 99% of that 14.7%

The Internal Polling is saying that CDU/CSU lost 996,565 DIRECT VOTERS who voted STRAIGHT from CDU/CSU for the AfD, I have not yet seen what the loss from SPD to AfD is yet but I expect it's worse than the AfD taking nearly a million voters away from the CDU/CSU.

The story is that AfD again have over performed what opinion polls said, 13.5% = 86 seats = political earthquake = the AfD are now fully Mainstream party and those who say "fringe" sorry they are not a "fringe" the below result is into the Mainstream, the feet are inside the door. This is EXCELLENT for Democracy.

This result is EXCELLENT for the Open Debate that we NEED to have on our Continent an Open Debate on very important situations that concern many many millions of the peoples of this Continent.

To put the AfD's Historical Success in entering the Bundestag in perspective the AfD vote is TWO THIRDS of the SPD vote and they are only 6.5% away from the SPD, considering the SPD are the oldest established party and the AfD only established four years ago this is achievement.

Also congratulations again to Harris Media of Texas who were employed by the Trump for President Campaign and were successful for him and were employed by the AfD and were successful for them.

We are very very happy that the filthy Commies Die Linke and the vermin that leads them are last at 8.9%/9.0%

AfD are now the third largest party, they might be official Opposition party depending on the new Coalition.

Merkel should stay with CDU/CSU/SPD Coalition as CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne would be difficult to negotiate and keep together. Although I just hear that the SPD have said they do not want to go into Coalition again with Merkel, so her more difficult option is the only option CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne this could take until December or even January 2018 to negotiate a satisfactory agreement because the FDP/Grüne has serious policy issues with each other.

From my above post:

View attachment 151098

The loss of votes from the CDU/CSU to the AfD has increased from 996,565 to 1, 190,000.

The AfD has directly taken 471,000 voters from the SPD.

The AfD has directly taken 401,000 voters from Die Linke.

Also 39,000 people who told Opinion Polls they were going to vote for the FDP at last minute today changed their minds and instead voted for the AfD.

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Do not often agree with Martin Schulz but on this he is 100% correct:

Merkel wins .. good news.
Also, the Far Right [AFD] won seats in Parliament .. scary.
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Wie hat das Volk der Jungenbumser gewählt?

Election result in my electoral district (+- = deviation from national result)

  • CDU: 31,6%; 51.318 Stimmen; -1,3
  • SPD: 25,1%; 40.742 Stimmen; +4,6
  • DIE LINKE: 7,8%; 12.689 Stimmen; -1,4
  • GRÜNE: 7,2%; 11.726 Stimmen; -1,7
  • FDP: 14,1%; 22.947 Stimmen; +3,4
  • AfD: 10,0%; 16.221 Stimmen; -2,6
  • PIRATEN: 0,5%; 780 Stimmen; +0,1
  • NPD: 0,2%; 334 Stimmen; -0,2
  • FREIE WÄHLER: 0,2%; 331 Stimmen; -0,8
  • Tierschutzpartei: 0,8%; 1.350 Stimmen; 0,0
  • ÖDP: 0,1%; 164 Stimmen; -0,2
  • Die PARTEI: 0,8%; 1.325 Stimmen; -0,2
  • Volksabstimmung: 0,1%; 140 Stimmen; +0,1
  • MLPD: 0,1%; 106 Stimmen; 0,0
  • SGP: 0,0%; 18 Stimmen; 0,0
  • AD-DEMOKRATEN: 0,7%; 1.214 Stimmen; +0,6
  • BGE: 0,1%; 166 Stimmen; -0,1
  • DiB: 0,1%; 185 Stimmen; 0,0
  • DKP: 0,0%; 20 Stimmen; 0,0
  • DM: 0,2%; 247 Stimmen; +0,1
  • Die Humanisten: 0,1%; 105 Stimmen; +0,1
  • Gesundheitsforschung: 0,1%; 167 Stimmen; 0,0
  • V-Partei³: 0,1%; 173 Stimmen; 0,0
Interim result:

CDU/CSU: 32,9 %
SPD: 20,5 %
AfD: 12,6 %
FDP: 10,7 %
Linke: 9,2 %
Grüne: 8,9 %
The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

I posted the below in another thread, I think I was posting it when you were posting your thread, so I copy and paste my post here also.

First Exit Poll, this on our friend Holgers Twitter.

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TOTAL disaster result for SPD I think this their worse result since early 1950s, I will have to read to see which year.

Also nobody did not expect Angela Merkel and CDU/CSU to come first, but that 32.5% is TERRIBLE in comparing to 2013, apparent that allowing in chaotic Muslim hordes has affected both the CDU/CSU and Coalition partners SPD.

The 2013 election Merkel CDU/CSU got 41.5% so she and they have lost 9%

The 2013 election the SPD got 25.7% so they have lost 5.7%

9% + 5.7% = 14.7 and the AfD got 99% of that 14.7%

The Internal Polling is saying that CDU/CSU lost 996,565 DIRECT VOTERS who voted STRAIGHT from CDU/CSU for the AfD, I have not yet seen what the loss from SPD to AfD is yet but I expect it's worse than the AfD taking nearly a million voters away from the CDU/CSU.

The story is that AfD again have over performed what opinion polls said, 13.5% = 86 seats = political earthquake = the AfD are now fully Mainstream party and those who say "fringe" sorry they are not a "fringe" the below result is into the Mainstream, the feet are inside the door. This is EXCELLENT for Democracy.

This result is EXCELLENT for the Open Debate that we NEED to have on our Continent an Open Debate on very important situations that concern many many millions of the peoples of this Continent.

To put the AfD's Historical Success in entering the Bundestag in perspective the AfD vote is TWO THIRDS of the SPD vote and they are only 6.5% away from the SPD, considering the SPD are the oldest established party and the AfD only established four years ago this is achievement.

Also congratulations again to Harris Media of Texas who were employed by the Trump for President Campaign and were successful for him and were employed by the AfD and were successful for them.

We are very very happy that the filthy Commies Die Linke and the vermin that leads them are last at 8.9%/9.0%

AfD are now the third largest party, they might be official Opposition party depending on the new Coalition.

Merkel should stay with CDU/CSU/SPD Coalition as CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne would be difficult to negotiate and keep together. Although I just hear that the SPD have said they do not want to go into Coalition again with Merkel, so her more difficult option is the only option CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne this could take until December or even January 2018 to negotiate a satisfactory agreement because the FDP/Grüne has serious policy issues with each other.

Tomorrow Friday Marcus Pretzell the husband of Frauke Petry will also leave the AfD and with her sit as an Independent.

They are saying that they want to have a nationwide CSU. The CSU in November are probably going to have Horst Seehofer stand down as leader and hopefully Markus Söder will be the new CSU leader, they also are not happy with the situation of the faction with the CDU post-election result, the CSU receive 6.2% their lowest result since 5.8% in 1949, the CDU receive 26.8% their lowest result since 25.2% in 1949.

If I was advising Petry, Pretzell and the AfD I would advise that the AfD has 93 seats, if Petry and Pretzell can take with them 30 AfD elected - which would still leave 63 AfD seats - and offer themselves as a Socially Conservative nationwide CSU type party and build on that for the subsequent elections, the CSU who are more Right-Wing and Socially Conservative than the CDU, this would damage the CDU and push the CSU even further to the Right or perhaps the CDU would also go further to the Right with the CSU and then in the next election in 2021 there will be a CDU/CSU/Whatever they'll name the party lead by Petry, Pretzell and Co.

The above if I was advising them is what I would advise them to do in order to infiltrate the Mainstream Conservative Establishment with AfD members, they can say "we do not agree with the AfD on this and this etc" however that would be them just saying it the thoughts and the philosophical ideas they still adhere to, they just deliberately do not vocalise them.

To suceed in this situation Petry, Pretzell and any others who could join them should also make public their disliking of certain aspects of the AfD.

The AfD itself, Alexander Gauland and Alice Weidel must keep those high profile members such as Björn Höcke in the background and not in the front and centre.
The elections are running with high turnout and here comes a first prediction:

CDU: 33,3 (-8,2)
SPD: 20,8 (-4,9)
AfD: 13,2 (+8,5)
FDP: 10,1 (+5,3)
Grüne: 9,2 (+0,8)
Linke: 8,9 (+0,3)
Others: 4,5 (-1,8)

Certain is that Merkel stays despite massive losses. AfD will enter and FDP re-enter. To make the AfD not becoming the opposition leader, the SPD wants to refrain from a coalition.

I posted the below in another thread, I think I was posting it when you were posting your thread, so I copy and paste my post here also.

First Exit Poll, this on our friend Holgers Twitter.

View attachment 151088


View attachment 151089


View attachment 151090

TOTAL disaster result for SPD I think this their worse result since early 1950s, I will have to read to see which year.

Also nobody did not expect Angela Merkel and CDU/CSU to come first, but that 32.5% is TERRIBLE in comparing to 2013, apparent that allowing in chaotic Muslim hordes has affected both the CDU/CSU and Coalition partners SPD.

The 2013 election Merkel CDU/CSU got 41.5% so she and they have lost 9%

The 2013 election the SPD got 25.7% so they have lost 5.7%

9% + 5.7% = 14.7 and the AfD got 99% of that 14.7%

The Internal Polling is saying that CDU/CSU lost 996,565 DIRECT VOTERS who voted STRAIGHT from CDU/CSU for the AfD, I have not yet seen what the loss from SPD to AfD is yet but I expect it's worse than the AfD taking nearly a million voters away from the CDU/CSU.

The story is that AfD again have over performed what opinion polls said, 13.5% = 86 seats = political earthquake = the AfD are now fully Mainstream party and those who say "fringe" sorry they are not a "fringe" the below result is into the Mainstream, the feet are inside the door. This is EXCELLENT for Democracy.

This result is EXCELLENT for the Open Debate that we NEED to have on our Continent an Open Debate on very important situations that concern many many millions of the peoples of this Continent.

To put the AfD's Historical Success in entering the Bundestag in perspective the AfD vote is TWO THIRDS of the SPD vote and they are only 6.5% away from the SPD, considering the SPD are the oldest established party and the AfD only established four years ago this is achievement.

Also congratulations again to Harris Media of Texas who were employed by the Trump for President Campaign and were successful for him and were employed by the AfD and were successful for them.

We are very very happy that the filthy Commies Die Linke and the vermin that leads them are last at 8.9%/9.0%

AfD are now the third largest party, they might be official Opposition party depending on the new Coalition.

Merkel should stay with CDU/CSU/SPD Coalition as CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne would be difficult to negotiate and keep together. Although I just hear that the SPD have said they do not want to go into Coalition again with Merkel, so her more difficult option is the only option CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne this could take until December or even January 2018 to negotiate a satisfactory agreement because the FDP/Grüne has serious policy issues with each other.

Tomorrow Friday Marcus Pretzell the husband of Frauke Petry will also leave the AfD and with her sit as an Independent.

They are saying that they want to have a nationwide CSU. The CSU in November are probably going to have Horst Seehofer stand down as leader and hopefully Markus Söder will be the new CSU leader, they also are not happy with the situation of the faction with the CDU post-election result, the CSU receive 6.2% their lowest result since 5.8% in 1949, the CDU receive 26.8% their lowest result since 25.2% in 1949.

If I was advising Petry, Pretzell and the AfD I would advise that the AfD has 93 seats, if Petry and Pretzell can take with them 30 AfD elected - which would still leave 63 AfD seats - and offer themselves as a Socially Conservative nationwide CSU type party and build on that for the subsequent elections, the CSU who are more Right-Wing and Socially Conservative than the CDU, this would damage the CDU and push the CSU even further to the Right or perhaps the CDU would also go further to the Right with the CSU and then in the next election in 2021 there will be a CDU/CSU/Whatever they'll name the party lead by Petry, Pretzell and Co.

The above if I was advising them is what I would advise them to do in order to infiltrate the Mainstream Conservative Establishment with AfD members, they can say "we do not agree with the AfD on this and this etc" however that would be them just saying it the thoughts and the philosophical ideas they still adhere to, they just deliberately do not vocalise them.

To suceed in this situation Petry, Pretzell and any others who could join them should also make public their disliking of certain aspects of the AfD.

The AfD itself, Alexander Gauland and Alice Weidel must keep those high profile members such as Björn Höcke in the background and not in the front and centre.



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Germany's far-right party will get millions more in taxpayer cash

The Communists have sat in the Bundestag since 1990 until 2007 as the PDS which was the successor to the SED the ruling Marxist-Leninist party of the GDR from 1946-1989, in 2007 the PDS lead by Stasi vermin Lothar Bisky and another Far Left party the WASG lead by Oskar Lafontaine merge and became Die Linke.

The Communists Die Linke their foundation is named Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung after that fat ugly Commie POS, also their HQ is for Karl Liebknecht the Commie POS associated with Rosa Luxemburg.

Rosa Luxemburg - Wikipedia

Karl Liebknecht - Wikipedia

Spartacus League - Wikipedia

Communist Party of Germany - Wikipedia

They join the Comintern in 1919.

Communist International - Wikipedia

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