Germany: Police raid pensioner’s house and drag him to court after he retweets meme calling Green minister an ‘idiot’

Demographic trends say that in 100-200 years the only place Germans will exist is in a museum. You lost in 1918. In 1945. And will lose again.

Exactly. We are dying out. An US-American of the year 1913 has today about 3 descendents. A German of the year 1913 has today 1/2 descendent.

You will never realize your dreams

I realized my dreams and will continue to do so.

of subjugating Europe.

You have humor. Nice. May I ask on which tree you are living in your jungle?

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Nice superracist sentence, Nazi. Believe it or not: The word will miss me when I will be gone. I also try to minimize this pain. And I fear the world will be happy when you will be gone, anti-German. Without that you have to do anything. Specially all Red Indians will be happy that you never will become a Red Indian.

They will start to miss me soon. Them leechs will miss their extra income, to be precise. They will revert to compact cars, small screens and budged phones.
it was just a word play ….

schwachkopf for schwarzkopf

A racist word play with the name and logo of a company whose products are specially important for women. If everyone now calls the women who use the products of this company "Schwachkopf" (=Moron) just for fun and on reason to play with words then the company Schwarzkopf will get very serios problems. The expression for such a form of promotion is called "unfair competition" and the company Schwarzkopf can get compensation.

And he had no right to publish a foto of Habeck - except he made the foto on his own or bought the right to use it from the photographer or the legal owner of the foto. In case of the foto of a private person as well the photographer and the fotographed person (or the parents) have to give the right to publish it. But Habecks rights are restricted because he is a person of public interest. So no one needs his agreement who uses a foto from him.

I guess the housesearch had the main reason to make clear who had which rights and/or legal license in the moment when it was published. As far as I know is it for example a difference to use a link. I guess for some information they needed to see how he made it on his computer.
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Meanwhile in Britain

According to the Daily Mail:

“A nine-year-old child is among the youngsters being probed by police over hate incidents… Officers recorded incidents against the child, who called a fellow primary school pupil a ‘retard’, and against two schoolgirls who said another student smelled ‘like fish.’ The youngsters were among multiple cases of children being recorded as having committed non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs), The Times discovered through freedom of information requests to police forces.”
“Non-crime hate” was introduced in 2014 as part of the Hate Crime Operational Guidelines.

It is chilling in its ambiguity and scope. It only requires the perception of either a victim or a third party that a statement is motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or transgender identity.

The HCOG stresses, “The victim does not have to justify or provide evidence of their belief, and police officers or staff should not directly challenge this perception. Evidence of the hostility is not required.”

That guarantees the maximal level of investigation and documentation of speech incidents. The chilling effect on free speech is glacial.

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