
Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Amazing. Aren't you all so glad Trump DIDN'T enter the Paris Accord? Theft of taxpayers. Plain and simple.

Germany Won’t Meet Its Global Warming Targets Despite Spending $200 Billion On Green Energy

The German government admitted it won’t be reaching its lauded emissions target, an embarrassment for a country that has spent billions in an effort to become an international leader in renewable energy.

Svenja Schulze, Germany’s environment minister, announced Monday that the country will likely fail to reach its goal of reducing carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. Experts predict the rate will be cut by 32 percent at best. Officials are instead moving forward with an emissions target of 55 percent by 2050.

The announcement highlights a fumble for the German government, which has made its citizens shoulder a large financial burden to promote solar and wind technology.

Germany has spent an estimated $200 billion on a sweeping green energy initiative that has spanned over two decades. Energiewende — a German phrase meaning “energy transition” — is the country’s name for its transition away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy. The plan broadly aims to slash its pollution rate by shutting down coal and nuclear plants in favor of solar, wind and biofuel energy sources. Energiewende has come at great expense to the average German, who has paid an estimated $2,500 to prop up these various programs.
there was zero chance in hell at making a difference because "accountability" was left out of the mix. "good faith effort" isn't enough. period.

i'm all for doing everything we can do to take care of our planet and our oceans need a MAJOR CLEAN UP! we need to rethink all the plastic we use that is killing fish / environment and find another way. there's a lot we *can* do to change things but not if we sit around and divide up money without creating goals and timelines.

19 Year Old Develops Machine To Clean The Oceans Of Plastic

invest in this technology and share the cost among all top nations. couple this with altering how we use plastics and dispose of and let's actually change things for the better.
Amazing. Aren't you all so glad Trump DIDN'T enter the Paris Accord? Theft of taxpayers. Plain and simple.

Germany Won’t Meet Its Global Warming Targets Despite Spending $200 Billion On Green Energy

The German government admitted it won’t be reaching its lauded emissions target, an embarrassment for a country that has spent billions in an effort to become an international leader in renewable energy.

Svenja Schulze, Germany’s environment minister, announced Monday that the country will likely fail to reach its goal of reducing carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. Experts predict the rate will be cut by 32 percent at best. Officials are instead moving forward with an emissions target of 55 percent by 2050.

The announcement highlights a fumble for the German government, which has made its citizens shoulder a large financial burden to promote solar and wind technology.

Germany has spent an estimated $200 billion on a sweeping green energy initiative that has spanned over two decades. Energiewende — a German phrase meaning “energy transition” — is the country’s name for its transition away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy. The plan broadly aims to slash its pollution rate by shutting down coal and nuclear plants in favor of solar, wind and biofuel energy sources. Energiewende has come at great expense to the average German, who has paid an estimated $2,500 to prop up these various programs.

They have a demon from the nether dimension in charge. They enjoy (literally) raping their own population.

Unless the Germans grow a pair quickly and start pushing back the country is soon finished.

Send the Merkel minion back to Africa with a rapefugee ship.

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