Gingrich ‘Will Not Accept’ Obama Debate With Reporters As Moderators


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Alex Seitz-Wald

At a campaign stop in Florida today, Newt Gingrich said that if he wins the GOP nomination, he will refuse to debate President Obama if a reporter serves as moderator. Gingrich has prided himself on his debating prowess and his intellect, and virtually every presidential debate is moderated by members of the press, but Gingrich thinks all reporters are secretly Obama shills and he is apparently uncomfortable dealing with them:

GINGRICH: As your nominee in the fall, I will not accept debates in which reporters are the moderators, because I will not accept another Obama person in the debate.​

Gingrich has been pushing for a scheme to hold seven Lincoln-Douglas style debates with no moderator, but this seems to be the first time he’s said he would refuse to participate in a traditional debate.

Gingrich 'Will Not Accept' Obama Debate With Reporters As Moderators | ThinkProgress


He will relent. He needs to debate Obama far more the Obama needs to debate him. Once the PAC's get done chewing him up he'll beg for a debate in any terms. Just a stupid stand to take. Reeks of desperation.
Runnin' skeert already.

Not surprising but he won't really have a choice. He doesn't dare back down.

But, Noot won't be the candidate.

A question about the photo in Lakota's post:

Noot has big bucks. Why can't he buy soots that are as fat as he is?
There's nothing more entertaining than idle threats.

If Newt is the nominee (which is unlikely), he'll debate Obama. The general election debates have already been scheduled. Dropping out of the debates would be the single worst campaign move he could make.

This is just pandering to the particularly batshit segment of the far-right - the "everyone is against us" conspiracy nuts.

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