Glaciers crumbling in formerly stable areas of Antarctica


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
Condensed version:
Sudden Impact Glaciers Crumble in Previously Stable Area of Antarctica - NBC News
Full report:
Sudden and Rapid Ice Loss Discovered in Antarctica

"Several massive glaciers in the southern Antarctic Peninsula suddenly started to crumble in 2009, a new study reported Thursday (May 21) in the journal Science."

"Out of the blue, it's become the second most important contributor to sea level rise in Antarctica," said lead study author Bert Wouters, a remote sensing expert and Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom."

"They found that there was no significant ice loss until 2009, when at least nine glaciers starting thinning. Some of the glaciers are now shrinking by as much as 13 feet (4 m) each year, the study reported. The drawdown also reached some 62 miles (100 km) inland from the coast."

"In all, the southern Antarctica Peninsula added about 80 trillion gallons (300 trillion liters) of water to the ocean between 2009 and 2014, the researchers said. If melted completely, the thinning glaciers would raise sea level another 14 inches (35 centimeters), Wouters said."

From the full report: "Also, between 2003 and 2009, the ice loss in the southern Antarctica Peninsula was balanced out by extra snowfall, said Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, who was not involved in the study. Now, the thinning has outpaced the snowfall.

"We're seeing enough mass loss to more than make up for that snow accumulation," Scambos told Live Science."
The denier meme that Antarctica is stable and growing - that it refutes the "alarmist diatribe", is crap (that's getting to be one of my favorite words). The world is getting warmer and that change is going to hurt us.
This would explain the normal tides being higher than they used to be.
The part that worries all is that we did not see any of this coming. We thought that the glaciers were more stable than the actually were. How many other things that we have judged to be stable, actually are not? We misjudged the Arctic Sea Ice. The projections of the alarmists like Dr. Hansen turned out to be much too conservative. The present level of melt is what we expected between 2050 and 2080.
Condensed version:
Sudden Impact Glaciers Crumble in Previously Stable Area of Antarctica - NBC News
Full report:
Sudden and Rapid Ice Loss Discovered in Antarctica

"Several massive glaciers in the southern Antarctic Peninsula suddenly started to crumble in 2009, a new study reported Thursday (May 21) in the journal Science."

"Out of the blue, it's become the second most important contributor to sea level rise in Antarctica," said lead study author Bert Wouters, a remote sensing expert and Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom."

"They found that there was no significant ice loss until 2009, when at least nine glaciers starting thinning. Some of the glaciers are now shrinking by as much as 13 feet (4 m) each year, the study reported. The drawdown also reached some 62 miles (100 km) inland from the coast."

"In all, the southern Antarctica Peninsula added about 80 trillion gallons (300 trillion liters) of water to the ocean between 2009 and 2014, the researchers said. If melted completely, the thinning glaciers would raise sea level another 14 inches (35 centimeters), Wouters said."

From the full report: "Also, between 2003 and 2009, the ice loss in the southern Antarctica Peninsula was balanced out by extra snowfall, said Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, who was not involved in the study. Now, the thinning has outpaced the snowfall.

"We're seeing enough mass loss to more than make up for that snow accumulation," Scambos told Live Science."
The denier meme that Antarctica is stable and growing - that it refutes the "alarmist diatribe", is crap (that's getting to be one of my favorite words). The world is getting warmer and that change is going to hurt us.
funny, from your own article:


"However, Glasser urged caution in embracing the findings because of the short time span of the anomaly and the lack of fieldwork to confirm the satellite observations. "This is a real snapshot," he said.

For the new study, Glasser's team analyzed only what is happening to the glaciers, not why it's happening. But research published in Science last year offers a possible explanation. The Nov. 10, 2014, study found that, in the Amundsen Sea, a warm, deep ocean current is welling up near the coastline, driven by changes in wind flow around Antarctica."

they know nothing. hmmm, why is it not surprising you all think it's due to man. damn, you all can't wait to pounce on man kind can you. LOL, you all are tools.

Guam: Still upright and above water

Guam: Still upright and above water
six years they found and estimated. And Guam is still there. I'd like to see photos of '09 and today. Bet it looks identical. So, sea rise? LOL, Frank, it is funny in here every day eh?
Condensed version:
Sudden Impact Glaciers Crumble in Previously Stable Area of Antarctica - NBC News
Full report:
Sudden and Rapid Ice Loss Discovered in Antarctica

"Several massive glaciers in the southern Antarctic Peninsula suddenly started to crumble in 2009, a new study reported Thursday (May 21) in the journal Science."

"Out of the blue, it's become the second most important contributor to sea level rise in Antarctica," said lead study author Bert Wouters, a remote sensing expert and Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom."

"They found that there was no significant ice loss until 2009, when at least nine glaciers starting thinning. Some of the glaciers are now shrinking by as much as 13 feet (4 m) each year, the study reported. The drawdown also reached some 62 miles (100 km) inland from the coast."

"In all, the southern Antarctica Peninsula added about 80 trillion gallons (300 trillion liters) of water to the ocean between 2009 and 2014, the researchers said. If melted completely, the thinning glaciers would raise sea level another 14 inches (35 centimeters), Wouters said."

From the full report: "Also, between 2003 and 2009, the ice loss in the southern Antarctica Peninsula was balanced out by extra snowfall, said Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, who was not involved in the study. Now, the thinning has outpaced the snowfall.

"We're seeing enough mass loss to more than make up for that snow accumulation," Scambos told Live Science."
The denier meme that Antarctica is stable and growing - that it refutes the "alarmist diatribe", is crap (that's getting to be one of my favorite words). The world is getting warmer and that change is going to hurt us.

Hahahahaha. This report says that the Peninsula was balanced before 2009! That doesn't seem to match the studies I have seen. Why does the story always seem to change so that they can say 'it's worse than we thought'? While conveniently forgetting their previous claims?
Condensed version:
Sudden Impact Glaciers Crumble in Previously Stable Area of Antarctica - NBC News
Full report:
Sudden and Rapid Ice Loss Discovered in Antarctica

"Several massive glaciers in the southern Antarctic Peninsula suddenly started to crumble in 2009, a new study reported Thursday (May 21) in the journal Science."

"Out of the blue, it's become the second most important contributor to sea level rise in Antarctica," said lead study author Bert Wouters, a remote sensing expert and Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom."

"They found that there was no significant ice loss until 2009, when at least nine glaciers starting thinning. Some of the glaciers are now shrinking by as much as 13 feet (4 m) each year, the study reported. The drawdown also reached some 62 miles (100 km) inland from the coast."

"In all, the southern Antarctica Peninsula added about 80 trillion gallons (300 trillion liters) of water to the ocean between 2009 and 2014, the researchers said. If melted completely, the thinning glaciers would raise sea level another 14 inches (35 centimeters), Wouters said."

From the full report: "Also, between 2003 and 2009, the ice loss in the southern Antarctica Peninsula was balanced out by extra snowfall, said Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, who was not involved in the study. Now, the thinning has outpaced the snowfall.

"We're seeing enough mass loss to more than make up for that snow accumulation," Scambos told Live Science."
The denier meme that Antarctica is stable and growing - that it refutes the "alarmist diatribe", is crap (that's getting to be one of my favorite words). The world is getting warmer and that change is going to hurt us.

Hahahahaha. This report says that the Peninsula was balanced before 2009! That doesn't seem to match the studies I have seen. Why does the story always seem to change so that they can say 'it's worse than we thought'? While conveniently forgetting their previous claims?

Hahahahaha. If you've seen something different, regarding mass loss balance in THE SOUTHERN ANTARCTIC PENINSULA, let's see it. And did you note that the statement you're attempting to criticize was not made by any of the OP's reports authors? No, you didn't.
Condensed version:
Sudden Impact Glaciers Crumble in Previously Stable Area of Antarctica - NBC News
Full report:
Sudden and Rapid Ice Loss Discovered in Antarctica

"Several massive glaciers in the southern Antarctic Peninsula suddenly started to crumble in 2009, a new study reported Thursday (May 21) in the journal Science."

"Out of the blue, it's become the second most important contributor to sea level rise in Antarctica," said lead study author Bert Wouters, a remote sensing expert and Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom."

"They found that there was no significant ice loss until 2009, when at least nine glaciers starting thinning. Some of the glaciers are now shrinking by as much as 13 feet (4 m) each year, the study reported. The drawdown also reached some 62 miles (100 km) inland from the coast."

"In all, the southern Antarctica Peninsula added about 80 trillion gallons (300 trillion liters) of water to the ocean between 2009 and 2014, the researchers said. If melted completely, the thinning glaciers would raise sea level another 14 inches (35 centimeters), Wouters said."

From the full report: "Also, between 2003 and 2009, the ice loss in the southern Antarctica Peninsula was balanced out by extra snowfall, said Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, who was not involved in the study. Now, the thinning has outpaced the snowfall.

"We're seeing enough mass loss to more than make up for that snow accumulation," Scambos told Live Science."
The denier meme that Antarctica is stable and growing - that it refutes the "alarmist diatribe", is crap (that's getting to be one of my favorite words). The world is getting warmer and that change is going to hurt us.

Hahahahaha. This report says that the Peninsula was balanced before 2009! That doesn't seem to match the studies I have seen. Why does the story always seem to change so that they can say 'it's worse than we thought'? While conveniently forgetting their previous claims?

Hahahahaha. If you've seen something different, regarding mass loss balance in THE SOUTHERN ANTARCTIC PENINSULA, let's see it. And did you note that the statement you're attempting to criticize was not made by any of the OP's reports authors? No, you didn't.
here in the event you didn't read the previous time:

funny, from your own article:


"However, Glasser urged caution in embracing the findings because of the short time span of the anomaly and the lack of fieldwork to confirm the satellite observations. "This is a real snapshot," he said.

For the new study, Glasser's team analyzed only what is happening to the glaciers, not why it's happening. But research published in Science last year offers a possible explanation. The Nov. 10, 2014, study found that, in the Amundsen Sea, a warm, deep ocean current is welling up near the coastline, driven by changes in wind flow around Antarctica."

they know nothing. hmmm, why is it not surprising you all think it's due to man. damn, you all can't wait to pounce on man kind can you. LOL, you all are tools.
funny, from your own article:


"However, Glasser urged caution in embracing the findings because of the short time span of the anomaly and the lack of fieldwork to confirm the satellite observations. "This is a real snapshot," he said.

For the new study, Glasser's team analyzed only what is happening to the glaciers, not why it's happening. But research published in Science last year offers a possible explanation. The Nov. 10, 2014, study found that, in the Amundsen Sea, a warm, deep ocean current is welling up near the coastline, driven by changes in wind flow around Antarctica."

they know nothing. hmmm, why is it not surprising you all think it's due to man. damn, you all can't wait to pounce on man kind can you. LOL, you all are tools.

I do read articles I post. I was aware of those statements. Would you care to show where I made any statement in contradiction to that finding?

And your apparent conclusion that the mention of the warm current welling up near the coastline takes man off the hook is without basis.
The OP is obsessed with starting these bomb thrower threads!! Interestingly, this thread was started a week ago and obviously, nobody cares about the content of the Ive been saying for a long, long time. Only the handful of people who eat, shit and breath global warming 24 hours a day are caring. But nobody else is.........because its been the same..............tired..............old...........hysterical............angst................nonsense these people have been peddling for 2 decades.

Everybody has been exposed to these social oddball types of people at sometime during their Uncle Ted who comes to the family gatherinig every 5 years and has to point out the baseball sized brown spot in your otherwise pristine lawn!!:spinner:
We have huge fires in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho out of control. Hundreds of homes have been destroyed, and whole towns are in danger. More high temperatures and low humidity with high winds in the forecast for the coming weekend. Yet you state nobody cares?

13 good men have died thus far fighting the fires, and, given the conditions, there will probably be more this year. But nobody cares. Over 400 square miles of range land burned in one fire alone, along the Idaho and Oregon border. No pasturage for the livestock there this winter, and some of the ranchers will see some very lean time, may even go broke. Nobody cares?

Well, obviously, people who support the GOP do not give a damn.
We have huge fires in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho out of control. Hundreds of homes have been destroyed, and whole towns are in danger. More high temperatures and low humidity with high winds in the forecast for the coming weekend. Yet you state nobody cares?

13 good men have died thus far fighting the fires, and, given the conditions, there will probably be more this year. But nobody cares. Over 400 square miles of range land burned in one fire alone, along the Idaho and Oregon border. No pasturage for the livestock there this winter, and some of the ranchers will see some very lean time, may even go broke. Nobody cares?

Well, obviously, people who support the GOP do not give a damn.

Odd, the USA warming in the 30's doesn't count, because "it's not global" but some wildfires in summer count?


That's beyond silly
We have huge fires in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho out of control. Hundreds of homes have been destroyed, and whole towns are in danger. More high temperatures and low humidity with high winds in the forecast for the coming weekend. Yet you state nobody cares?

13 good men have died thus far fighting the fires, and, given the conditions, there will probably be more this year. But nobody cares. Over 400 square miles of range land burned in one fire alone, along the Idaho and Oregon border. No pasturage for the livestock there this winter, and some of the ranchers will see some very lean time, may even go broke. Nobody cares?

Well, obviously, people who support the GOP do not give a damn.

Maybe I missed the there something in the platform of the Democrats that includes a strategy to prevent forest fires?

Interestingly, it is just this kind of stuff that highlights the difference between the conservative mind and the progressive mind. The progressive mind views the world as constantly tragic and believes that all problems can be fixed if you just go and fix the institutions thus removing ALL tragic life events. The conservative mind see's life as continually making tradeoffs and accepting the best possible solution but sees finding perfect solutions as unreasonable. The difference in the connect the dots mechanisms is fascinating.

To the issue of forest fires, the progressive believes that the only way to stop forest fires is to have all the world economies come together and spend 76 trillion dollars in renewable energy and stop the use of fossil fuels completely......then forest fires would cease to exist. The conservative mind thinks that it might be a better solution to accept that forest fires are part of nature and perhaps the best solution would be to spend a few billion dollars on technology to fight forest fires more efficiently.

Zero elaboration necessary s0ns...............
Arrogant little twerps think they can do anything they want without consequences.
We have huge fires in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho out of control. Hundreds of homes have been destroyed, and whole towns are in danger. More high temperatures and low humidity with high winds in the forecast for the coming weekend. Yet you state nobody cares?

13 good men have died thus far fighting the fires, and, given the conditions, there will probably be more this year. But nobody cares. Over 400 square miles of range land burned in one fire alone, along the Idaho and Oregon border. No pasturage for the livestock there this winter, and some of the ranchers will see some very lean time, may even go broke. Nobody cares?

Well, obviously, people who support the GOP do not give a damn.

Odd, the USA warming in the 30's doesn't count, because "it's not global" but some wildfires in summer count?


That's beyond silly

No matter the cause, people dying is never silly. Asshole.

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