Global warming losers, killing eagles.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Bravo, you stupid global warming losers who think wind farms are so much better for the environment than coal.

Those who aren't dishonest cultists would be comparing windmill kills to bird deaths caused by fossil fuels pollution, vehicles, office buildings, electrical wires and other hazards.

So, how many threads to go in this latest spamming/trolling blitz? And who's feeding you the propaganda? Not very honest of you to leave out the names of your masters. After all, we know you're not bright enough to think it up on your own.
OH, the fucking hypocrisy of this thread! All the bullshit crying about all the terrible, terrible regulations that business must endure to conduct business and how it's killing jobs and other hypocritical bullshit, like the spotted owl and the Northwest Forest Plan killing jobs and all the over regulation it brought. But now you fucking RWNJ's are arguing the polar opposite and decrying that Obama & Co aren't doing TO SAVE THE EAGLES! Did you nut job's think that bullshit would not be noticed? In for a penny in for a pound dummies!
OH, the fucking hypocrisy of this thread! All the bullshit crying about all the terrible, terrible regulations that business must endure to conduct business and how it's killing jobs and other hypocritical bullshit, like the spotted owl and the Northwest Forest Plan killing jobs and all the over regulation it brought. But now you fucking RWNJ's are arguing the polar opposite and decrying that Obama & Co aren't doing TO SAVE THE EAGLES! Did you nut job's think that bullshit would not be noticed? In for a penny in for a pound dummies!
There are more raptors killed on the roads running beside the windfarms than by the wind farms. This is just another damned dingleberry blind opposition to progress.
OH, the fucking hypocrisy of this thread! All the bullshit crying about all the terrible, terrible regulations that business must endure to conduct business and how it's killing jobs and other hypocritical bullshit, like the spotted owl and the Northwest Forest Plan killing jobs and all the over regulation it brought. But now you fucking RWNJ's are arguing the polar opposite and decrying that Obama & Co aren't doing TO SAVE THE EAGLES! Did you nut job's think that bullshit would not be noticed? In for a penny in for a pound dummies!
Not only that, in the next thread they will be accusing us of killing millions of people because DDT is banned in this nation except for special emergencies. Even though DDT nearly wiped out many of the raptors. Because of DDT, eagles and peregrine falcons were on the endangered list for many years.
From USNews & World Report

Pecking Order: Energy's Toll on Birds

Estimated Bird Deaths from Different Power Sources

Solar, lo estimate: 1,000
Solar, hi estimate: 28,000
Wind, lo estimate: 140,000
Wind, hi estimate: 328,000
Oil & gas, lo estimate: 500,000
Oil & gas, hi estimate: 1,000,000
Coal: 7,900,000
Nuclear: 330,000

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