Global Warming Shuts Down D.C.

Hey, skook buddy...what up bro?

I'm still wondering how many of these dumbass lib's have figured out your moniker yet!


Wicked stupid must the k00ks feel tonight???? Mental cases like Grumpy and OLd Rocks or whatever the fcukk his name is!!!
Great stuff this new report...........IM gonna have to search for a new egg on the face photo and do up another gay MS PAINT Photobucket classic!!!!!

Great vid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::clap2: Them there are some real bonafide nuts................holy geez...............
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Hey, skook buddy...what up bro?

I'm still wondering how many of these dumbass lib's have figured out your moniker yet!


Wicked stupid must the k00ks feel tonight???? Mental cases like Grumpy and OLd Rocks or whatever the fcukk his name is!!!
Great stuff this new report...........IM gonna have to search for a new egg on the face photo and do up another gay MS PAINT Photobucket classic!!!!!

Great vid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::clap2: Them there are some real bonafide nuts................holy geez...............
Libs are too stupid to feel!

Libs are too stupid for anything. BUT THEY SURE LOVE THEM THAR TREES!:lol:
Hey, skook buddy...what up bro?

I'm still wondering how many of these dumbass lib's have figured out your moniker yet!


Wicked stupid must the k00ks feel tonight???? Mental cases like Grumpy and OLd Rocks or whatever the fcukk his name is!!!
Great stuff this new report...........IM gonna have to search for a new egg on the face photo and do up another gay MS PAINT Photobucket classic!!!!!

Great vid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::clap2: Them there are some real bonafide nuts................holy geez...............
Libs are too stupid to feel!

Libs are too stupid for anything. BUT THEY SURE LOVE THEM THAR TREES!:lol:

Wicked bro............I'd pay to see somebody light that forest on fire just to see the reaction of those k00ks on the video...........

sorry but I cant help myself. I said more than 10 years ago that this would some day be exposed as a collassal hoax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think somewhere Old Rocks just had a stroke.
Wicked stupid must the k00ks feel tonight???? Mental cases like Grumpy and OLd Rocks or whatever the fcukk his name is!!!
Great stuff this new report...........IM gonna have to search for a new egg on the face photo and do up another gay MS PAINT Photobucket classic!!!!!

Great vid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::clap2: Them there are some real bonafide nuts................holy geez...............
Libs are too stupid to feel!

Libs are too stupid for anything. BUT THEY SURE LOVE THEM THAR TREES!:lol:

Wicked bro............I'd pay to see somebody light that forest on fire just to see the reaction of those k00ks on the video...........
Well then buddy, i'll just give ya' a narative, in my most shrill, whiney, stoned liberal scream:

Oh god, oh lordy lordy lordy, someone PLEASE HELP THAT POOR TREE!.....Oh lordy lordy lordy I can hear it screaming, oh lordy lordy lordy, global warming set it on fire, oh lordy lordy lordy........That POOR PINE CONE IS ON FIRE, DAMMIT!....Oh lordy where's the fire department oh lordy, oh god lordy.....Don't they care about the TREEEEEEEE!.....Oh god, oh lordy........OOOOOOOH THE HUUUUUMMMAAAAAANNNNIIIIITYYY!

bump for high entertainment value.......................

the gig is up for the global warming k00ks..............

Geee............Old Rocks, Grumpy, Dean, et. all............gonna be mighty sore!!!:lol:
ummm...............looks like real, real bad news for the k00ks tonight on DRUDGE!!!!:lol::tomato:

Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995
By Jonathan Petre
Last updated at 5:12 PM on 14th February 2010
Comments (602) Add to My Stories
Data for vital 'hockey stick graph' has gone missing
There has been no global warming since 1995
Warming periods have happened before - but NOT due to man-made changes
Data: Professor Phil Jones admitted his record keeping is 'not as good as it should be'
The academic at the centre of the ‘Climategate’ affair, whose raw data is crucial to the theory of climate change, has admitted that he has trouble ‘keeping track’ of the information.
Colleagues say that the reason Professor Phil Jones has refused Freedom of Information requests is that he may have actually lost the relevant papers.
Professor Jones told the BBC yesterday there was truth in the observations of colleagues that he lacked organisational skills, that his office was swamped with piles of paper and that his record keeping is ‘not as good as it should be’.
The data is crucial to the famous ‘hockey stick graph’ used by climate change advocates to support the theory.

Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.
And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming.

Read more: Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised | Mail Online


Wake up and smell the fcukking maple nut crunch..............or go buy yourselves some Effexor XR!!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Time to go find something else to OCD upon s0ns!!!!

like on the old sat night live skit with Roseanna Anna Danna at the end after she was proved wrong and made the FOOL she use to say NEVER MIND!!!!! I'm waiting for the NEVERMIND from these frauds!!!
What a bunch of doltz that ever believed this load of crap!!!!
these morons would believe that old line "I'm here from the Government I'm here to help you!!!New it was Bullshit the first time I heard it!!!!
When is Al Gores medal going to be taken away? I bet he will have a real shit-fit!!!!

sorry but I cant help myself. I said more than 10 years ago that this would some day be exposed as a collassal hoax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think somewhere Old Rocks just had a stroke.
The moonbats have been avoiding the Jones comes clean thread like the plague. :lol::lol::lol:
where is Al Gore? Hiding in a spiderhole like Sadam. time to come out like a man and start eating some CROW you FRAUD snakeoil salesman!!!!

sorry but I cant help myself. I said more than 10 years ago that this would some day be exposed as a collassal hoax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think somewhere Old Rocks just had a stroke.
The moonbats have been avoiding the Jones comes clean thread like the plague. :lol::lol::lol:
Plague usually avoids the vaccine. So a very apt metaphor.

See the ENVIRONMENTAL forum tonight???

Not a peep from the k00ks like Old Rocks, Dante, Dean, Starkey and all the other anti-capitalist hate America mental cases!!!!

A real bad day for the k00ks!!!!

Think about it..............its like these bozo's have been parading down the middle of Main Street for the last decade, stark naked waving a bannana in their hand at everybody!!!!
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where all the people who have been giving us shit for the last decade or so. must of went into hiding or off washing the egg off their faces. sucks being exposed as a fraud or a fool for falling for this load of crap called GLOBAL WARMING!!!! When are the congressional investitgation going to start? these frauds should do some jail time!!!!
Yeah. I'm of two minds about the issue really. On one hand I get that warming = melted ice = more water = more precipitation = more snow (which some reactionaries can't seem to grasp)...but on the other hand, one of my former legal clients (wow feels good to say that) is a Harvard-educated, Harvard professor and dye-in-the-wool hippy. He's a Bio-Staticist and you'd think he'd be all for the Global Warming theory. He's on the fence atm. He said that while the probability of some effect maybe large, the part of statistics that people forget is "effect size." While the probability that we're doing damage could be high, the effect it will have isn't necessarily large.

I'm not for oppressive legislation that wastes money, but if a) we can stop trashing the planet and b) we can be global leaders in a new business category...stop hating Obama and do it!
Know what I'm salivating for? The class action lawsuits and civil charges against these frauds and those who profiteered knowingly off them.

The world's biggest Ponzi scheme just got busted.
Oh, just for fun...

It's one thing when someone tells you the sky is falling, but it's another thing when someone tells you the sky is falling so give me your money so I can stop it.

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