Glorification of SEALS after bin Laden

Send a Seal team into Libya and get the Colonel and that might end it!
SEALs are the evolution of the old Navy UDT teams. Since there isn't much call for underwater demolition or recon for gigantic amphibious landings anymore the SEALs are a unit without a mission yet the Navy keeps cranking them out. Luttrell's SEAL team failed in it's mission in Afghanistan big time and yet the story persists that the SEALS are a success story. SEALS are still trained in UDT skills. The ability to withstand hypothermia and hold your breath for a long time as well as paddle a rubber boat while unconscious is apparently held in such great regard that otherwise qualified Sailors wash out of training because their bodies could not tolerate prolonged imersion in cold water. What good is tolerance for hypothermia on a patrol at 10,000 feet? There is no shortage of Marine Recon or Army Special Forces. Why use SEALS in recon operations? Nothing else for them to do?
OK for fringe stuff

Dont win wars

Based on the absurdity of your other posts, you're stuck in the past. You don't seem to understand 21st century warfare.

I'm glad we have leaders who do.

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