Zone1 How to begin to stop the spread of antisemitism in America

It's called the West Bank.

Then Gaza.
The acquisition of new land for the settling of the superfluous population has no end of advantages.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich"


Also the intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is looked upon as 'clever,' and in a certain sense he has been so at all times.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter XI, "Nation and Race"
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IMO colleges and universities should not be receiving federal funding at all, but if they are going to get it, a rule of tempered free speech and courtesy to all should be the criteria. That would take care of antisemitism and a lot of other uglies too.
Lol. But it won't be 'American' free speech. So, I'll put you down as all in for censorship.
Lol. But it won't be 'American' free speech. So, I'll put you down as all in for censorship.
Requiring civility is not censorship of free speech.

Shall I put you down for advocating social unrest, destruction, assault/battery, viciousness, unkindness, antisemitism and all other manner of ugly isms, etc. etc. etc. in order for there to be free speech?
Just the Israelis, I think. They're such whiners. I mean, all one has to do is listen to Netanyahu complain endlessly about others.
Imagine….whining just because 1200 of your innocent people were targeted for the most inhumane, barbaric murderous torture for no other reason than they were Jewish.

Those Jews need to just accept that they will get raped to death, be killed by sticking a gun up their vaginas and pull the trigger, have their heads sawed off with a rudimentary knife, listen to their baby cry as he cooks to death in the oven…..and just shut up about it, amirite?

But if blacks are offended by a logo of Aunt Jemima and demand it be removed, then more power to them!

You libs are such antisemitic hypocrites. Good thing we are kicking your ass to the curb, and yiur Dementia-in-Chief is going to take the Senate down with him. THEN we can start pushing back against all the Jew-hate you promote on college campuses.
The most pronounced antisemitism we see is on college campuses, and with administrators unwilling to condemn it. Clearly, the antisemitic left and the antisemitic Arabs have found common cause - and they are importing and spreading their Jew-hate via the university system.

One Day 1, President Trump should enforce his EO withholding federal funds from all colleges that allow antisemitism to spread. (Biden had this at his disposal, but was afraid to use it for fear of antagonizing antisemitic Muslims.)

It’s a start.

"we" LOL

How to begin to stop the spread of antisemitism in America​

Well, all these ideas thrown out in this thread don't do a damn thing.

Racism and antisemitism starts at home. If you could get rid of all the prejudices in the U.S. or world none of the ideas will work.

Just in my overly abundant of MAGA land 4 lilly white boys 18 and 19 one jewish and dad an attorney threw bricks threw windows and destroyed property of 3 Synagogue's two years ago. They were and probably still full of hate. They got off with restituition.

It will never happen.
AIPAC spends a lot less in money and effort than does or, has, the Romano-islamo-nazi complex on propaganda than does every prozionist organization combined
Eagle----for how long in your life have you been exposed to
the islamo-nazi propaganda ---KNOWINGLY?

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