Go Bernie!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
The Democrat Party's best shot at winning in 2016 just made history!

Bernie Sanders makes history with 2 million individual campaign contributions

Bernie Sanders makes history with 2 million individual campaign contributions
The self-proclaimed socialist shatters President Barack Obama’s record of 1 million donations

Laugh if you want but there's no denying that Nutty Old Uncle Bernie has voter appeal:

"Just days before the third Democratic debate on ABC, the Vermont Senator has collected 2 million individual campaign donations. He's become the first presidential candidate to do so, surpassing President Barack Obama's previous record of 1 million individual donations in 2008"

"Accomplishing this goal would represent an unprecedented outpouring of support for any presidential challenger in our nation's history," the Sanders campaign wrote to supporters via email earlier this week."

"And I know that if we continue to stand together, we will win. If we are divided, the big-money interests win. Let us never forget that this country belongs to all of us, and not just a handful of billionaires."
When Bernie wins America will discover that there are tens of Nutty Old Uncles just like him secreted away in attics all over Vermont. Every one of them ready to carpetbag (a la Hillary) and become YOUR senators!
He still won't ne president. but he'll be a great secretary of labor

and he's not nuts. you just disagree with him, which is aelling pont for the guy from my 'hood
He won't be POTUS because the D party is completely co-opted by the billionaire class, Bernie rails against. The extreme wealthy sure love Hillary because they own her. Why is it that the average Joe D can't see this?
With either Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky or Nutty Old Uncle Bernie Americans are screwed.

But with Bernie it will be done lovingly.

Hillary? You're just fucked.
He still won't ne president. but he'll be a great secretary of labor

and he's not nuts. you just disagree with him, which is aelling pont for the guy from my 'hood
Of course not. You guys want another corporatist.
Bernie wont win, or live to see 2020 but his ideology will only be more popular in the coming elections. Slowly, more and more people are getting tired of dumbfucks always voting in corporatist morons that hate America.
Or, as Rome demonstrated, free stuff ultimately will lead to decline and fall. I'm thinking, since I'm old, that I'd like to see it happen soon rather than later.

Otherwise it'd be too much like falling asleep at the end of a really good TV drama and missing how it..................(zzzzzzzzzzzz
I would vote for Bernie over any establishment prick from any side. However, free shit isn't the answer. Capitalism with some regulation is. Responsibility is. Accountability is.
He should have run for President when he was much younger, if he were to win he would be 80 when he finished his first term, way too damn old, and why is he an I. why won't he run as a Dem??

He has no foreign policy experience, and doesn't have the connections, or money Clinton has, sorry to disappoint you all, but Bernie Sanders is NEVER going to be President..

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