Zone1 God answering Jews in the Glorious Quran

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
The Midrash mentions that God put his right hand behind Him- meaning He has decided not to save Israel from its enemies.

At the end of days, the "subjugation" of God's right hand will come to an end. His right hand will be "redeemed" and "delivered". Meaning He will save Israel.


Inappropriate language....that should never be used when you address your Creator.
The Jews of Medinah made a similar statement about Allah's hand being tied- but they of course were using the statement to call Allah poor.

“The Jews say: ‘God’s hand is shackled!’ It is their own hands that are shackled. Rejected [by God] are they for what they say. Indeed, both His hands are outstretched. He bestows [His bounty] as He wills.”

Such a statement is the outcome of the Jews’ wrong concept of God, limitless is He in His glory. The Qur’ān has given us many examples of the results of this wrong concept.

When they were told to give money in charity they said: God is poor and we are rich. Here they say that God’s hand is shackled in order to justify their miserliness. They claim that God does not give people enough, and that He gives them very little. How, then, could they be required to give money in charity? They are too insensitive and too hard-hearted to use the straightforward description of the meaning they had in mind, namely, miserliness. False as that is, they went further choosing an even more aggressive and blasphemous expression. They claimed that God’s hand is shackled!
The answer to them in the Ayah 5:64 asserts that they are the ones to be described in such terms, and furthermore that they are cursed and deprived of God’s mercy.

Then, God is described by His most appropriate attribute, whereby He bestows His limitless bounty on His servants: “Indeed, both His hands are outstretched. He bestows [His bounty] as He wills.” His inexhaustible bounty is apparent to everyone. It gives irrefutable proof of His limitless grace, giving testimony to His outstretched hands. It speaks in every language, but the Jews do not hear it, because they are preoccupied with gathering as much gain as they can, using obscene language even when they speak of God Himself.
God tells His Messenger (peace be upon him) about what those people will do and what will happen to them because of the grudge they harbour against him. He further describes the hostility they show the Prophet because God has chosen him to be His Messenger and because his message exposes their attitude, both past and present: “But that which has been revealed to you by your Lord is bound to make many of them more stubborn in their overweening arrogance and unbelief”

Having refused to accept the faith, it was inevitable that they should go to the other extreme and remain entrenched in their arrogance and disbelief. Hence, God’s Messenger will bring mercy to believers and Divine punishment to unbelievers.
God then tells His Messenger of the inevitability of His will to cause enmity and hatred among them, and to render their schemes futile even when they are at their strongest. Hence, their war against the Muslim community will end in defeat: “We have cast enmity and hatred among them, [to last] until the Day of Resurrection. Every time they light a fire for war, God puts it out.” Jewish groups continue to be hostile to one another, even though world Jewry may appear to be united at this period of time and capable of launching wars against Muslim countries..

Over 13 centuries, indeed Jews have been hostile to one another and dispersed all over the globe.
The evil and corruption we witness caused by Jews will inevitably be smashed by God’s will. For God does not like corruption to spread on earth.

What God does not like will certainly be removed and uprooted by some of His servants, whom He entrusts with this task: “They labour hard to spread corruption on earth; and God does not love those who spread corruption.”
" They claim that God does not give people enough, and that He gives them very little. How, then, could they be required to give money in charity?

They are too insensitive and too hard-hearted to use the straightforward description of the meaning they had in mind, namely, miserliness. False as that is, they went further choosing an even more aggressive and blasphemous expression. They claimed that God’s hand is shackled!" In the shades of Quran
Ibn jawzi attributed to Qatada the opinion that this ayah has to do with Jews lamenting that God didn't protect Jerusalem from its enemies (Nebuchadnezzar who destroyed the Kingdom of Judah, and its capital, Jerusalem ) hence His hand was chained.
Another example:
The following response from God would only be warranted had the Jews accused Him of being miserly (i.e., considered His hand to be withdrawn/shackled).

The Jews, under an asylum in Medina, mocked the state of believers in Medina by saying "Allah's hands are short" since the believers were poor.

A hadith from Sahih Bukhari strengthens what the idiom of "short/retracted/shackled/chained hands" & "long hands" refer to by Medina inhabitants:

Does God enjoin what is indecent?

Jews claimed that God's first command to Prophet Hosea was to "marry a prostitute."


The pagan Arabs used to performed ţawāf around God’s sacred house in the nude, accompanying their women. This they claimed God had ordered them to do, just as He had ordered their fathers: in other words, they inherited the practice from them.

God commands the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to make it clear to them that their inventions are false and that their claims to have God’s endorsement are insupportable.

He is further ordered to declare that God’s law is incompatible with indecency. God would not command anything that is indecent: “Say: ‘Never does God enjoin what is indecent. Would you attribute to God something of which you have no knowledge?’” (Verse 28)


Having denounced their claims that God has ordered them to follow such indecent practices, God tells them that His commandments run in the opposite direction.

God has enjoined justice and moderation in all matters, not indecency.

He has not left matters disorganized, allowing everyone to state what he wants and then claim that his prejudices are endorsed by God. He has also commanded that submission to Him should be pure and complete so that no one submits to anyone else.
Is God "poor"?

Rabbi Yohanan in the Talmud says that God is the slave of those who give charity.


(the word translated as servant actually means slave).

Jews of Medina said basically the same thing.

Sa`id bin Jubayr said that Ibn `Abbas said,

"When Allah's statement,
"Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan so that He may multiply it to him many times" (2:245)

was revealed, the Jews said, `O Muhammad! Has your Lord become poor so that He asks His servants to give Him a loan' Allah sent down the Ayah:

"Indeed, Allah has heard the statement of those (Jews) who say: "Truly, Allah is poor and we are rich!'') (3:181)


"Confusion in Jewish concepts of the true nature of God is very common in their distortion of their Scriptures. As they utter their impudent mouthful, they are clearly warned: “We shall record what they have said,” so that we may take them to account for it. It will neither be forgotten nor overlooked. It will be there, side by side with the record of their past misdeeds, which were perpetrated by their successive generations." In the shades of Quran
Respect your Creator:

Several Jewish traditions claim that in the future, God will dance with the sages.



These texts explicitly state that God will dance, and Dov Weiss confirms that this is the meaning in page 150 of "Pious Irreverence".


Here in Quran 44:38 God tells us of His justice, and that He is far above mere play, folly and falsehood.

Solomon was righteous

The Jews portray Solomon as an idol worshipper.
Isn't it ironic that the Bible teaches against idol worship (Exodus 20:4) yet one of the authors of the Bible is an idol worshipper?

1 Kings 11:4-7

4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 5 He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6 So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORD; he did not follow the LORD completely, as David his father had done.
7 On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites.

The Quran corrects this evident lie here

Surah 2:102

"And they follow that which the devils falsely related against the kingdom of Solomon. Solomon disbelieved not; but the devils disbelieved.."

And the saying of God, Exalted:

"And Solomon did not disbelieve,"

is an exoneration of him (peace be upon him) from apostasy, polytheism, and the worship of idols that they attributed to him, and a refutation of those who say it.

This is also said to be an exoneration from magic, and that God referred to magic as disbelief to indicate that it is disbelief, and that whoever was a prophet was infallible from it. It was regarded disbelief because it involved turning to the stars and demons and worshipping them, and claiming that they were effective without God's command. So, He didn't use magic to establish his kingdom either.
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Justice and equality:

Before the migration of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to Medina, the Jewish tribes of Banu Nadir and Banu Quraizah had a longstanding agreement regarding blood money; If a man from Banu Quraizah killed a man from Banu Nadir, he would also be killed in retaliation. However, if a man from Banu Nadir killed a man from Banu Quraizah, he would only be required to pay blood money of one hundred wasq of dates. This unequal arrangement reflected the higher social status of Banu Nadir compared to Banu Quraizah.

The Incident:

With the arrival of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in Medina, a new order was established based on Islamic principles of justice and equality. This meant that the previous unequal arrangement between Banu Nadir and Banu Quraizah was no longer valid.

Shortly after the Prophet's migration, a man from Banu Nadir killed a man from Banu Quraizah. The aggrieved tribe approached the Prophet ﷺ, seeking justice for their slain member. They demanded that the killer be handed over to them for execution,which was against the old custom.

The Prophet's Judgment:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recognized the need to uphold justice and apply the Islamic law of retaliation, which mandated equal punishment for equal crimes, emphasizing that the law applied equally to all, regardless of their tribal affiliation or social status.

Divine Revelation:

In response to this situation, the Quranic Ayah 5:42 was revealed, stating:

"If you judge, judge between them with justice."

This verse reinforced the Prophet's decision to uphold justice and equality, regardless of tribal or social distinctions.

The"justice" in this context meant "life for life," emphasizing the principle of equal retaliation.

And Allah, the Exalted and Sublime, revealed Ayah 5:50 in condemnation, reproach, and rebuke of them:

(Do they desire the judgment of [the days of] ignorance?) [Quran 5:50].

And God knows best.

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