God Damn It.....I Love It: Donald Trump Keeps Hitler Speeches by his Bedside


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
And why shouldn't he? I mean think about it, we have a serious problem in the United States with a undesirable filthy type people. They are called illegal aliens from 3rd world countries who are wrecking havoc on our American citizens, economy, culture and lastly......our national sovereignty. This is no difference than what the parasitic Jews did in the late 20's, early 1930's that Hitler recognized that would be a serious threat to Germany's historical nationalism. Trump recognizes that the same thing back then the German nationals faced is now a current
threat to our sovereignty. Who wouldn't? I am glad Trump is using Hitlers's playbook to racially awaken a sleeping giant. It's about damned time and it's about damned time that boy in the White House is brought to justice for usurping the presidency by violating Article 2 Section 1.

Resurfaced Interview Reveals Donald Trump Keeps Hitler Speeches at His Bedside
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Garrett, you really have gone too far this time. We aren't about to act like Nazis.
Hell hath no fury as a woman's scorned! You'll believe anything.
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Garrett, you really have gone too far this time.
No I haven't. We are in the same situation as the Germans were back then . Hitler restored confidence, nationalism and exceptionalism in the German people. Why is that not acceptable in this nation? It should be.
Garrett, you really have gone too far this time.
No I haven't. We are in the same situation as the Germans were back then . Hitler restored confidence, nationalism and exceptionalism in the German people. Why is that not acceptable in this nation? It should be.
We should embrace the ideas of Hitler. And you don't think you've gone too far. Go to bed.
"Anyone who picks up a Jewish newspaper in the morning and does not see himself slandered in it has not made profitable use of the previous day..."

Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
Garrett, you really have gone too far this time.
No I haven't. We are in the same situation as the Germans were back then . Hitler restored confidence, nationalism and exceptionalism in the German people. Why is that not acceptable in this nation? It should be.
We should embrace the ideas of Hitler.
Which ones?????
Ouote my entire post! It adds, And you don't think you've gone too far??!! Go to bed!
Garrett, you really have gone too far this time. We aren't about to act like Nazis.
Hell hath no fury as a woman's scorned! You'll believe anything.

He's one of yours. He's a racist, anti-semitic Rightie. Deal with it.

But I admire you standing up to him.

You are just about the only one with enough decency to do it.
McGarrett is a hanger on, a parasite, to the right, nothing more. He is for grins and giggles only.
Garrett, you really have gone too far this time.
No I haven't. We are in the same situation as the Germans were back then . Hitler restored confidence, nationalism and exceptionalism in the German people. Why is that not acceptable in this nation? It should be.


Hitler set the world on fire with a hishonorable war that costed humanity, all said and told, about 100 million lives, left Germany a smoldering slag heap, destroyed some of the most beautiful treasures our world has ever known, and ushered in the cold war.

Hitler was a jew-hating, insane megalomaniac and no intelligent German whom I know has any respect for him at all. They hate him, to a man. As do I.

But please, little Hitler-fluffer, keep saying what you are saying, because in reality you are expressing many of the secret views of the Right.

So, although you are an idiot and a complete waste of oxygen, sometimes you are a useful idiot.
Garrett, you really have gone too far this time.
No I haven't. We are in the same situation as the Germans were back then . Hitler restored confidence, nationalism and exceptionalism in the German people. Why is that not acceptable in this nation? It should be.


Hitler set the world on fire with a hishonorable war that costed humanity, all said and told, about 100 million lives, left Germany a smoldering slag heap, destroyed some of the most beautiful treasures our world has ever known, and ushered in the cold war.

Hitler was a jew-hating, insane megalomaniac and no intelligent German whom I know has any respect for him at all. They hate him, to a man. As do I.

But please, little Hitler-fluffer, keep saying what you are saying, because in reality you are expressing many of the secret views of the Right.

So, although you are an idiot and a complete waste of oxygen, sometimes you are a useful idiot.

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