Donald Trump is a loser!

Yes we know you far left drones are jealous of the (R) party as they get a choice in their nominations and you do not.
Yeah, Republicans get to vote for whoever they want to, for the most part, but what the party elites do with those votes can be exactly the opposite of how the vote went.

Pennsylvania, for example has 71 delegates of which only 17 are bound, and the rest are unbound. Trump could win by 20% margin and Cruz could still pick up all 54 delegates that are unbound simply because the party establishment likes Cruz more than Trump.

The trouble is that varying or numerous state regulations aren’t the main reason insurance markets tend to be uncompetitive. Selling insurance in a new region or state takes more than just getting a license and including all the locally required benefits. It also involves setting up favorable contracts with doctors and hospitals so that customers will be able to get access to health care. Establishing those networks of health care providers can be hard for new market entrants.

“The barriers to entry are not truly regulatory, they are financial and they are network,” said Sabrina Corlette, the director of the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.

Horseshit. The state prevents other insurers from entering the market, so how can anyone claim it isn't regulatory?

your dumbass opinion vs the director of the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.

go play in the middle of the freeway.

Why would anyone consider the opinion of a leftwing government bootlicking tick to be credible?
"Trump, as a Presidential candidate, presents a severe threat to our nation, our national character, and our democratic system of government...."

She forgot who is currently sitting in the WH
From one of the best and most honest of all of the people in politics in this is Senator Elizabeth Warren


Elizabeth Warren is nothing more then a joke and a liar. You just can't take what she says seriously.
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I see the rightwingnuts are still sticking up for corruption and corporate stooges in Congress. Not surprising.

Perhaps you clueless retards could now call David Brooks a "left wing moonbat". That would be precious! I could show it to my friends for laughs when we talk about how braindead you rightwingnuts actually are.

David Brooks: Trump ‘will be known a hundred years from now as the biggest loser in American politics
03 APR 2016
During a Meet The Press panel discussion on the havoc GOP front-runner Donald Trump is wreaking on the Republican Party, conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks unloaded on the blustery businessman, saying he’ll go down as “the biggest loser in American politics.

In his columns for the Times, Brooks has been unsparing in his criticism of Trump, and recently called him a “perpetual destabilizer” who can’t behave with “a modicum of “presidentiality.”"

On Sunday, Brooks was asked how he felt about Trump possibly being the nominee and replied, “Morally defeated,” before laughing ruefully.

Then he unloaded on Trump and his boosters.

All these people keep waiting for him, ‘When is he going to turn into a philosopher king? It’s time he should become Abraham Lincoln,'” Brooks asserted. “He’s Donald Trump. You know, he’s – you know, it’s all aggression, it’s all ignorance, it’s all the time.

Brooks took time out to blast Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus for being asleep at the wheel.

The people in the Republican Party are not going to stop him. Look at that Reince Priebus’ interview today,” Brooks said excitedly. “Like, the week that we had with Donald Trump, — he’s a catastrophe of the party. Priebus is off in la-la land, talking about technical stuff, and not really seizing the mantle.

Turning back to Trump, Brooks said he’ll be the eventual nominee and predicted he will become infamous for a crushing defeat in the November general election.

I think it’s likely to be Trump. I think he’s the walking dead,” he explained before adding the final insult. I think he’ll get the nomination and he will just go down to a crushing defeat. And will be known for a hundred years from now, people will say, ‘Who’s the biggest loser in American politics?’ And it won’t be McGovern, it won’t be Dukakis, the word ‘Trump.’ And I hope when he’s down there in Hades he’s aware of all that.

Wow!” host Chuck Todd said, with fellow panelist Helene Cooper smirking, “Very subtle.

You are the dude that doesn't believe in geo-engineering and that the fact that people have to use a petroleum based fuel in order to eek out a living is the cause for the destruction of "Mother Earth" are a whackjob......big time....

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