Maxine Waters is worried about a "civil war"

She is no relation. And she is still a better person than Trump or anyone on the right. You have lied about things she has said, and there is nothing wrong with Sharpton unless you are a white racist.
Sharpton makes corrupted TV evangelists look like pikers. At least they do not foment violence against people.
She is no relation. And she is still a better person than Trump or anyone on the right. You have lied about things she has said, and there is nothing wrong with Sharpton unless you are a white racist.
“Auntie Maxine” has been race baiting and rabble rousing for decades. It’s her stock in trade. She is certainly your ideological older sister. She spent four years advocating for violence against conservatives and governmental officials during the Trump years. She’s the person you want to grow up to be.
She is no relation. And she is still a better person than Trump or anyone on the right. You have lied about things she has said, and there is nothing wrong with Sharpton unless you are a white racist.
Yup, you've just exposed that you're a Marxist. You and those two race baiters constantly and aggressively launch racially charged attacks in furtherance of your Marxist ideology / plans, but if someone pushes back, then they're racist or an "Uncle Tom".

The Right - "The Left has people with bad ideas"

The Left - "The Right has bad people with ideas"

And I lied?

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Yup, you've just exposed that you're a Marxist. You and those two race baiters constantly and aggressively launch racially charged attacks in furtherance of your Marxist ideology / plans, but if someone pushes back, then they're racist or an "Uncle Tom".

The Right - "The Left has people with bad ideas"

The Left - "The Right has bad people with ideas"

And I lied?

It's funny how fascists wantto call people Marxists. Neither Sharpton or Watters are race baiters. Funny how you racists call people who stand up and expose your racism race baiters all while you continously race bait whites. Whits invented race baiting, and today it is the trump supporting white person who is the apex race baiter in America.
She is no relation. And she is still a better person than Trump or anyone on the right. You have lied about things she has said, and there is nothing wrong with Sharpton unless you are a white racist.
lets not get carried away.....
Ole Maxine, she a real peach :)

“I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.”

"The Tea Party can go straight to hell, and I intend to help them get there."

"We've got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational," said Waters. "We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business."

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,”

She defended the 1992 Los Angeles riots as "somewhat understandable"

“If you call it a riot, it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason. I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable. So I call it a rebellion.”

“Riot is the voice of the unheard.”

MTG GET ER DONE! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

H.Res.327 - Expel Maxine Waters Resolution for Incitement of Violence and Rioting against the United States​


California Democrat Maxine Waters raised eyebrows on Sunday with claims about supporters of former President Donald Trump after he was found guilty by a New York jury in his 'hush money' trial.

Waters appeared on MSNBC with host Jonathan Capehart warning that the former president and supporters pose a dangerous threat to the country.

'I'm worried that he's so divisive and that he's talking about retribution, and they're talking about revenge and I think that that's dangerous. He's even mentioned civil war at one point, talked about there would be bloodshed,' Waters said.

She said she would raise her concerns with federal law enforcement, in order to be prepared for the violence unleashed by Trump and his supporters if he did not win the election in November.

'I am going to spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the justice system, asking them, tell us what's going on with the domestic terrorists,' she said. 'Are they preparing a civil war against us? Should we be concerned about our safety?'

Maxine Waters is a notorious hate monger racist demagogue
Republicans are not the type of people who would start a civil war, but the Crazy Democrat Fanatics are.
Remember all of the Left-Wing riots during Trump's inauguration.
Left Wingers are violent crackpot fanatics.

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Damn. Who talked? How’d she learn of our plan?
You nuts stormed the capital and every other hour one of you talks about a civil war.


California Democrat Maxine Waters raised eyebrows on Sunday with claims about supporters of former President Donald Trump after he was found guilty by a New York jury in his 'hush money' trial.

Waters appeared on MSNBC with host Jonathan Capehart warning that the former president and supporters pose a dangerous threat to the country.

'I'm worried that he's so divisive and that he's talking about retribution, and they're talking about revenge and I think that that's dangerous. He's even mentioned civil war at one point, talked about there would be bloodshed,' Waters said.

She said she would raise her concerns with federal law enforcement, in order to be prepared for the violence unleashed by Trump and his supporters if he did not win the election in November.

'I am going to spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the justice system, asking them, tell us what's going on with the domestic terrorists,' she said. 'Are they preparing a civil war against us? Should we be concerned about our safety?'

Maxine Waters is a notorious hate monger racist demagogue
Republicans are not the type of people who would start a civil war, but the Crazy Democrat Fanatics are.
Remember all of the Left-Wing riots during Trump's inauguration.
Left Wingers are violent crackpot fanatics.

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She's one of the worst at inciting violence.
The left had nearly 3000 protests and at least 93 percent of them were not riots. This is according to police reports I read from 9 cities, and 2 studies of the protests. Most of the violence came from counterprotesters who were right wing. Do not make comments based on what you were shown by a station that paid 700 milion dollars for lying.
so 7% were violent eh ? so the left partook in over 200 riots in 2020 ! wow ! what a violent cult !

California Democrat Maxine Waters raised eyebrows on Sunday with claims about supporters of former President Donald Trump after he was found guilty by a New York jury in his 'hush money' trial.

Waters appeared on MSNBC with host Jonathan Capehart warning that the former president and supporters pose a dangerous threat to the country.

'I'm worried that he's so divisive and that he's talking about retribution, and they're talking about revenge and I think that that's dangerous. He's even mentioned civil war at one point, talked about there would be bloodshed,' Waters said.

She said she would raise her concerns with federal law enforcement, in order to be prepared for the violence unleashed by Trump and his supporters if he did not win the election in November.

'I am going to spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the justice system, asking them, tell us what's going on with the domestic terrorists,' she said. 'Are they preparing a civil war against us? Should we be concerned about our safety?'

Maxine Waters is a notorious hate monger racist demagogue
Republicans are not the type of people who would start a civil war, but the Crazy Democrat Fanatics are.
Remember all of the Left-Wing riots during Trump's inauguration.
Left Wingers are violent crackpot fanatics.

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She wasn't worried about it when she was pushing for riots.

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