Goddamned Christians

Fire and brimstone, fire and brimstone...

This is why I CAN'T stand Christians preaching to me or to ANYBODY... simply because they're as fucked up as anyone else with an addition of superiority complex - just like any other western religion: "Oh, we're fine, cuz we believe in [dot dot dot]..."

Judo-chris-lam makes me nauseous...

What a tragedy.

And I can't stand the anti-religious preaching to me -- simply because they're as fucked up as anyone else with an addition of a superiority complex. Go look in the mirror. If you can.

Who's preaching? I never bring up the topic of western organized religion unless some bible-thumper with an imaginary friend brings it up first.
What I find ironic is that nobody seemd to have a problem with the title, "goddamned christians."

I did. I actually had a lot of problems with it.

Techically, it should have been written: God-damned Christians.

Not capitalizing the G in God, and the C in Christian shows disrespect, for God, and for Christians.

Forgetting to put in the hyphen suggests that "goddamned" has finally merged from a stand alone noun with a preceding ajective, into a single concept where no hyphen is needed.

Now that's still an editorial matter of taste, of course, but I think the decision is wrong in this case

As yet, the only time one should use the term "goddamned" is when one is speaking of that entire class whom GOD has damned, as in: "those goddamned people in Hell."
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you very pointedly left out Islam. You agree with Islam? No problems there?

No, she included all 3... Judo, Jewish.... Chris, Christian,.... lam, Islam.

I see it now. I keyed in on her use of Western Religion. Thanks.

I consider them all three as Western religions... Eastern are a bit more... east. This might be a simple issue of semantics, but hey... who cares. We could as well call them 'Abrahamic' religions... I dislike them all equally though :eusa_angel:
No, she included all 3... Judo, Jewish.... Chris, Christian,.... lam, Islam.

I see it now. I keyed in on her use of Western Religion. Thanks.

I consider them all three as Western religions... Eastern are a bit more... east. This might be a simple issue of semantics, but hey... who cares. We could as well call them 'Abrahamic' religions... I dislike them all equally though :eusa_angel:
thus confirming you are a BIGOT
thats what these threads tend to expose
i saw a problem with the titled but didnt feel like it was my place to say anything...but isnt taking your gods name in vain ...a major sin?

plus dont jews avoid the use of the word god ...when in print it is normally g_d but with the cap
i saw a problem with the titled but didnt feel like it was my place to say anything...but isnt taking your gods name in vain ...a major sin?

plus dont jews avoid the use of the word god ...when in print it is normally g_d but with the cap

you're forgetting that david is a coward and hypocrite of, um, biblical proportions, but yes, you're right.
i saw a problem with the titled but didnt feel like it was my place to say anything...but isnt taking your gods name in vain ...a major sin?

plus dont jews avoid the use of the word god ...when in print it is normally g_d but with the cap

you're forgetting that david is a coward and hypocrite of, um, biblical proportions, but yes, you're right.

no i am not...why did you leave out liar?

i know my jewish friends would never take their god's name in vain..the men bind their arm and put the little box on their heads and pray...alone..
sorry I get alittle worked up when christian say that shit and think it is karma when a man dies along with seven children.:redface:

Understandably. Odd that Christians would talk about karma. I thought that was a Hindu thing.

I think it is a buddhist thing and you can be buddhist and a christian but yeah I get what you are saying. The ones in this case I don't think follow buddha.

Er..no, you can't be Buddhist and Christian, honey.

And honestly, God loves us, but he loves us infinitely...he knows our lives on earth are a flash in the pan. He's concerned with our eternal souls, so if it forwards his plan yes, innocent people will die.

You don't know the mind of God, and you aren't a God to judge him.
Our lives are but a flash in the pan, yet God is concerned with our souls.

As well as the whole world, God obvious has far too much time in his hands.

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