Zone1 God's will be done... which is??


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
I've been seeking God's will for the last several years, which is not as easy as it may sound. Maybe people "out there" can learn from my mistakes, so I will say the following:

We don't always know what God's will is vis a vis ANYTHING... whom to marry... IF to marry anyone... where to move to or not to move and etc...

The Word of God tells us what the will of God is in the moral sense, what to do/not do in order to get your soul into Heaven, which is not an easy task. Jesus said that FEW find that pathway to Heaven (Mt 7, Lk 13..). The canonized saints have said things to indicate that hardly anyone makes it to Heaven. I can see why that is (long story why I say that... but Heaven is a place we are not familiar with.. so there's that...).

Anyhow, I came up with some things that are or seem to be definitely God's will and that's what I myself will have to be content with because all that other stuff (whom to marry, if to marry.. etc...) is just TOO hard (4 some of us) except that whomever you marry should be following Christ if you are... and should be more/less following Him in the way you yourself are (unless you are totally off in doing so... but anyhow)

This is very important because as Jesus said, only those who do the Will of God can enter Heaven

So maybe you can add to the list but here is my list:

1 It is God's will that you exist because if He didn't want you to exist, you wouldn't.. amazing how I have not always believed that... One of my parents seemed to think I should never have come along... :(

2 It is apparently God's will that people SUFFER. I say that because everyone does indeed suffer... one way or the other.. usually in many, many ways before it is "all over"

3 It is God's will that you CHOOSE... (fill in the blanks there)

4 It is God's will that you get angry... Life is a very anger-inducing thing! Watch the news regularly if you don't get that one...

5 And it also appears to be His will that you get angry with HIM... because most Christians do at one time or another...

and I could go on....
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I've been seeking God's will for the last several years, which is not as easy as it may sound. Maybe people "out there" can learn from my mistakes, so I will say the following:

We don't always know what God's will is vis a vis ANYTHING... whom to marry... IF to marry anyone... where to move to or not to move and etc...

The Word of God tells us what the will of God is in the moral sense, what to do/not do in order to get your soul into Heaven, which is not an easy task. Jesus said that FEW find that pathway to Heaven (Mt 7, Lk 13..). The canonized saints have said things to indicate that hardly anyone makes it to Heaven. I can see why that is (long story why I say that... but Heaven is a place we are not familiar with.. so there's that...).

Anyhow, I came up with some things that are or seem to be definitely God's will and that's what I myself will have to be content with because all that other stuff (whom to marry, if to marry.. etc...) is just TOO hard (4 some of us) except that whomever you marry should be following Christ if you are... and should be more/less following Him in the way you yourself are (unless you are totally off in doing so... but anyhow)

This is very important because as Jesus said, only those who do the Will of God can enter Heaven

So maybe you can add to the list but here is my list:

1 It is God's will that you exist because if He didn't want you to exist, you wouldn't.. amazing how I have not always believed that... One of my parents seemed to think I should never have come along... :(

2 It is apparently God's will that people SUFFER. I say that because everyone does indeed suffer... one way or the other.. usually in many, many ways before it is "all over"

3 It is God's will that you CHOOSE... (fill in the blanks there)

4 It is God's will that you get angry... Life is a very anger-inducing thing! Watch the news regularly if you don't get that one...

5 And it also appears to be His will that you get angry with HIM... because most Christians do at one time or another...

and I could go on....

It's encouraging that you are thinking about God's will, when so many people here can only express their hate and fear of Him, but then want you to believe that they don't believe He even exists. Silly.


It's encouraging that you are thinking about God's will, when so many people here can only express their hate and fear of Him, but then want you to believe that they don't believe He even exists. Silly.



Human nature... what a pathetic thing that is!

Jesus is the only one who, while knowing all about human nature, loves us anyway... I never knew real love until I began to know Jesus, which, again,started w/ the rosary

Well, that's not entirely accurate.I had found Him before and had a BIG experience w/ him but you know how it is with very young people... they tend to stray from the right path... and once I ended up in a very dark and hideous place off that pathway... OMG.. Well, it seems Godpretty much handed me the rosary... seriously... I didn't think the rosary would do me one bit of good... did NOT at all want to pray the thing.. and yet one day I just did... strange story...
I've been seeking God's will for the last several years, which is not as easy as it may sound. Maybe people "out there" can learn from my mistakes, so I will say the following:

We don't always know what God's will is vis a vis ANYTHING... whom to marry... IF to marry anyone... where to move to or not to move and etc...

The Word of God tells us what the will of God is in the moral sense, what to do/not do in order to get your soul into Heaven, which is not an easy task. Jesus said that FEW find that pathway to Heaven (Mt 7, Lk 13..). The canonized saints have said things to indicate that hardly anyone makes it to Heaven. I can see why that is (long story why I say that... but Heaven is a place we are not familiar with.. so there's that...).

Anyhow, I came up with some things that are or seem to be definitely God's will and that's what I myself will have to be content with because all that other stuff (whom to marry, if to marry.. etc...) is just TOO hard (4 some of us) except that whomever you marry should be following Christ if you are... and should be more/less following Him in the way you yourself are (unless you are totally off in doing so... but anyhow)

This is very important because as Jesus said, only those who do the Will of God can enter Heaven

So maybe you can add to the list but here is my list:

1 It is God's will that you exist because if He didn't want you to exist, you wouldn't.. amazing how I have not always believed that... One of my parents seemed to think I should never have come along... :(

2 It is apparently God's will that people SUFFER. I say that because everyone does indeed suffer... one way or the other.. usually in many, many ways before it is "all over"

3 It is God's will that you CHOOSE... (fill in the blanks there)

4 It is God's will that you get angry... Life is a very anger-inducing thing! Watch the news regularly if you don't get that one...

5 And it also appears to be His will that you get angry with HIM... because most Christians do at one time or another...

and I could go on....

Sometimes ... God's will to be done here on Earth is simply stand you on a street corner facing traffic ... and have you notice a small child about to be run over ... your choice ... save the child or watch the spectacle ... we, as humans, know the difference between right and wrong ... whether "spiritual oneness" or "DNA encoding" ... you have a choice ...

Alas ... it's all the other times that vex us ...

My plan is to do the good in front of me ... let God set my course ... and that lead me to managing low-income housing for the benefit of the widows and orphans; safe, affordable and honest ... imposing tenant's rights on these desperate and oppressed ... these were beat up units, for sure, but the local churches knew their widow women wouldn't be pestered into sex living here ... maybe the men here don't understand why that's a big problem for women in the rental market ...

Best I can suggest is read the Gospels ... noting all the Christ did on Earth ... and see if any of that rings your bell ... and then go do that, either as a profession if you're lucky, or as a hobby, and make your own luck ...

God's already given you the gifts you need to do your part for Him ... what are your gifts and how do you think they can best be used for God's glory? ...
God's already given you the gifts you need to do your part for Him ... what are your gifts and how do you think they can best be used for God's glory? ...

well, I understood most of this...

Your Q seems like an easy one but it isn't for me and others like me and others not like me..(presumably)

I mean, there are 1000s of ways one can use one's talents... only God knows what is.. "perfect"... and He does not seem to be forthcoming on informing all of us what is optimally best.. which is the reason I made this thread..

I think what is important is just... well, you may not agree but the devil is always trying to get us.. and sometimes we don't know how to "get him" back or... um... however u say...
Years ago, I heard someone say something about how you should do (for God's Kingdom on Earth) what only you can do.

I thought to myself: Everything I do can be done by someone else..


But one day, after having gone about my daily routine for some years... just schmucking along, doing what I thought was required of me... I realized one day that I had begun to do things that only I can do...

It is the will of God that we do good works:

Ephesians 2:10
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
It is the will of God that we do good works:

Ephesians 2:10
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

yes, and some protestants say no good works are required!

They obviously haven't read the Word well.. much less do they exhibit common sense
It is the will of God that we cease to do evil and repent of our evil ways:

Luke 13:3
3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
The work Christians have done and continue to do in the world is the will of God; the Israelites couldn't muster the initiative.

As God averred through Jeremiah, His plans for His people were a future and a hope, for then His people would seek Him and find Him, and He would hear their prayers and gather them back into His fold (Jer 29:11-14). That was His will. His will was for His people to abandon their waywardness and seek Him, to be in the Spirit worshipping and thanking the true God (Eph 5:17-20). Through the work of the Messiah, the new faithful Israel—the holy Israel of God—has found the Father and is indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and thus has muzzled a great measure of the world’s ignorance. Peter sums the Christian vocation up quite succinctly:

For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. (1 Pt 2:15-16)​
The work Christians have done and continue to do in the world is the will of God; the Israelites couldn't muster the initiative.

As God averred through Jeremiah, His plans for His people were a future and a hope, for then His people would seek Him and find Him, and He would hear their prayers and gather them back into His fold (Jer 29:11-14). That was His will. His will was for His people to abandon their waywardness and seek Him, to be in the Spirit worshipping and thanking the true God (Eph 5:17-20). Through the work of the Messiah, the new faithful Israel—the holy Israel of God—has found the Father and is indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and thus has muzzled a great measure of the world’s ignorance. Peter sums the Christian vocation up quite succinctly:

For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. (1 Pt 2:15-16)​

yeh, America in general should pay heed to thaat last thingg... not using freedom as a cover up for evil.

Freedom has become a God

a lot of people don't realize that unconsciously, they are worshipping that and other false gods...

and so we have all this insanity going on... transgendering... sexualizing children... murdering them if they have the effrontery to live in the womb after the parents have decided to take back their love-making and its results...


etc etc etc
yeh, America in general should pay heed to thaat last thingg... not using freedom as a cover up for evil.

Freedom has become a God

a lot of people don't realize that unconsciously, they are worshipping that and other false gods...

and so we have all this insanity going on... transgendering... sexualizing children... murdering them if they have the effrontery to live in the womb after the parents have decided to take back their love-making and its results...


etc etc etc

Really well said!

I would disagree with your statement, however, that what the murderous parents did was "make love". There's nothing loving about having sex that they know will likely result in murder. I'd call that "making death".


Really well said!

I would disagree with your statement, however, that what the murderous parents did was "make love". There's nothing loving about having sex that they know will likely result in murder. I'd call that "making death".

yes, that is true, objectively. But a lot of people, mostly women, probably, think it is making love... Few people have love-less sex? But then, we are talking about 2023 where who knows what is going on out there...

Nobody really had tothink about creating an unwanted child... or the rich didnt have to.. the well-off

because they knew that Roe existed..

Now they actually have to be responsible about sex! OMG! Well, not in CA or WA or OR.. but anyhow...

I heard a story recently about young women getting sterilized over the demise of Roe

good... better than murder... way

they will regret it some day and seek to have the procedure un-done... hope it works (I think I hope that anyhow)
yes, that is true, objectively. But a lot of people, mostly women, probably, think it is making love... Few people have love-less sex? But then, we are talking about 2023 where who knows what is going on out there...

Nobody really had tothink about creating an unwanted child... or the rich didnt have to.. the well-off

because they knew that Roe existed..

Now they actually have to be responsible about sex! OMG! Well, not in CA or WA or OR.. but anyhow...

I heard a story recently about young women getting sterilized over the demise of Roe

good... better than murder... way

they will regret it some day and seek to have the procedure un-done... hope it works (I think I hope that anyhow)

I vote for the sterilization. It should be mandatory and free with the first abortion. Anyone too stupid to understand something as simple as birth control needs to exit the gene pool.


I vote for the sterilization. It should be mandatory and free with the first abortion. Anyone too stupid to understand something as simple as birth control needs to exit the gene pool.

well, as a (real) Catholic, I don't believe in artificial b control.. A lot of it causes early abortion. . not sure they still use the IUD but that ws one that did.. and the Pill and probably others.

I believe in abstinence...

I know... how medieval of me.. eh?

If a woman knows she is not using any barrier... she is way more cautious, usually, about having sex without benefit of marriage..
well, as a (real) Catholic, I don't believe in artificial b control.. A lot of it causes early abortion. . not sure they still use the IUD but that ws one that did.. and the Pill and probably others.

I believe in abstinence...

I know... how medieval of me.. eh?

If a woman knows she is not using any barrier... she is way more cautious, usually, about having sex without benefit of marriage..

Who in the universe could have convinced so many people that they'd actually die if they didn't have sex when and where and with whom they want to? Someone with great powers of persuasion.

Pretty disgusting.


Who in the universe could have convinced so many people that they'd actually die if they didn't have sex when and where and with whom they want to? Someone with great powers of persuasion.

Pretty disgusting.



I think I get this... You are saying Who but Satan could have convinced virtually everyone that they have to have sex... and whenever they get the desire, and with NO consequences like pregnancy?
I sometimes think we humans are so far out ofGod's will because of sin and its ugly consequences that we just cannot ever be 100% in his will (except spiritually but that's all that matters anyway)

We can't be in His will much, except to give up mortal sin and work on our venial ones as best we can, which a lot of the time means just giving those (venial) sins to God and trusting that ... with His help, we will do better.

Other than that... it's just a waste of time IMO to try to figure out what is optimally best, circumstance-wise... etc.

Even when/if --for example-- we find the person we think is the right one.. There's no guarantee that person really is.. we have to go by our instincts and etc... etc.. and since we are human and make mistakes... yeh.. Sometimes people don't know it's the WRONG one until... 5 years after the divorce...
But a lot of people, mostly women, probably, think it is making love... Few people have love-less sex? But then, we are talking about 2023 where who knows what is going on out there...
Depends. There's "slam-bam-thank-you-Ma'am", then there's a dinner date and romantic evening of music and wine followed by sex, which usually has a strong 'emotional' element that could be mistaken for love.

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