Good man with a gun stops bad man with a gun


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Just broke on Fox News, a patient with a gun in PA shot and killed a case worker, shot another doctor grazing him, but he or another doctor drew their weapon and shot the armed patient to death.
If libs would have always had their way, the doctor would have not been allowed to carry a gun, and the psycho would have probably shot more people before he could have been subdued.
Both sides try too hard to read into situations like this. Sometimes the good guy has the gun. Sometimes the bad guy has the gun. Sometimes both do.

I personally don't think anybody's 2nd Amendment rights should be infringed upon just because a small portion of the population are criminals.
There was a Gun Ban in the Hospital! How could this have happened?

A psychiatric patient ranted about a hospital gun ban before opening fire at the suburban medical complex, killing his caseworker and grazing his psychiatrist before the doctor pulled out his own weapon and fired back, authorities said Friday.
Obviously Doc didn't feel too comfortable working in a place that had a gun ban.

Hospital policy bars anyone except on-duty law enforcement officers from carrying weapons on campus, a Mercy Health System spokeswoman said. She otherwise declined to discuss why Silverman was armed at work.
I was talking to my boss about this story earlier today. I said that if I worked in a place where I saw nut cases all day I'd keep a loaded weapon around too.
"Off the swing pinky!"

"Forget it Moe I just got on, you have to wait your turn."

Moe, the bully punches Calvin off the swing.

Calvin says, "I keep forgetting, rules are only for little nice people."

"Calvin and Hobbes" by Bill Waterson
The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. Congrats to the good guy for kicking butt! :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)

"I believe that if the doctor did not have a firearm, (and) the doctor did not utilize the firearm, he'd be dead today, and I believe that other people in that facility would also be dead," Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan said Friday.

Thank heavens the doctor was on duty, otherwise this would likely have resulted in another mass shooting.

I hope this sends a message to others thinking of committing a gun related crime. No matter where they attempt to commit the crime, chances are good that someone there may be carrying a concealed weapon. Any attempt to use the gun in the commission of a crime will be met with deadly force.
"I believe that if the doctor did not have a firearm, (and) the doctor did not utilize the firearm, he'd be dead today, and I believe that other people in that facility would also be dead," Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan said Friday.

Thank heavens the doctor was on duty, otherwise this would likely have resulted in another mass shooting.

I hope this sends a message to others thinking of committing a gun related crime. No matter where they attempt to commit the crime, chances are good that someone there may be carrying a concealed weapon. Any attempt to use the gun in the commission of a crime will be met with deadly force.

If the person committing that type of crime were criminals, that would impress them. But they are not. They are insane, proof of which is the fact that almost all of them when they succeed in killing many, then proceed to kill themselves.

I am glad that doctor was packing. I have no problem with that. But the remaining question is how did the crazy end up with a gun? It could not be because guns are so prevenant and easy to get in our society that any crazy that wants one can get one, could it? Perhaps we should be making an effort to make the weapons less prelevant, and to deny access to crazies.
"I believe that if the doctor did not have a firearm, (and) the doctor did not utilize the firearm, he'd be dead today, and I believe that other people in that facility would also be dead," Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan said Friday.

Thank heavens the doctor was on duty, otherwise this would likely have resulted in another mass shooting.

I hope this sends a message to others thinking of committing a gun related crime. No matter where they attempt to commit the crime, chances are good that someone there may be carrying a concealed weapon. Any attempt to use the gun in the commission of a crime will be met with deadly force.

If the person committing that type of crime were criminals, that would impress them. But they are not. They are insane, proof of which is the fact that almost all of them when they succeed in killing many, then proceed to kill themselves.

I am glad that doctor was packing. I have no problem with that. But the remaining question is how did the crazy end up with a gun? It could not be because guns are so prevenant and easy to get in our society that any crazy that wants one can get one, could it? Perhaps we should be making an effort to make the weapons less prelevant, and to deny access to crazies.

But Ray......denying access isn't going to stop a loon from obtaining a gun. Sounds good......but......

I don't need weapons but if I did, I could take a 15 minute drive and with some cash, get pretty damn much whatever I wanted.......I live in a metropolitan area......maybe its different in rural area's. Denying access to people wont ever stop somebody from blasting away many if they really want to do it. Sucks like hell but its just the way it is. If k00ks want to kill many k00ks will kill many. The idea is, if people are armed, they'll kill less.
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"I believe that if the doctor did not have a firearm, (and) the doctor did not utilize the firearm, he'd be dead today, and I believe that other people in that facility would also be dead," Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan said Friday.

Thank heavens the doctor was on duty, otherwise this would likely have resulted in another mass shooting.

I hope this sends a message to others thinking of committing a gun related crime. No matter where they attempt to commit the crime, chances are good that someone there may be carrying a concealed weapon. Any attempt to use the gun in the commission of a crime will be met with deadly force.

If the person committing that type of crime were criminals, that would impress them. But they are not. They are insane, proof of which is the fact that almost all of them when they succeed in killing many, then proceed to kill themselves.

I am glad that doctor was packing. I have no problem with that. But the remaining question is how did the crazy end up with a gun? It could not be because guns are so prevenant and easy to get in our society that any crazy that wants one can get one, could it? Perhaps we should be making an effort to make the weapons less prelevant, and to deny access to crazies.
If the crazy has a mission he may indeed reconsider if truly believes that he will be stopped dead in his tracks before he can complete his mission. Unless he is completely out of his mind, in which case I'm hoping that someone like the doctor intervenes before he has a chance to inflict his carnage.
As I said before when some ass I cannot remember said doctors do not carry guns. I said yes they do because they have to deal with angry fat ass psycho patients. Good for him. With that said if the hospital has a no gun policy he should get fired,
"I believe that if the doctor did not have a firearm, (and) the doctor did not utilize the firearm, he'd be dead today, and I believe that other people in that facility would also be dead," Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan said Friday.

Thank heavens the doctor was on duty, otherwise this would likely have resulted in another mass shooting.

I hope this sends a message to others thinking of committing a gun related crime. No matter where they attempt to commit the crime, chances are good that someone there may be carrying a concealed weapon. Any attempt to use the gun in the commission of a crime will be met with deadly force.

If the person committing that type of crime were criminals, that would impress them. But they are not. They are insane, proof of which is the fact that almost all of them when they succeed in killing many, then proceed to kill themselves.

I am glad that doctor was packing. I have no problem with that. But the remaining question is how did the crazy end up with a gun? It could not be because guns are so prevenant and easy to get in our society that any crazy that wants one can get one, could it? Perhaps we should be making an effort to make the weapons less prelevant, and to deny access to crazies.

Of course if he (crazy dude) had spent a few hundred dollars more, he would have been able to get an Uzi or AK-47 or something that packed more rounds.

Same access regardless of mental state; the only difference is how much $$$ they happened to have in their pocket.
As I said before when some ass I cannot remember said doctors do not carry guns. I said yes they do because they have to deal with angry fat ass psycho patients. Good for him. With that said if the hospital has a no gun policy he should get fired,

The guy who instituted the no gun policy should be fired.

It didn't stop the psycho from killing innocent unarmed people, and if the doctor had not broken the policy, there would have been a lot more dead innocent unarmed victims.
Well, obviously, based on the logic that I am seeing on this thread, you should find out if you doctor is packing heat, and if not, you should change docs so that he can protect you when you visit him. Better yet, wear your own the next time you show up for a physical. It might cause a problem while you are undergoing an MRI, but they will just have to make allowances....
Thank heavens the doctor was on duty, otherwise this would likely have resulted in another mass shooting.

I hope this sends a message to others thinking of committing a gun related crime. No matter where they attempt to commit the crime, chances are good that someone there may be carrying a concealed weapon. Any attempt to use the gun in the commission of a crime will be met with deadly force.

If the person committing that type of crime were criminals, that would impress them. But they are not. They are insane, proof of which is the fact that almost all of them when they succeed in killing many, then proceed to kill themselves.

I am glad that doctor was packing. I have no problem with that. But the remaining question is how did the crazy end up with a gun? It could not be because guns are so prevenant and easy to get in our society that any crazy that wants one can get one, could it? Perhaps we should be making an effort to make the weapons less prelevant, and to deny access to crazies.

Of course if he (crazy dude) had spent a few hundred dollars more, he would have been able to get an Uzi or AK-47 or something that packed more rounds.

Same access regardless of mental state; the only difference is how much $$$ they happened to have in their pocket.

Uzi's and AK-47's fire at exactly the same rate as the firearm he shot per trigger pull.

So it wouldn't have made a lick of difference what weapon he had.

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