Good News Everyone!!


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
I watched this program last night. A cure for cancer is within reach.

Can this topic unify USMB members? Can we have a thread with no negative posts when the topic is as positive as this one?
Well, we can hope but they've been saying they might have a cure for cancer as long as I've been alive

60 years now
I watched this program last night. A cure for cancer is within reach.

Can this topic unify USMB members? Can we have a thread with no negative posts when the topic is as positive as this one?


"Venom from snakes, scorpions and bees may have an element that could stop cancer cell growth."
Bee scorpion and snake venom may hold cancer cure -

"Researchers from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute have made an exciting discovery for cancer patients everywhere. A chemical found in a rare plant from Australia has the ability to "eat" cancerous tumors and completely eradicate them within days."
Cancer cure found Compound from Blushwood tree breaks down tumors in 70 percent of cases T-Lounge Tech Times

"The breakthrough came in a 16-year study of the only animal immune to cancer.
The discovery by an Israeli specialist was last night hailed as “radical and potentially life-changing”.
In a world first, Professor Aaron Avivi and his team found that cells from the blind mole rat and its cousin the naked mole rat secrete a substance that destroys cancer cells in mammals – including humans."
EXCLUSIVE Cure for ALL cancers is on the way as scientists discover major breakthrough Health Life Style Daily Express
My thing is this, if all these discoveries (from last year btw) are real, why aren't we using them?

As expressed in the sci-fi movie "Johnny Mnemonic" "It's far more profitable to treat disease than is it to cure it." In the movie, an outright cure to the plague of the time was available, but the pharmaceutical company kept it hidden.

I can't help but imagine the same thing going on in the real world. Why let a cure for cancer get out if it's gonna rob you of billions in treatment costs?
My thing is this, if all these discoveries (from last year btw) are real, why aren't we using them?

As expressed in the sci-fi movie "Johnny Mnemonic" "It's far more profitable to treat disease than is it to cure it." In the movie, an outright cure to the plague of the time was available, but the pharmaceutical company kept it hidden.

I can't help but imagine the same thing going on in the real world. Why let a cure for cancer get out if it's gonna rob you of billions in treatment costs?
Damn you are negative.
Curing cancer and other things is good. But preventing them is better. Numerous supplements are on vitamin shelves right now shown to prevent cancers.

Garlic: Colon cancer, rectal cancer, stomach cancer.
garlic Uses Side Effects Interactions and Warnings - WebMD

Grape Seed Extract, Green Tea, Coconut Oil, Bee Pollen, Lycopene (prostate cancer,) and others as well as good old fashioned Aspirin have properties shown to prevent various cancers.

"By looking at data from individual participants in these trials, the researchers, led by Peter Rothwell, MD, PhD, FRCP, of the University of Oxford, showed that this risk reduction was due mainly to fewer cancer deaths among participants who took aspirin for at least 5 years. The largest drop in risk was for gastrointestinal cancers, particularly colorectal cancer. The study also showed more modest risk reductions for several other common cancers, including lung and prostate."
Aspirin and Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute

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