Good News For Americans


Diamond Member
Mar 27, 2012
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I've mentioned in here several times what I think of the EPA. I won't repeat it out of respect for the Rulzâ„¢

This should give you an idea of what's going on with all the fighting and arguing over Elon's Young Wizards and what they're doing -- They're recovering OUR money. Now, who would be against that? Take a wild guess

Money that was spirited away by less than scrupulous goobermint types (EPA) shocking, I know!

more at the link

Project Veritas dropped a shocker of a video back in December, in which an EPA manager was bragging that the Biden administration was metaphorically 'dropping gold bars off the Titanic.' They were shoving every dime they could out to their NGO buddies so they could harass the Trump administration and continue to suck off the taxpayers' teat for years to come.

We all know such things happen, but to have it so vividly described was revealing.
The good news just keeps on coming --

OMB Bitch-Slaps CNN's, Undees McNasty

Speaking of NGOs….

…isnt it so weird that as soon as Hillary lost the 2016 election, donations to the Clinton foundation dropped 90%.

So weird. Almost as if the donations were only to get on Hillary’s good side if she became President.


🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔
Gee whiz, Donnie...... Ya think!!??


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