Good News from Chicago!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Good News: Only 9 Killed, 47 Wounded In Chicago During This Year’s July 4th Weekend!

They report it IS better than last year? I wonder if the dead and wounded give a damned about that. Read the rest of this wonderful news @ Good News Only 9 Killed 47 Wounded In Chicago During This Year s July 4th Weekend John Hawkins Right Wing News


And others from Independence Day Weekend In Chicago Marred By Deadly Gun Violence - BuzzFeed News
9 blacks killed in Chicago = barely a whimper
9 blacks killed in Charleston = national outrage

Whats the difference?
9 blacks killed in Chicago = barely a whimper
9 blacks killed in Charleston = national outrage

Whats the difference?

The nine blacks killed in Charleston were praying in church and were killed because they are black
Just another example of how deadly Democrat-controlled cities are...
The 11 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities - US News
Strange...didn't see Democratic controlled Chicago, New York or Los Angeles on the list
Did see a lot of cities from Red States though
Check who controls the cities, dumbass.
And here's the latest list...ALL DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED!!!

Crime in America 2015 Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities Over 200 000 - Law Street TM

Democrats control all major cities, seems all the leading murder rates would be in one of those cities

Why isn't Chicago on your list? How about NY, Boston, Philadelphia or LA?
9 blacks killed in Chicago = barely a whimper
9 blacks killed in Charleston = national outrage

Whats the difference?

The nine blacks killed in Charleston were praying in church and were killed because they are black
By a product of the liberal establishment...
FIVE Very Liberal Ideas From Dylann Roof s Racist Manifesto SOOPERMEXICAN

The media is reporting on what looks like a manifesto published by the maggot racist piece of crap that shot up the black church in Charleston. Of course, they’re only reporting the parts that fit their narrative, while everyone tries to make him into a Tea Party conservatives. They did this with the Norway shooterand with the cop killer Chris Dorner in Los Angeles.

So here are four very liberal ideas from his reported manifesto:

1) Blacks Need to See Everything Through the Prism of Race
Black people view everything through a racial lense. Thats what racial awareness is, its viewing everything that happens through a racial lense. They are always thinking about the fact that they are black. This is part of the reason they get offended so easily, and think that some thing are intended to be racist towards them, even when a White person wouldnt be thinking about race.

The pathetic maggot actually believes that whites need to do this more, even though he hates that blacks do it. Kind of a stupid contradiction, but he fully accepts the liberal notion that people need to see everything through a racial prism first and foremost.

2) Whites Society Enforces White Supremacy
Even today, blacks are subconsciously viewed by White people are lower beings. They are held to a lower standard in general. This is why they are able to get away with things like obnoxious behavior in public. Because it is expected of them.

Modern history classes instill a subconscious White superiority complex in Whites and an inferiority complex in blacks. This White superiority complex that comes from learning of how we dominated other peoples is also part of the problem I have just mentioned.

This section could come out of any black advocacy book. Even one written by Rachel Dolezal!

3) White Flight to Suburbs is Racist
Now White parents are forced to move to the suburbs to send their children to “good schools”. But what constitutes a “good school”? The fact is that how good a school is considered directly corresponds to how White it is. I hate with a passion the whole idea of the suburbs. To me it represents nothing but scared White people running. Running because they are too weak, scared, and brainwashed to fight. Why should we have to flee the cities we created for the security of the suburbs? Why are the suburbs secure in the first place? Because they are White. The pathetic part is that these White people dont even admit to themselves why they are moving.

Liberals absolutely despise suburbia and so does Dylann. And who whines about white flight all the time? That’s right, liberals!

4) Patriotism in America is Stupid
I hate the sight of the American flag. Modern American patriotism is an absolute joke. People pretending like they have something to be proud while White people are being murdered daily in the streets. Many veterans believe we owe them something for “protecting our way of life” or “protecting our freedom”. But im not sure what way of life they are talking about.

Really all you have to do is replace “white” with “black” and you have the black lives matter movement. Kinda weird huh?

5) Disrespecting the American Flag
Oh and don’t forget all the pictures of him burning the flag:

Black Lives Matter protesters are totally cool with that:

But that won’t stop the media from identifying him as a conservative, they have a narrative to spin. Read the entire manifesto here.

‘White Liberals Fuel Racism!’ – Great Rant From Libertarian Black Guy on Evil Church Murders

Oh, and don't forget Roof's drug use, which the Libs want to legalize....
Granny says, "Dat's right - dey need to declare martial law an' call in the Nat'l. Guard...

Trump: Chicago Might Need Federal Help
January 4, 2017 - President-elect Donald Trump took to Twitter Monday to again draw attention to Chicago's struggles with surging violent crime, this time suggesting that perhaps Mayor Rahm Emanuel should seek help from the federal government.
"Chicago murder rate is record setting -- 4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016," Trump wrote on Twitter. "If Mayor can't do it he must ask for Federal help!" Trump's suggestion that violence hit a record level in 2016 was off the mark, but homicides indeed rose nearly 60 percent from 2015 to the highest levels in 20 years. Trump's tweet came the morning after "60 Minutes" aired a segment on Chicago's violence, including an interview from Emanuel's former police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, who said the city's Police Department was in crisis. The mayor fired McCarthy more than a year ago amid the fallout over the court-ordered release of a video showing a white police officer shooting Laquan McDonald 16 times.

Emanuel spokesman Adam Collins released a statement applauding that the president-elect was taking the crime issue seriously. Collins, though, did not directly address Trump's suggestion that Emanuel should seek federal help if he can't control the city's crime problem. "As the president-elect knows from his conversation with the mayor, we agree the federal government has a strong role to play in public safety by funding summer jobs and prevention programming for at-risk youth, by holding the criminals who break our gun laws accountable for their crimes, by passing meaningful gun laws, and by building on the partnerships our police have with federal law enforcement," the statement said. "We are heartened he is taking this issue seriously and look forward to working with the new administration on these important efforts."


Members of the Chicago Police Department work the scene where at least six people were shot, one fatally, on the 8600 block of South Maryland Avenue on Dec. 25, 2016.​

While Trump's tweet suggested the federal government might need to intervene to help Chicago in its fight against violence, the U.S. Justice Department has been conducting an investigation for more than a year into the Police Department's practices, including the use of force by officers. The tweet wasn't the first time Trump has weighed in on Chicago's spike in violent crime. On the campaign trail, he often singled out Chicago while calling for tougher police tactics like the controversial stop-and-frisk policy to deal with urban crime.

Stop-and-frisk was found unconstitutional by a federal judge in New York because of its overwhelming impact on minorities. New York abandoned its appeal of the ruling after Mayor Bill de Blasio took office. "I think Chicago needs stop-and-frisk," Trump said at an event in September. "Now, people can criticize me for that or people can say whatever they want. But they asked me about Chicago and I think stop-and-frisk with good strong, you know, good strong law and order. But you have to do something. It can't continue the way it's going." "If (police) see a person possibly with a gun or they think may have a gun, they will see the person and they'll look and they'll take the gun away," he said.

Blacks fleeing Chicago...

The Real Problem with Chicago’s Shrinking Population
May 8, 2017 - Recent Census numbers aren’t as bad as they sound—except for one major factor. Since 1980, Chicago has lost more than a quarter of its black population.
Scaremongers have been honking at a fever pitch ever since the U.S. Census Bureau released data in March showing a second year of declining population for the Chicago area. “Depopulation is killing this city, and it’s all self-inflicted,” tweeted Dominic Lynch, a contributor to Chicagoly. Curbed Chicago posted an open thread asking readers to comment on whether they planned to bolt, too. And an op-ed in the Tribune by a guest columnist went so far as to suggest the city should annex inner-ring suburbs to boost its slumping tax base.

Meanwhile, politicians and advocates clamored to assign blame for the decline to pet causes. Governor Bruce Rauner excoriated Democrats, of course: Taxes are too high, schools are too crummy, and politicians serve for too long, he said through a spokesperson. The nonprofit Everytown for Gun Safety attributed the drop to violence. Twitter user @jetdog asked: “Is this because President Trump says it’s a horrible place?”

Well, not so fast. “It’s all overplayed,” says Rob Paral, a public policy analyst known as the Chicago Data Guy. “In a major city of 2.7 million people, the decline is really quite small. The sky is not falling.” This much is true: The Chicago metro area lost 19,570 people in 2016, according to Census Bureau estimates—the largest drop of any metro area in the country. And yes, it’s the second straight year of decline. But Paral reminds us that this is out of a whopping 9.5 million residents—a mere 0.2 percent dip. He calls the Chicago area a “huge chessboard” with pieces constantly moving on and off it.

So where the headlines imply a gush, analysts see a trickle. And as for the reasons behind the drop? They’re more complicated than the knee-jerk reactions suggest. “The tax argument is really a canard,” Paral says. “Kansas has slashed taxes, and they are losing population.” And while many armchair quarterbacks rushed to blame the exodus on last year’s surge in murders, it’s too soon for people to have picked up their lives in response to that. Things get interesting—and alarming—when you look at who is leaving. “The white population is not falling, and the Latino and Asian populations are slightly growing,” says Paral. “The big factor that is altering Chicago’s population is the change among blacks.”

Are you sure blacks are fleeing?

With the murder rate and the abortion rate the black population is shrinking everywhere.

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