Good News! GOP Rep Asks Capitol Police To Arrest Illegal Aliens Attending State of the Union Address

I’d like to know how they would get past security. Wouldn’t they have to be vetted?
DACA recipients are not illegal. This GOP repo needs to have his clock cleaned. Even Joe Arpaio has said that Americans will not tolerate people being dragged off. This would be a massive disaster for Republicans. White supremacists like you are disgusting and you are the ones who need to go.
DACA recipients are not illegal. This GOP repo needs to have his clock cleaned. Even Joe Arpaio has said that Americans will not tolerate people being dragged off. This would be a massive disaster for Republicans. White supremacists like you are disgusting and you are the ones who need to go.

As a matter of objective fact, yes, they are illegals. They are here, in this country, in violation of the laws which we have in place regarding the entry and presence of foreigners in our country.

The temporary amnesty given to them under DACA was done illegally. Even President Obama admitted that he did not have the authority to do so.
This is the right thing to do. President Trump is bringing a mother who's 16 year old daughter was beaten to death by an illegal wetback. It would be disrespectful to her if these illegals invited by democrats were to attend.

GOP Rep. Asks Capitol Hill Police To Arrest Illegal Aliens Attending State of the Union Address

Ah, one Mexican does something bad, all Mexicans are guilty. One Muslim does something bad, all Muslims are bad.

One right wing gun fanatic does something bad and he's an individual and no one else is responsible for his actions.
Too bad...the video of them doing that would be priceless.

You on the left wrong have deceived yourselves into believing that the American public is sympathetic toward this invading foreign filth, whose side you treasonously choose to take against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans.

I will remind you that Donald Trump ran, in large part, on a promise to protect this country and its people against these invaders, and he won the election, largely on this promise.
This is the right thing to do. President Trump is bringing a mother who's 16 year old daughter was beaten to death by an illegal wetback. It would be disrespectful to her if these illegals invited by democrats were to attend.

GOP Rep. Asks Capitol Hill Police To Arrest Illegal Aliens Attending State of the Union Address

Ah, one Mexican does something bad, all Mexicans are guilty. One Muslim does something bad, all Muslims are bad.

One right wing gun fanatic does something bad and he's an individual and no one else is responsible for his actions.
Illegal wetbacks, yes!
This is the right thing to do. President Trump is bringing a mother who's 16 year old daughter was beaten to death by an illegal wetback. It would be disrespectful to her if these illegals invited by democrats were to attend.

GOP Rep. Asks Capitol Hill Police To Arrest Illegal Aliens Attending State of the Union Address

Arrest them for what ? What crime exactly ?

What Is Illegal Entry?
The immigration law actually uses the term "improper entry," which has a broad meaning. It’s more than just slipping across the U.S. border at an unguarded point. Improper entry can include:

  • entering or attempting to enter the United States at any time or place other than one designated by U.S. immigration officers (in other words, away from a border inspection point or other port of entry)
  • eluding examination or inspection by U.S. immigration officers (people have tried everything from digging tunnels to hiding in the trunk of a friend’s car)
  • attempting to enter or obtain entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or willful concealment of a material fact (which might include, for example, lying on a visa application or buying a false green card or other entry document).
(See Title 8, Section 1325 of the U.S. Code (U.S.C.), or Section 275 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.) for the exact statutory language -

Criminal Penalties
For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. For a subsequent offense, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)

But just in case that isn’t enough to deter illegal entrants, a separate section of the law adds penalties for reentry (or attempted reentry) in cases where the person had been convicted of certain types of crimes and thus removed (deported) from the U.S., as follows:

(1) People removed for a conviction of three or more misdemeanors involving drugs, crimes against the person, or both, or a felony (other than an aggravated felony), shall be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both.

(2) People removed for a conviction of an aggravated felony shall be fined, imprisoned for up to 20 years, or both.

(3) People who were excluded or removed from the United States for security reasons shall be fined, and imprisoned for up to ten years, which sentence shall not run concurrently with any other sentence.

(4) Nonviolent offenders who were removed from the United States before their prison sentence was up shall be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both.

What’s more, someone deported before a prison sentence was complete may be incarcerated for the remainder of the sentence of imprisonment, without any reduction for parole or supervised release.

(See 8 U.S.C. Section 1326, I.N.A. Section 276.)

Civil Penalties
Entry (or attempted entry) at a place other than one designated by immigration officers carries additional civil penalties. The amount is at least $50 and not more than $250 for each such entry (or attempted entry); or twice that amount if the illegal entrant has been previously fined a civil penalty for the same violation. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)
This is the right thing to do. President Trump is bringing a mother who's 16 year old daughter was beaten to death by an illegal wetback. It would be disrespectful to her if these illegals invited by democrats were to attend.

GOP Rep. Asks Capitol Hill Police To Arrest Illegal Aliens Attending State of the Union Address

Ah, one Mexican does something bad, all Mexicans are guilty. One Muslim does something bad, all Muslims are bad.

One right wing gun fanatic does something bad and he's an individual and no one else is responsible for his actions.
Illegal wetbacks, yes!

So, people are responsible for the actions of others then?
This is the right thing to do. President Trump is bringing a mother who's 16 year old daughter was beaten to death by an illegal wetback. It would be disrespectful to her if these illegals invited by democrats were to attend.

GOP Rep. Asks Capitol Hill Police To Arrest Illegal Aliens Attending State of the Union Address

Arrest them for what ? What crime exactly ?
Being in the country illegally.

That’s not a crime .

As posted above entering the us without inspection can be a crime .

1/2 of illegals come in legally and overstay . Then there’s dreamer kids who can’t commit the crime because they are children .

So not all illegals are criminals . Don’t believe the racist hype .
This is the right thing to do. President Trump is bringing a mother who's 16 year old daughter was beaten to death by an illegal wetback. It would be disrespectful to her if these illegals invited by democrats were to attend.

GOP Rep. Asks Capitol Hill Police To Arrest Illegal Aliens Attending State of the Union Address

Arrest them for what ? What crime exactly ?
Being in the country illegally.

That’s not a crime .

As posted above entering the us without inspection can be a crime .

1/2 of illegals come in legally and overstay . Then there’s dreamer kids who can’t commit the crime because they are children .

So not all illegals are criminals . Don’t believe the racist hype .
They fit the requirement to be detained and deported by ICE. They lack social security numbers and birth certificates. They are illegal aliens THEY ARE NOT LEGAL CITIZENS, PERIOD!

Question: In Mexico, would you call Mexicans racist for wanting to kick a white Americans out of their country who crossed their border illegally?

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