Google Built China A Prototype Search Engine That Allows Govt To Spy On Citizens’ Search Queries

You do realize thats what every single search engine does anyway dont you? :laughing0301:
Since Google and Facebook and who knows what other sites are already tracking users online activity.....then the government already has that capability.

A prototype for China? Meh, sounds more like a China version of what's already there.
Big multi-nationals are not America's friends, and they love oppressive regimes like Red China, where sweetheart deals are the norm, and the Army keeps labor dirt cheap. Corporations do not like 'free trade', but right wingers are too dense to realize that.
Exactly why Crapitalism is failing, and the Crapitalists need to be put on a shorter leash.
Yeah, socialism (more government) is the answer! Idiot!

No, it makes the most sense for Republicans to continue giving more tax cuts to promoters of degenerate, or Liberal values to Google / Youtube, CNN, MSNBC, Facebook, Twitter, CBS, Hollywood and ABC.

This is why Right-Wing values have declined through out the past century, and Republicans say do nothing, and everything will work out.
Exactly why Crapitalism is failing, and the Crapitalists need to be put on a shorter leash.
Yeah, socialism (more government) is the answer! Idiot!

No, it makes the most sense for Republicans to continue giving more tax cuts to promoters of degenerate, or Liberal values to Google / Youtube, CNN, MSNBC, Facebook, Twitter, CBS, Hollywood and ABC.

This is why Right-Wing values have declined through out the past century, and Republicans say do nothing, and everything will work out.
Life in Poland was so joyful between 1939-1986.

That’s why they built a statue of Reagan in Poland, they wanted to know who to hate for ending their blissful years of joy.
Exactly why Crapitalism is failing, and the Crapitalists need to be put on a shorter leash.
Yeah, socialism (more government) is the answer! Idiot!

No, it makes the most sense for Republicans to continue giving more tax cuts to promoters of degenerate, or Liberal values to Google / Youtube, CNN, MSNBC, Facebook, Twitter, CBS, Hollywood and ABC.

This is why Right-Wing values have declined through out the past century, and Republicans say do nothing, and everything will work out.
Life in Poland was so joyful between 1939-1986.

That’s why they built a statue of Reagan in Poland, they wanted to know who to hate for ending their blissful years of joy.

Capitalism is the ultimate Liberal agenda, as we see here with Google, and from Google in general.
Socially Conservative values were actually more prevalent in Communism, than in Liberal Capitalist "Utopia's"

But, that's not the answer either, how about Fascism for an answer?
You do realize thats what every single search engine does anyway dont you? :laughing0301:
Shitforbrains thinks google knows your personal name
Dumbass thinks google doesnt know his name. :21:
Look around, there is so much tracking software on the market you can track software email, websites, Ip addresses with a push of the button.
Yeah thats why I called Weatherman a dumbass. You cant help but leave a trail if you use the internet without a VPN.

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