GOP and trump considering Medicare cuts in his second term

Oh what would the oldsters do if it weren't for Big Daddy Big Gubmint breaking their legs, then handing them a crutch and telling them how lucky that they are to have "free" Medicare?!?
Trump promises to hang all senior citizens and then starve the children of immigrants.
Starting the "let's scare granny out of her depends" game early this election cycle I see......
Trump says a lot of things. By this time folks should know to not hang on his every word but rather to give him a chance to discuss things with his adults in the room.
Medicare sucks ass. The VA is much better and you don't get dinged for not having a supplemental policy.
Trump Has Told Friends That Gutting Medicare Could Be a Fun “Second-Term Project”

That would teach the old toothless farts that believed every word the Liar says. Maybe instead of a nursing home...they can live under a bridge....

Hey stupid, "cuts" means cuts to waste and fraud and abuse, not cuts to benefits, you half-witted imbecile.
He's a fear-mongering, America hating liar.

Nobody mongers fear better than republics.
Trump Has Told Friends That Gutting Medicare Could Be a Fun “Second-Term Project”

That would teach the old toothless farts that believed every word the Liar says. Maybe instead of a nursing home...they can live under a bridge....

He is right. Actually no matter who wins, that person has to address entitlements in order to cure our deficit and begin paying down our debt.

Yes, let's fix the deficit by taking away healthcare and Social Security benefits from the people that paid into it all their life...

And continue to spend money like they are printing it on other shit.

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