GOP Anti ACA Ad Featuring Paid Actors disguised as Real People


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Phony Obamacare Horror Stories - Patrick Stewart - The Colbert Report - 2014-03-03 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Colbert Destroys in this one....

Americans For Prosperity Runs Anti-Obamacare Ads Featuring Republican Activists

WASHINGTON -- Americans for Prosperity launched a six-figure ad campaign in New Hampshire Monday starring two women who lost their health care plans due to Obamacare. But the conservative political advocacy group left out one minor detail: Both women are local Republican activists and donors.

I guess they couldnt find any real victims...THATS how bad it is....Its SO BAD they couldnt find an actual victim.

So much so it led one paper to say this:

Maybe there are no genuine Obamacare horror stories -

Maybe there are no genuine Obamacare horror stories

Kevin Drum wonders whether there's a single genuine Obamacare horror story out there, given that virtually every yarn promoted by Republicans or conservatives about people hurt by the Affordable Care Act has deflated like a pricked balloon on the merest examination.
It's a very good question, inspired by the latest horror story bloomer -- the tale of one Julie Boonstra of Michigan, wholesaled by the Koch-founded conservative organization Americans for Prosperity. In a political ad being run by AFP against a Democratic senate candidate in Michigan, Boonstra asserts that "Obamacare" has made her leukemia treatment "unaffordable" and "jeopardized" her health.

But when Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post checked out her story, he found it didn't hold up. The Affordable Care Act provided her with cheaper coverage than she had before, while allowing her to keep her doctor and maintain her treatment. Kessler didn't mention it, but Boonstra plainly benefits from another provision of the ACA: the ban on exclusions for preexisting conditions. Patients living in the pre-ACA world of individual health insurance with conditions like leukemia were constantly in danger of losing their coverage and becoming uninsurable. That's not legal anymore.

Maybe there are no genuine Obamacare horror stories -

oh brother


It's nice you people making fun of all the millions of people who have lost their insurance policies over ObamaCare

are you that hard up to save your Dear leaders and parties ass? Colbert is good little useful tool for the Progressive party... I hope he bow's to them at night before he lays his head down in his million dollar mansion
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for sure I get all my fact of politics from some comedian

don't the rest of you here?
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for sure I get all my fact of the news from some comedian

don't the rest of you here?

In my other thread you complained that there were no links and asked "So we are supposed to take your word for it?"

Now when you're given links you cant click them? Go ahead Steph...The links wont hurt you. Click if you dare step out of the bubble
GOP Anti ACA Ad Featuring Paid Actors disguised as Real People

The GOP hired Obama, Reid, and Pelosi to spread a point of view???

How COULD they??? :eek:
hilarious; the wannabe dictator and failed progressive that disaguised himself as a moderate to get elected has his lemmings crying about who is real and who isnt!!

lemmings in the Cult led by the 2013 Liar of the Year; whining about who is real and who isnt?


LWNJs are a hoot!
for sure I get all my fact of the news from some comedian

don't the rest of you here?

In my other thread you complained that there were no links and asked "So we are supposed to take your word for it?"

Now when you're given links you cant click them? Go ahead Steph...The links wont hurt you. Click if you dare step out of the bubble

listen up my child, when I mentioned no links I didn't mean go out and find some from some Comedian..and I wouldn't give that nasty man Colbert a second of my time by watching him.... never have won't start now
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wow, seriously...every leftwing rag that is in the back pockets of the DNC in the country...AND you don't see a pattern there..? It's a full blown orchestrated propaganda blitz putting down stories of people that are being hurt by this law..and we see Colbert got his marching orders and performed his duty to the party....shameful
I didn't take you falling for propaganda from them so easily
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OH - MY - GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you mean to tell me someone hired paid actors to portray real people??

UNHEARD OF!!!!!!!!!!! --- THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wow, seriously...every leftwing rag that is in the back pockets of the DNC in the country...
I didn't take you falling for propaganda from them so easily

OH - MY - GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you mean to tell me someone hired paid actors to portray real people??

UNHEARD OF!!!!!!!!!!! --- THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No they hired actors and said they were the real people. Then got caught.

Americans for Prosperity is up with a new ad ripping Senator Landrieu over Obamacare. It features a number of people lamenting lost coverage and higher premiums. But as ABC News reports, all those folks were actors.
That would be par for the course — lots of political ads feature actors — but for one thing. The Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity is also planning to lobby state legislators hard to oppose the Medicaid expansion, which is supported by Senator Landrieu and will be debated by the state legislature this spring. Supporters say it could expand coverage to up to 300,000 people.

In short, Americans for Prosperity is up with a major TV ad buy featuring fake victims of Obamacare, while planning a major lobbying effort to block Obamacare’s benefits from reaching untold numbers of real people.

Blocking Medicaid AND opposing ACA?
Millions of people hurt by Obamacare and the GOP cant find one for their commercial? Not one?
folks, you need to take a good look at all those newspapers listed in Gs post and see that they are NOT A FRIEND to you..

the Democrat run media would put PRAVDA to shame

that is orchestrated Goebbels at it's finest and is absolutely disgusting this is going on today in our need to wake up
folks, you need to take a good look at all those newspapers listed in Gs post and see that they are NOT A FRIEND to you..

the Democrat run media would put PRAVDA to shame

that is orchestrated Goebbels at it's finest and is absolutely disgusting this is going on today in our need to wake up

But the biggest question is: Is it true or false?

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