GOP candidate using religious fear and hatemongering

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Mike Pompeo, GOP Candidate, Apologizes For Tweet Attacking Challenger As An 'Evil' 'Turban Topper', Could-Be Muslim

I knew what I was talking about in my thread about the Constitution, the rightwing monkeys like to resort to whatever fear and hatemongering they can to win votes, Bush senior set a precedent with the Willie Horton debacle and now this dumb GOP candidate is doing the same. Their motto is "Vote for the GOP because if you vote otherwise the blacks, Muslims, "wise Latinas," Hindus will get you and take away America," pathetic.
Clean out your own house before you start calling other people names, this is just one of many underhand tactics your Democrat friends use against each other, let alone against the Republicans. :eusa_eh:

Gelber backers accuse Aronberg of misleading tactics in Democratic AG primary

By Michael C. Bender Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Updated: 11:00 p.m. Monday, July 12, 2010
Posted: 8:34 p.m. Monday, July 12, 2010

TALLAHASSEE — Attorney general candidate Dave Aronberg has taken the offensive in his Democratic primary battle with fellow state Sen. Dan Gelber, deploying a pair of tactics that has Gelber supporters crying foul.
Aronberg, of Greenacres, recently began using the name of a defunct statewide Democratic group — the Florida Mainstream Democrats — to help raise money for his campaign.
And last week, Aronberg's campaign mailed Democratic voters a flier with a picture of an oily bird to attack Gelber, of Miami Beach, for working at the law firm retained by BP to handle its civil litigation in Florida.
State Rep. Rick Kriseman, the former chairman of Florida Mainstream Democrats, said he was "disappointed" Aronberg was using his group's name.
"It's misleading people," said Kriseman, who closed the political committee earlier this year after struggling to raise enough money.
He also is no fan of the BP ad for much the same reason. In a call that went to Democratic voters this weekend, Kriseman said he was "disappointed and frustrated that Dave Aronberg has sent out to Democratic voters mail pieces which are very misleading and are simply not true. Dan Gelber has been a leader in going after BP for the damage they have caused our communities."
The St. Petersburg Democrat said he had been neutral in the attorney general race, but decided to record the automated phone call for Gelber's campaign after he saw Aronberg's flier.
At least two other Democratic representatives, Luis Garcia of Miami Beach and Keith Fitzgerald of Sarasota, have lent their names to Gelber in opposition to the flier, which tells voters that 80 million gallons of oil gushed into the Gulf of Mexico before Gelber quit Akerman Senterfitt. It also refers to Gelber has having worked for "BP's law firm."
Aronberg called on Gelber to quit Akerman Senterfitt, the state's largest law firm, on June 28 -- about two weeks after BP retained the firm and several days after Gelber told The Palm Beach Post editorial board that he was resigning. Gelber said he has done no work for BP.
Aronberg's spokeswoman defended his campaign's tactics, saying that Gelber had acted too slowly in resigning from his law firm once it was hired by BP and that Florida Mainstream Democrats is "the same group it's ever been."
"It was created to support Democrats and it will continue to support Democratic candidates," Aronberg spokeswoman Allison Jones said of the political committee
But records show that Aronberg is the only Democrat raising money for the group. The new head of committee, Todd Wilder, said no plans have been finalized to support other candidates. Wilder said the group will likely spend money in Aronberg's primary race.
Wilder said he re-opened the group and recruited Aronberg to raise money.
"I thought it was a good brand name that was just sitting there," Wilder said.
The group originally was created in 2004 by 18 state lawmakers, including Aronberg, to attract conservative voters to the party and support pro-business, moderate candidates outside the traditionally liberal enclaves in South Florida. The group held annual conferences in Orlando and challenged, unsuccessfully, a loophole in Florida that lets a political party keep its primary closed if there is a write-in candidate in the race.
Candidates for state office have five days to file fund-raising paperwork once they start soliciting money for a group, or face a $50 fine.
Aronberg filed fund-raising papers for Florida Mainstream Democrats on July 7, but the papers show he signed the documents on June 15.
The first check collected by Aronberg's group was $10,000 on June 21 from the Palm Beach County Teachers Union.
Jones indicated that Aronberg may have been raising money in June, but later said Aronberg had met all "legal and ethical requirements."
The group has also collected $25,000 from Florida Power & Light; $25,000 from subsidiaries of Florida Crystals and $15,000 from Victoria McCullough of Wellington, who is vice-president of Washington D.C.-based Chesapeake Petroleum.
Gelber backers accuse Aronberg of misleading tactics in Democratic AG primary
Clean out your own house before you start calling other people names, this is just one of many underhand tactics your Democrat friends use against each other, let alone against the Republicans. :eusa_eh:

Gelber backers accuse Aronberg of misleading tactics in Democratic AG primary

By Michael C. Bender Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Updated: 11:00 p.m. Monday, July 12, 2010
Posted: 8:34 p.m. Monday, July 12, 2010

TALLAHASSEE — Attorney general candidate Dave Aronberg has taken the offensive in his Democratic primary battle with fellow state Sen. Dan Gelber, deploying a pair of tactics that has Gelber supporters crying foul.
Aronberg, of Greenacres, recently began using the name of a defunct statewide Democratic group — the Florida Mainstream Democrats — to help raise money for his campaign.
And last week, Aronberg's campaign mailed Democratic voters a flier with a picture of an oily bird to attack Gelber, of Miami Beach, for working at the law firm retained by BP to handle its civil litigation in Florida.
State Rep. Rick Kriseman, the former chairman of Florida Mainstream Democrats, said he was "disappointed" Aronberg was using his group's name.
"It's misleading people," said Kriseman, who closed the political committee earlier this year after struggling to raise enough money.
He also is no fan of the BP ad for much the same reason. In a call that went to Democratic voters this weekend, Kriseman said he was "disappointed and frustrated that Dave Aronberg has sent out to Democratic voters mail pieces which are very misleading and are simply not true. Dan Gelber has been a leader in going after BP for the damage they have caused our communities."
The St. Petersburg Democrat said he had been neutral in the attorney general race, but decided to record the automated phone call for Gelber's campaign after he saw Aronberg's flier.
At least two other Democratic representatives, Luis Garcia of Miami Beach and Keith Fitzgerald of Sarasota, have lent their names to Gelber in opposition to the flier, which tells voters that 80 million gallons of oil gushed into the Gulf of Mexico before Gelber quit Akerman Senterfitt. It also refers to Gelber has having worked for "BP's law firm."
Aronberg called on Gelber to quit Akerman Senterfitt, the state's largest law firm, on June 28 -- about two weeks after BP retained the firm and several days after Gelber told The Palm Beach Post editorial board that he was resigning. Gelber said he has done no work for BP.
Aronberg's spokeswoman defended his campaign's tactics, saying that Gelber had acted too slowly in resigning from his law firm once it was hired by BP and that Florida Mainstream Democrats is "the same group it's ever been."
"It was created to support Democrats and it will continue to support Democratic candidates," Aronberg spokeswoman Allison Jones said of the political committee
But records show that Aronberg is the only Democrat raising money for the group. The new head of committee, Todd Wilder, said no plans have been finalized to support other candidates. Wilder said the group will likely spend money in Aronberg's primary race.
Wilder said he re-opened the group and recruited Aronberg to raise money.
"I thought it was a good brand name that was just sitting there," Wilder said.
The group originally was created in 2004 by 18 state lawmakers, including Aronberg, to attract conservative voters to the party and support pro-business, moderate candidates outside the traditionally liberal enclaves in South Florida. The group held annual conferences in Orlando and challenged, unsuccessfully, a loophole in Florida that lets a political party keep its primary closed if there is a write-in candidate in the race.
Candidates for state office have five days to file fund-raising paperwork once they start soliciting money for a group, or face a $50 fine.
Aronberg filed fund-raising papers for Florida Mainstream Democrats on July 7, but the papers show he signed the documents on June 15.
The first check collected by Aronberg's group was $10,000 on June 21 from the Palm Beach County Teachers Union.
Jones indicated that Aronberg may have been raising money in June, but later said Aronberg had met all "legal and ethical requirements."
The group has also collected $25,000 from Florida Power & Light; $25,000 from subsidiaries of Florida Crystals and $15,000 from Victoria McCullough of Wellington, who is vice-president of Washington D.C.-based Chesapeake Petroleum.
Gelber backers accuse Aronberg of misleading tactics in Democratic AG primary

Monkey, I'm not a Democrat, nor do I describe myself as left-leaning nor liberal so what are you on about?
what they don't have too?

If Pompeo had any integrity he would step down, his words and actions are not slip ups, they constitute bigotry and fear-mongering, the same type used against Obama thats characteristic of the GOP, the GOP is a joke, I identify as conservative, but not as part of the GOP, one doesn't have to be stupid like them and or agree with their stupidity to be conservative.
I see far more using it than not, a couple weeks ago they were trying to stir up fear that sharia law shouldn't be adopted here. When no one was trying.

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