GOP changes Senate rules to over ride silly boycott by Dems

The time for violence is approaching
That's the thing with you coward dims. It's always "approaching" and never "here". Losers.
For some it is

It sounds like you approve of sucker punching and then running like a sissy in case your victim gets up and hits back. Crap attitudes like yours is one of the reasons so many whites abandoned the demorats and voted for Trump.

You see that sissy fluffing his hair after getting popped? What a girl.

The sissy's the guy that ran. You know so little but post so often.
The time for violence is approaching
That's the thing with you coward dims. It's always "approaching" and never "here". Losers.
For some it is

It sounds like you approve of sucker punching and then running like a sissy in case your victim gets up and hits back. Crap attitudes like yours is one of the reasons so many whites abandoned the demorats and voted for Trump.

You see that sissy fluffing his hair after getting popped? What a girl.

Who will you be "popping" pop?
The time for violence is approaching
That's the thing with you coward dims. It's always "approaching" and never "here". Losers.
For some it is

It sounds like you approve of sucker punching and then running like a sissy in case your victim gets up and hits back. Crap attitudes like yours is one of the reasons so many whites abandoned the demorats and voted for Trump.

You see that sissy fluffing his hair after getting popped? What a girl.

The sissy's the guy that ran. You know so little but post so often.

Yes Spencer was indeed running away as he fluffed his hair
BOOM....Dems play with fire. Get burned. Today, the Senate changed the rules so that members of a parry can no longer run and hide from their duty. The parliamentary process whereby Senators can boycott hearings to stop confirmation proceedings has been rendered INVALID..
Republicans with balls? Now THAT'S unusual.

BTW, are these the same Democrats who fled Wisconsin to avoid voting on bills there? Holing up in various motels across the Illinois border to avoid police attempts to bring them back and do their jobs?

Or were those state legislators?

Acting like common criminals has always suited Democrats to a T.

Democrats flee state to avoid vote on budget bill
BOOM....Dems play with fire. Get burned. Today, the Senate changed the rules so that members of a parry can no longer run and hide from their duty. The parliamentary process whereby Senators can boycott hearings to stop confirmation proceedings has been rendered INVALID..

Enough of their 3 year old tantrums. They played the fascism game and found out Rust Belt dems didn't appreciate being force-fed their insane social platforms. They lost fair and square. The only thing they should be protesting is THEIR PARTY'S OWN STUPIDITY CRAWLING INTO BED WITH AN INSANE DEVIANT SEX CULT.

There. Someone had to say it.
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The approval of them ALL is inevitable. Including Gorsuch.
You don't understand, but, hey, OK. McConnell has to call a question of the Constitution vote to the entire Senate, not a small committee. Manchin WV will probably vote for it, so the Dems need to get three of the six GOP that normally are not happy with such maneuvering because they know it will come back to get them in the end.

McConnell will hit the nuclear option, there is nothing lost there because the Dems will do it as soon as it suits them.
The filibuster is dead either now due to Dimmocrats shenanigans, or later on if the Democrats ever regain control and wat to get a SCOTUS nominee through a GOP filibuster.
The nuclear option is an . . . option. It's not as easy as the far right obstructionists believe.
Republicans with balls? Now THAT'S unusual.

Leadership often makes the difference.

Some Leaders inspire courage, some Generals by their leadership inspire people to do things they wouldn't have contemplated otherwise.

Republicans have been so beaten down by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media for so many decades, they're like a dog that's been abused and beaten.

Now that we have a President that's willing to take on the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, Republicans are showing up for the fight.

Some won't. Some are past saving. But most will.

And believe me when I tell you, people. The DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is the enemy of this Country.

THEY are the ones that hate America and everything it stands for. They are who leads the dimocrap scum party, not vice versa.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM says, "Shit" and the dimocrap scum party says, "What color?"

I've been telling people that for fifty years. We finally have a president that's not afraid to take them on.

They (and the dimocrap scum party) need to be destroyed. Totally. Utterly and completely destroyed to the last remnant. Where nothing of them exists anymore
The nuclear option is an . . . option. It's not as easy as the far right obstructionists believe.

Says who, you?

The same guy that said Trump had no, zero chance of winning the election? None, Zip, Nada?

You're an imbecile that nobody pays any attention to.

Go clean your room
The nuclear option is an . . . option. It's not as easy as the far right obstructionists believe.
Says who, you? The same guy that said Trump had no, zero chance of winning the election? None, Zip, Nada? You're an imbecile that nobody pays any attention to. Go clean your room
That Trump won has nothing to do with the senate rules. Your confirmation bias is allowing your ass to override your brain, little buddy. If Manchin votes for the option, the Dems need only three of very possible GOP obstructionists. This is not an easy thing for you to handle. I understand that.
As far as Gorsuch is concerned, McConnell is not sure about the nuclear option. "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Tuesday night the Senate "must insist upon 60 votes for any Supreme Court nominee." He repeated that on the Senate floor Wednesday. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., among other Democrats, pledged to oppose Gorsuch's nomination. McConnell has not explicitly endorsed scrapping the filibuster rule, but has urged Democrats to hear Gorsuch out fairly. The 60 vote rules applies to Supreme Court justices." I personally think Schumer should let the GOP put Gorsuch up in front of the Senators.
“Senate Republicans had to break the rules and force these two nominees through the committee for one reason: they have no answer for the lies and serious ethics problems of Tom Price and Steven Mnuchin,” said Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Adrienne Watson.

Rules were changed, not broken. The approval of Mnuchin and Tom Price is inevitable.

Scratch that one off

Once these "traditions" are gone they cannot return. Republicans may win the battles for now, but lose the war
The approval of them ALL is inevitable. Including Gorsuch.
You don't understand, but, hey, OK. McConnell has to call a question of the Constitution vote to the entire Senate, not a small committee. Manchin WV will probably vote for it, so the Dems need to get three of the six GOP that normally are not happy with such maneuvering because they know it will come back to get them in the end.

McConnell will hit the nuclear option, there is nothing lost there because the Dems will do it as soon as it suits them.
That's one argument, although it is wrong. The Dems need only three of six probable GOP defectors; they may all defect.

At least you are consistent in your progressive/leftist delusions.
“Senate Republicans had to break the rules and force these two nominees through the committee for one reason: they have no answer for the lies and serious ethics problems of Tom Price and Steven Mnuchin,” said Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Adrienne Watson.

Rules were changed, not broken. The approval of Mnuchin and Tom Price is inevitable.

That might sound good in your head Jake, but they are legitimately confirmed and there is nothing the Democrats can do!

Hint saw thing with the SCOTUS! Hahaha

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“Senate Republicans had to break the rules and force these two nominees through the committee for one reason: they have no answer for the lies and serious ethics problems of Tom Price and Steven Mnuchin,” said Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Adrienne Watson.

Rules were changed, not broken. The approval of Mnuchin and Tom Price is inevitable.

Scratch that one off

Once these "traditions" are gone they cannot return. Republicans may win the battles for now, but lose the war

Like just happened to the Democrats. Republicans need to erect a statue of Harry Reid for helping crater the Democratic party and helping the Republicans ascend.

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