GOP Conudrum: Bush vs. Rubio


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Right now, the strongest GOP candidate for President is Jeb Bush, while the best candidate for Vice President is Marco Rubio. The problem is that they both come from the same state (Florida) and will face each other in a bruising primary contest. Do you think this will eliminate the possibility of a Bush/Rubio ticket, and is geographic balance no longer an important consideration?
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Right now, the strongest GOP candidate for President is Jeb Bush, while the best candidate for Vice President is Marco Rubio. The problem is that they both come from the same state (Florida) and will face each other in a bruising primary contest. Do you think this will eliminate the possibility of a Bush/Rubio ticket, or is geographic balance no longer an important consideration?
Why should someone's past political geography be a factor? I can see a Jeb/Rubio ticket. But really... I cannot wait for the debates to start.
Right now, the strongest GOP candidate for President is Jeb Bush, while the best candidate for Vice President is Marco Rubio. The problem is that they both come from the same state (Florida) and will face each other in a bruising primary contest. Do you think this will eliminate the possibility of a Bush/Rubio ticket, or is geographic balance no longer an important consideration?

Aside from the fact that they've both betrayed the conservative base, this ticket automatically gives the electoral votes of Florida to the Dems.
I keep hearing this "Jeb is the strongest candidate" bullshit. He is reviled by a significant segment of his own party, much the same as hitlary is in hers. These are not the strongest candidates, but both sides are told they are.

If the establishment gets it's way, I'm writing in a cartoon character or a muppet.
Since we have a meat muppet in office now, I'm leaning towards cookie monster.

I keep hearing this "Jeb is the strongest candidate" bullshit. He is reviled by a significant segment of his own party, much the same as hitlary is in hers. These are not the strongest candidates, but both sides are told they are.

If the establishment gets it's way, I'm writing in a cartoon character or a muppet.
Since we have a meat muppet in office now, I'm leaning towards cookie monster.



Yes I'm implying that obozo is "The Cock Monster".

Jeb has the Bush baggage. Marco, from my conversations with him, is a stand up guy. He's really a personable guy that can relate to anyone. It doesn't hurt that he's a good looking man with a gorgeous wife and cute kids.
He's not all of the things I want in a POTUS, but he's closer to my ideal than Jeb Bush and I feel, a lot more electable.
Right now, the strongest GOP candidate for President is Jeb Bush, while the best candidate for Vice President is Marco Rubio. The problem is that they both come from the same state (Florida) and will face each other in a bruising primary contest. Do you think this will eliminate the possibility of a Bush/Rubio ticket, and is geographic balance no longer an important consideration?

Your ignorance of the Electoral College is funny?

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