GOP has cemented it's lock on the Senate for decades to come

In 2026, almost twice as many Senate repubs will be up for re-election as dems, so I think there's a good chance the Senate will flip back to the dems.
In 2026, almost twice as many Senate repubs will be up for re-election as dems, so I think there's a good chance the Senate will flip back to the dems.
See below.
Which 4 GOP senators are vulnerable and why do you think so?
Why do you think the Dem senators in GA VA and MI are safe?


Right now it's 53 to 47, and it can only go up from there.

It's simple math, people. There are a lot more red states than blue. And with the flipping of Democrat seats in Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, the transformation is irreversible. Democrats can't win in these red states because they are not in power to steal elections. There are now NO Democrat senators in red states, and the seven swing states are still up for grabs. Should the Republicans sweep all those states, their majority would be up to 62 to 38. The Senate now mirrors the electorate, and that is a great thing. With Republicans in the presidency, they have a real chance to create a dominamt Supreme Court and clean up this country once and for all.

No wonder people are in a celebratory mood! So many reasons to feel great right now.

The coup de grace would be a 7-2 or 8-1 Supreme Court.
For a generation or two.

It's the only thing that can return our country to greatness. The left as it exists now needs to be completely removed from access to power, at every level down to the lowliest local official, until they can regain some sense of sanity.
It's the only thing that can return our country to greatness. The left as it exists now needs to be completely removed from access to power, at every level down to the lowliest local official, until they can regain some sense of sanity.
Given their reaction to the 2024 election, that's likely to be a while.

Right now it's 53 to 47, and it can only go up from there.

It's simple math, people. There are a lot more red states than blue. And with the flipping of Democrat seats in Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, the transformation is irreversible. Democrats can't win in these red states because they are not in power to steal elections. There are now NO Democrat senators in red states, and the seven swing states are still up for grabs. Should the Republicans sweep all those states, their majority would be up to 62 to 38. The Senate now mirrors the electorate, and that is a great thing. With Republicans in the presidency, they have a real chance to create a dominamt Supreme Court and clean up this country once and for all.

No wonder people are in a celebratory mood! So many reasons to feel great right now.
Everything is two years.
See below.
Which 4 GOP senators are vulnerable and why do you think so?
Why do you think the Dem senators in GA VA and MI are safe?

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In 13 of 20 midterms since World War II, the party in the White House has lost at least one seat. While I can't tell at this early date which seats might flip, it is possible that some senators will retire for whatever reason and those seats could become vulnerable. And also possible that the democrats will obstruct the GOP's agenda at pretty much every turn and the lack of progress could result in a push for a change. I think Trump has to be careful not to alienate people, and frankly I don't think he cares about that and he should cuz if he loses the Senate then his chances of getting anything done in his last 2 years would be about nil. He won't be on the ballot per se, but in some places the independent voters could decide not to vote for the GOP candidate or even switch to the democrat.

This isn't something I want to happen, but in politics being complacent isn't a good thing.
In other words...
You have no answer to my questions.

Any answer I might give would be totally subjective. In other words, nobody knows nothin' and I'm not about to get into a debate where nobody knows nothin'. But if you have to have an answer then here it is: I don't know. And you know what? You don't either.

I do not want to see a democrat-controlled Senate or House, nor a democrat in the White House, certainly not at the same time. But I am not so naive as to believe that can't happen, maybe even beginning in 2026 if the economy craters.
In 2026, almost twice as many Senate repubs will be up for re-election as dems, so I think there's a good chance the Senate will flip back to the dems.
Meh, I don't put any stock in polls or predictions. Too often they are proven wrong, especially as pertains to elections. Best to just wait and see.

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